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India Escalates Tensions With Pakistan on 67th Independence Day


Oct 31, 2009
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United States
Haq's Musings: Border Skirmishes Mar 67th Independence Day Celebrations in India and Pakistan

India and Pakistan are preparing to observe their 67th Independence Anniversary amid growing tensions at the Line of Control (LoC) in the disputed Kashmir region. The current dangerous escalation between two nuclear-armed South Asian neighbors is a reminder of the conflict rooted in continuing denial of basic rights to the people of people of Indian-held Kashmir.

Indian occupied Kashmir is described by the Guardian newspaper as "the biggest, bloodiest and also the most obscure military occupation in the world." The paper adds: "With more than 80,000 people dead in an anti-India insurgency backed by Pakistan, the killings fields of Kashmir dwarf those of Palestine and Tibet. In addition to the everyday regime of arbitrary arrests, curfews, raids, and checkpoints enforced by nearly 700,000 Indian soldiers, the valley's 4 million Muslims are exposed to extra-judicial execution, rape and torture, with such barbaric variations as live electric wires inserted into penises".

Instead of acknowledging the reality of the world's most brutal occupation, the Indian government and media are engaging in whipping up anti-Pakistan hysteria to divert attention from it by periodically sparking border incidents with Pakistan. There have also been violent protests orchestrated by Indian politicians outside Pakistani High Commission building in New Delhi. Such tactics raise the fears of escalation and obscure the core issue of Kashmir which underlies the tensions.

The rising Kashmir tensions and Pakistan-bashing help Indian politicians take the focus away from the daily indignities suffered by the ordinary Indians:

1. India as home to the world's largest population of poor hungry and illiterate people.

2. Multiple fierce insurgencies in North East, North West and Central India.

3. India's growing twin deficits, falling rupee and shrinking GDP in USD terms. At current exchange rate, India's GDP is down to $1.66 trillion, more than $200 billion less than it was in Fiscal 2011-12.

4. India leading the world in open defecation.

5. Over 200,000 Indian farmers' suicides in the last ten years.

6. Tens of millions of missing daughters in India.

7. India's high disease burdens and high rates of premature deaths.

Tensions initiated by India to divert attention from its problems also take Pakistan's focus away from its most pressing issues of domestic terrorism, economic crisis and energy shortages.

The result of it is that the ordinary people of the South Asian twins bear the brunt of the long festering problems which get in the way of improving their daily lives. As the two nations celebrate their Independence Day, it's time for their leaders to assess how much damage the continuing confrontation has done to both and resolve to end this conflict through sincere and sustained dialogue.

Haq's Musings: Border Skirmishes Mar 67th Independence Day Celebrations in India and Pakistan
Did know bro before reading.

this guy always swim opposite to flow.... He always stand bright side for pakistan... try to show India is in serious troubles economy is not good blah blah... even his own country is bankrupt he will show some stupid statics saying pakistan is booming with economy....
the only fish in PDF who argue economic condition India is worse and pakistani is booming like rocket.... haq stop nonsense on Independence day.... just enjoy your day buddy...
When I checked out his resume / bio and called the university he says he is attached to- I found out he was fired from it. This is guy is considered one can short of a 6 pack even in american Pakistani circles by most.
when I check out his resume / bio and called the university he says he is attached to- I found out he was fired from it. This is guy is considered one can short of a 6 pack even in american Pakistani circles by most.

However blinkered and patriotic one can be for his country you still have to admit that some of the points mentioned in the article are true. India (and of course Pakistan which no one is denying) has massive problems that need to be sorted and spending billions on eye ball to eye ball confrontation on the LOC and rapid militarisation will not help the poor and down trodden hundreds of millions in India.

He also states that Pakistan has massive problems too and that both countries need to settle this issue before both of us become the world's village idiots. Does India really want to come down to our level? Neither side can afford a war because of the inherent risk of crossing red lines.
Not even PC Magazine's "Person of the Year" either. He was part of a whole team that was given that award. His role was merely minor.

he is a fake and known embarrassment with his rabid views and his propensity to just plain twist facts into lies- which got him fired. Actually , they don't even have him listed as having anything to do with the universities- but because we don't know the time frames- I am generously assuming he worked there but was fired. I doubt he has earned any degree . His business are a fake front of just him- both which failed miserably.

look at one of his crappy website DynArray Corporation - Powerful Solutions for Business Productivity . and the phone number is disconnected. :rofl:
However blinkered and patriotic one can be for his country you still have to admit that some of the points mentioned in the article are true. India (and of course Pakistan which no one is denying) has massive problems that need to be sorted and spending billions on eye ball to eye ball confrontation on the LOC and rapid militarisation will not help the poor and down trodden hundreds of millions in India.

He also states that Pakistan has massive problems too and that both countries need to settle this issue before both of us become the world's village idiots. Does India really want to come down to our level? Neither side can afford a war because of the inherent risk of crossing red lines.

We are not living no saints land.... are we? how does the article gives you sense... he frequently trying to point out India got millions under poverty, Yes India does have... and what is the point to point out that thing in every article? is pakistan rich and developed country... in which area does pakistan is in better place... are you sure PA is not firing on IA.... do you know just in Andhra pradesh GO AP, providing scholor ships and free education for poor students from lkg to engineering and medicine... Lakhs of students get benefited by it who can't afford High education....7 and half laksh professional students getting fee reimbursement ..... Fee Reimbursement Scheme (Andhra Pradesh) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. providing subsidized rice soaps etc...

pakistan is in no place to compare with AP atleast....
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