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India difficult place to do business; more reforms needed, says World Bank

Discuss the topic dont shoot the msgr you have no rights to judge...What a judgmental lot you people are ...Each and EVERY indian seems to have the same question ....but when Pakistanis questioned @SpArK burned like the @SpArK in his name :tsk: see mr. nonsense it is common...Show me 1 thread I opened where indians didnt question!

@SpArK educate your people please :coffee:

You don't see the irony? Every this is pakistan for you.
Discuss the topic dont shoot the msgr you have no rights to judge...What a judgmental lot you people are ...Each and EVERY indian seems to have the same question ....but when Pakistanis questioned @SpArK burned like the @SpArK in his name :tsk: see mr. nonsense it is common...Show me 1 thread I opened where indians didnt question!

@SpArK educate your people please :coffee:

Please refrain from tagging me hundred times a day.

Tag Horus or Webby instead.
Please refrain from tagging me hundred times a day.

Tag Horus or Webby instead.
what are you a TT for? Only to give negative ratings to Pakistanis? You were chasing me all over that thread to explain IT IS OK FOR a member of another country to open threads...Go chase your countrymen and drill it in their brains!
In Pakistan, we also need to evolve our own policies since IMF and WB are sucking the sap out of our economy like zombies.

This is because pakistan got stuck into whirlpool of economic woes and had to take loan from WB to escape default. so few yrs down the line you have to see your self how to pursue policies benefiting your people and not to be guided by world bank policies alone
what are you a TT for? Only to give negative ratings to Pakistanis? You were chasing me all over that thread to explain IT IS OK FOR a member of another country to open threads...Go chase your countrymen and drill it in their brains!

Please refrain from tagging me hundred times a day. Tag Horus or Webby instead.
Please refrain from tagging me hundred times a day. Tag Horus or Webby instead.
You took the liberty yesterday why the double standard when the tables are turned and your flag is under question?

Hypocrisy at its best!
This is because pakistan got stuck into whirlpool of economic woes and had to take loan from WB to escape default. so few yrs down the line you have to see your self how to pursue policies benefiting your people and not to be guided by world bank policies alone
Our problem is corruption and mismanagement and the so-called democracy champions have corrupted each and every system.
Our problem is corruption and mismanagement and the so-called democracy champions have corrupted each and every system.

India too has faced such situations and corruption has always been an issue here too but development projects have gone through too. Its second term of democracy in India without any army rule so by next term you might see more options coming for people to vote.

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