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India does better than Pakistan on hunger for the first time

Indians and their fetish for Riaz Haq. :cuckoo:
They abuse him and at the same time love his presence.
You would too, if you put yourself in our shoes. Not the abusing part, but the loving his presence part. It's human nature to feel elated at seeing jealous people trying vainly to belittle our accomplishments, however humble they may be.

When the world applauds us for technological feat, we feel happy; but the icing on the cake is to have a grumpy neighbour barge in and rave about toilets to avoid his feelings of inferiority.

Similarly, Pakistanis always accuse Indians of being partners in crime with Israelis, hell bent on killing muslims. Yesterday we gave a multi million dollar aid package to civilians of Gaza to rebuild their homes that were destroyed by Israeli airstrikes. And guess what the thread turned into? Appreciating the humanitarian gesture? Oh no, Pakistanis raved and roared about India giving aid to foreigners even though we have poverty. India helped the Palestinians in the way that matters - sharing our meager wealth to bring some relief to them. Those Pakistanis knew that their own country can do nothing tangible to help, other than shouting "death to Israel" or "death to USA" and pledging revenge for their muslim brothers, with words and words and words. So when they see India doing what they can't, in comes the likes of Riaz Haq and icewolf.

Note that this concern for India's poor only comes up when India does something worthwhile, something good.

So we treat this effusion of sanctimonious preaching, and telling us how to spend our money, as proof that we are doing something good. No accomplishment is complete without being belittled by those fellows.

Note that I am not generalizing about all Pakistanis, just those priggish posters who display fake concern for our poor and hungry, and cynically use them as an excuse to scorn anything good we do that they know they can't.
Too bad @RiazHaq will have to come up with a different reason why India shouldn't be spending anything on Space!!!

(Not) to rub it in, but India seems to have got both -- space program and a better Hunger Index (albeit we've still got a lot of ground to cover!).

OTOH, not investing on Space Program didn't help Pakistanis even with their hunger numbers. Let us hear what @RiazHaq has got to say about this (with his fancy graphs)!!!
Too bad @RiazHaq will have to come up with a different reason why India shouldn't be spending anything on Space!!!

(Not) to rub it in, but India seems to have got both -- space program and a better Hunger Index (albeit we've still got a lot of ground to cover!).

OTOH, not investing on Space Program didn't help Pakistanis even with their hunger numbers. Let us hear what @RiazHaq has got to say about this (with his fancy graphs)!!!

Oh, I'll tell you. He will point out the fact that India has a larger absolute number of impoverished people than Pak. Which is hardly surprising, because India has about 900 million more people than Pak. We also have more rich people and more tall people and more short people, for the same reason. But screw the obvious - more poor than Sub Saharan Africa (again, most of those countries have a population smaller than many of our states) will be the stick to beat India with.

Average income or per capita GDP is what matters, and we are ahead of Pakistan on that count, and improving faster. We are lifting millions (in fact tens of millions) out of poverty every year. As abingdonboy pointed out, we should not really be comparing ourselves with them on such metrics - but what else can we point out to these poverty trolls?
‘Malnourishment declined sharply among children in India’ - The Hindu


‘We are getting a better hold on cyclones’ - The Hindu: Mobile Edition
Congratulations Indians for your achievement feeding more mouths mean happiness from the lower class.. Go on India perhaps it is not our time now but wish us luck!! and may we remain peaceful.
Well Said Bro! Appreciate it.
I hope Pak get rid of current issues and progress on path of peace and prosperity! Peace in South Asia and world!
i cant post the link yet......small number of posts.
i wanted to give ghi (global hunger index) score of all south asian countries but now that i have to write it
i will give the scores of india and pakistan
ghi - india : 31.2 (extremely alarming category)
pakistan : 26.7 (alarming)
ghi - india : 26.9 (alarming)
pakisan : 23.3 (alarming)
ghi- india : 25.5 (alarming)
pakistan : 22.1 (alarming)
ghi - india : 24.2 (alarming)
pakstan : 21.0 (alarming)
ghi - india : 17.8 (serious)
pakistan : 19.1 (serious
the above data and the data of all the other countries are available at ifpri
Well you know why that is, on PDF. Any time India does something that Pakistan cannot hope to do in their wildest dreams, the hunger trolls have a field day lamenting about hunger in India. Whether we aquire a nuclear sub, or put a satellite in orbit around mars, or give four million dollars to Palestinians to rebuild their homes - people like @Icewolf will jump in with crocodile tears for India's poor. So a news like this will be highlighted by Indians, to remind Pakistanis that Pak is not Norway either.

On other platforms, like our media or public discourse or polity circles, nobody indulges in pointless comparisons to Pakistan. We are raising our living standards for our benefit and quality of life - what Pakistanis think of us is really the last of our concerns.
Bro I understand and I am not objecting to posting news about India moving up on this scale- that is good news. But i have an issue with whomever framing this (relative) success in the context of Pakistan. I understand the petty mentality that is behind this but it is this kind of thinking that I think can get out of control and be toxic if all india is interested in is beating Pakistan India isn't going to raise up to where it can be and won't achieve all it should.

Beating a war-ravaged, crumbling and non-functioning nation is not really much of an achievement, is it? Like I said, I want India to compare itself to the Singapore of Asia not the Somalia.

i cant post the link yet......small number of posts.
i wanted to give ghi (global hunger index) score of all south asian countries but now that i have to write it
i will give the scores of india and pakistan
ghi - india : 31.2 (extremely alarming category)
pakistan : 26.7 (alarming)
ghi - india : 26.9 (alarming)
pakisan : 23.3 (alarming)
ghi- india : 25.5 (alarming)
pakistan : 22.1 (alarming)
ghi - india : 24.2 (alarming)
pakstan : 21.0 (alarming)
ghi - india : 17.8 (serious)
pakistan : 19.1 (serious
the above data and the data of all the other countries are available at ifpri
India has done well to go from substantially behind Pakistan on this front to quite far ahead (relatively) but this should be the spring board to further success and India needn't look backwards now.
India has done well to go from substantially behind Pakistan on this front to quite far ahead (relatively) but this should be the spring board to further success and India needn't look backwards now.
best performer is bangladesh from 36 to 19 ........ and srilanka as expected is best in south asia.......i hope india doesnt look backward but what you said about comparison with pakistan, there is a context to it ....at least here in this forum.........though i agree that welfare of people should be free from all those bragging and motives we display at pdf
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