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India develops electronic device to counter radio controlled bombs

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It will also mess with other devices. Hence not used by other nations.

Is there a way to block hostile signals and let friendly ones pass?

did you just pull that out of your A___. because the US deploys many of such similar technologies in Afghanistan.
Like our worthy politicians?

Actually our Holy Neta log should be made to volunteer for testing such devices and see if the device actually works.

Laga to teer nahin to tukka

I think given the technological advancement of the US....they would have thought of jammers to counter IEDs a long time ago....Afghan/Iraqi IEDs are not radio controlled...they are pressure sensetive(like mines)....

Been done long time ago since the urgency in Iraq and Afghanistan. And as you said mines and wired IEDs are something that can counter jamming. However there are cons, with wire, it leads to position. And mines are unpredictable killing random people and not troops. To counter mines theres mine rollers to detonate them before it hits a vehicle. But the most important of all is human intel. Have people warning troops that there is danger ahead.

Forgot to mention there is development on ground penetrating sensor to detect IEDs ahead. Just waiting for technology to mature.
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did you just pull that out of your A___. because the US deploys many of such similar technologies in Afghanistan.

If you put it that way, then yes. I did pull it out of my *** full of common sense. Try doing a bit of research before having your news papers declare winning the war on radio controlled bombs. Pakistan has also successfully deployed the tech for cell based IED's. Its called shutting down phone service for everyone.
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