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India emerges as world's largest arms importer, yet again


Sep 20, 2014
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Ajay Banerjee

Tribune News Service

New Delhi, February 22

India has yet again emerged as the world’s largest buyer of weapons and military equipment, accounting for some 14 per cent of all such international imports, while Russia continues to hold a dominant position, accounting for some 70 per cent of all military equipment supplies to New Delhi.

Saudi Arabia, China, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Australia are the next four biggest global importers.

These trends have emerged from a report released on Monday by the Sweden-based think tank Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). The assessment was done for a five-year period (2011-2015).

Titled ‘Trends in international arms transfers-2015’, it says, “India was the largest importer of major arms in 2011–15, accounting for 14 per cent of the global total.”

Comparing two five years blocks – that is between 2006–10 and 2011–15 – the report says “imports (by India) increased by 90 per cent”.

During the period 2011–15 India’s imports were three times greater than those of either of its regional rivals: China and Pakistan. “A major reason for the high-level of imports is that India’s arms industry has so far largely failed to produce competitive indigenously designed weapons”, said the report. “During the period 2011–15 Russia supplied 70 per cent of India’s arms imports, the USA 14 per cent and Israel 4.5 per cent”.

The SIPRI predicts, “based on existing orders and weapons, Russia will remain, by a significant distance, the main supplier of major arms to India for the foreseeable future”.

Acquisitions from the US are a break with in the recent past. During the period studied by SIPRI, India procured fighter jets, a sea-borne aircraft carrier and Mi-17-V5 helicopters from Russia; specialised transport planes, the C-130-J Super Hercules and the C-17 Globemaster along with maritime surveillance planes the Boeing P8-I from the US; UAV’s and radars from Israel.

The bigger story is, however, China, which, in a sign of an omnipresent threat, has been helping Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma in ramping up military prowess. China is now the third largest exporter of weapons ahead of traditional manufacturers Germany, France and UK. Its biggest benefactors are Pakistan, Bangladesh and Burma — all having a shared boundary with India and could potentially cause trouble for New Delhi. The three countries accounted for 71 per cent of Beijing’s exports during 2011-2015.

New Delhi sees China’s exports to countries around India as a part of its long-term strategy of having a ‘string of pearls’ — a kind of military toe-hold in countries around India.

The five biggest exporters in five year block period 2011-2015 were the US, Russia, China, France and Germany. The US and Russia remained by far the largest exporters, accounting for 33 per cent and 25 per cent, respectively, of all global trade.

India emerges as world's largest arms importer, yet again

Time for some maths.

1. No of hungry people in India = 194 million
Total population = 1. 3 Billion
Percentage of hungry people ~ 14%

2. No of hungry people in Pakistan =- 29 million
India home to world's largest number of hungry people: report - World - DAWN.COM
Total population = 200 million
Percentage of hungry people ~ 14%.

You see how it is ?

But now let us have a look at % of GDP India and Pakistan spend at purchasing weapons
India 1.75%
Pakistan ~3%.

Got some facts ?

Or still laughing at yourself .

sarjenprabhu said:
LoL... now i feel bad for the chinese and Pakistanis here... Chinese love to boast about their self reliance but here they're following india in arm imports :lol:

How dare you compare the shaheens, across the border and dark short idiot bhindus?

Actually Pakistan does not import, SIPRI is a Zionist organisation trying to defame the land of pure .
Time for some maths.

1. No of hungry people in India = 194 million
Total population = 1. 3 Billion
Percentage of hungry people ~ 14%

2. No of hungry people in Pakistan =- 29 million
India home to world's largest number of hungry people: report - World - DAWN.COM
Total population = 200 million
Percentage of hungry people ~ 14%.

You see how it is ?

But now let us have a look at % of GDP India and Pakistan spend at purchasing weapons
India 1.75%
Pakistan ~3%.

Got some facts ?

Or still laughing at yourself .

How dare you compare the shaheens, across the border and dark short idiot bhindus?

Actually Pakistan does not import, SIPRI is a Zionist organisation trying to defame the land of pure .

Bravo my Boy !! Bravo...
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Kid you better read the article before posting it. Yes India has more poverty people But india is doing much better in reducing them...

Again there's a big catch in pakistan 60% of people live below poverty line now compare it with india, India has a population of billion while has aroound 180-200 million.. and Pakistan's Povery rate is climbing.

Over half of Pakistan lives under poverty line: Dar - Pakistan - DAWN.COM

Poverty in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It is Saudi Arabia for 2015. Actually its a shame for India, just because of Pakistan they have to spend that much on defence as they say they don't have any problem with China. Superpower India can't even develop toilets let alone arms.

China dropped from 4 to 7.


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LoL... now i feel bad for the chinese and Pakistanis here... Chinese love to boast about their self reliance but here they're following india in arm imports :lol:
kid, your primitive India cant even make a simple screw, it is beyond a joke when you put your grandeur delusion of 'Superpwer' and 'Make in India' delusion into the context``:lol:
Time for some maths.

1. No of hungry people in India = 194 million
Total population = 1. 3 Billion
Percentage of hungry people ~ 14%

2. No of hungry people in Pakistan =- 29 million
India home to world's largest number of hungry people: report - World - DAWN.COM
Total population = 200 million
Percentage of hungry people ~ 14%.

You see how it is ?

But now let us have a look at % of GDP India and Pakistan spend at purchasing weapons
India 1.75%
Pakistan ~3%.

Got some facts ?

Or still laughing at yourself .

How dare you compare the shaheens, across the border and dark short idiot bhindus?

Actually Pakistan does not import, SIPRI is a Zionist organisation trying to defame the land of pure .

Slam Bam, Thank you Ma'am!!!!!!

That's the way it's done. .. Respect!
high ego
primitive technological know-how
lousy industrial capability
large army
bad planning``
so not surprising, you lot will be the biggest importer for very very very long time,
kid, your primitive India cant even make a simple screw, it is beyond a joke when you put your grandeur delusion of 'Superpwer' and 'Make in India' delusion into the context``:lol:
Ya.. literally everything in India runs on Chinese Maal... we even import basic food material form china... wat to do.. we are so incapable...

Kahan kahan se aa jate hain ...
kid, your primitive India cant even make a simple screw, it is beyond a joke when you put your grandeur delusion of 'Superpwer' and 'Make in India' delusion into the context``:lol:

Change the scripts dude!! Thats how Pakistan is abused and they are the original keepers of that title.
Time for some maths.

1. No of hungry people in India = 194 million
Total population = 1. 3 Billion
Percentage of hungry people ~ 14%

2. No of hungry people in Pakistan =- 29 million
India home to world's largest number of hungry people: report - World - DAWN.COM
Total population = 200 million
Percentage of hungry people ~ 14%.

You see how it is ?

But now let us have a look at % of GDP India and Pakistan spend at purchasing weapons
India 1.75%
Pakistan ~3%.

Got some facts ?

Or still laughing at yourself .

Just to add for 2013:

% of Pakistani population undernourished : 22%
% of Indian population undernourished : 15%

Despite worse record then India, still do not understand why some Pakistanis here mock hunger in India.
Is it poor mathematical and logical reasoning skills or peseudo-shadenfreude.

Prevalence of undernourishment (% of population) | Data | Table
kid, your primitive India cant even make a simple screw, it is beyond a joke when you put your grandeur delusion of 'Superpwer' and 'Make in India' delusion into the context``:lol:

Yes we're importing Screws from Pakistan.... Congrats on being a screw exporter... Pakistan would soon become a number one Exporting
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