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India drops the periodic table, Pythagorean theorem and evolution from school textbooks


Feb 24, 2021
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United States

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I want same in Pakistan but just for " Darwin's theory of evolution" that is just bu*****t
Something doesn't add up. These topics are taught in class 6 or 7, but the article talks of their elimination in class 10 syllabus.
May the Lord (whatever name one calls Him) help the next generation in India to gain actual knowledge instead of pseudo science.

@Joe Shearer dada - would you know if this NCERT dictum is applicable to all states in India? Or is it optional to adopt per State?

This is a very bad omen.

These Modi and BJP cohorts are causing irreparable damage to the future of India.... :(

This is much more serious than the attack on Indian medicinal practices (allopathy)....
Rest of the world has 119 elements, India only has 5: Fire earth water air and cow dung

In rest of the world a^2+b^2=c^2

In India a^2+b^2=cow^2
would you know if this NCERT dictum is applicable to all states in India? Or is it optional to adopt per State?
Some states have openly declared that they intend to put it into the waste-paper basket.

That is not enough, as anyone will conclude after thinking about things even a little bit.

The loss of a scientific outlook, that does not limit itself to memorising by rote formulae from the physical sciences, cannot be repaired.

What is astounding is that the curriculum that at least allowed vast numbers of regressive-minded but superficially qualified individuals to enrich themselves far beyond the previous generations in their families is being jettisoned. It is well-known that jobs available are dropping rapidly, and with these incredibly short-sighted and theologically and politically determined educational policies coming in, overseas opportunities will also now predictably drop down.

As I told someone else, an Indian, a few minutes earlier, the Sangh Parivar is the biggest threat to india's survival as an independent nation.

Finally "Nature" and "Lancet" is becoming political posts instead of content-specific magazines.
this article is fake at best since govt has moved the tables from the 10th standard to the 12th standard curriculum. It has not been removed as stated in the "Nature" articles.

"The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) decision to drop the periodic table from the Class 10 syllabus as part of the rationalisation exercise is being debated hotly. To be sure, the periodic table remains in Class 11 – for those who choose to continue further in the science stream. What cannot be debated, however, is why the periodic table is vital to understand what the world around us is made of."
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Over 4,500 scientists and teachers protest sudden removal of evolution theory and periodic table from Indian textbooks
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Darwinism is against Islam. Darwinism is just a hypothesis, and not a fact.
I do not believe we came from monkeys. Only in USA, people believe in Darwinism.

But the Periodic Table, that is fact. Why would you remove the Periodic Table from books?
Evolution, maybe. But why periodic table and Pythagoras ?
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