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India Developing, but still a long way to go

I am not sure but I reckon it would be around $1k, so you would pay around half a million for a 1500 square feet apartment.
ehhh,1k for 1 sqm? so how does it come 500000$ for 150 sqm?

Traffic less MG road!! :eek: Its a rare view :angel:

Must have taken on a Harthal day!! :lol:
No objections :). Even if I had, I will shut up about it because it is peoples' right. What I am doing is disagreeing with your point of view. Nothing more, nothing less.

Addendum: I also disagree with then view that India will totally fail and everything will go kaput. This is also an extreme view held by most Pak1s who have wet dreams about the destruction of India.

The truth, as always, lies somewhere in between. It always will be until observed otherwise. In case of India this is especially true.


Pleasure! Nice to have a healthy disagreement w/o going all ballistic.

Pak comment may or may not be true, but it`s hardly appropriate here, wot?

I was thinking, the US and specially Russia have no major friends.
India is friends with both! What a time for modern, Republic of India never mind history.
Japan, Germany, England, France and even China don't have major issues with India like in the days of the cold war.

The commonwealth countries like Oz, Canada, Singapore, UAE (read Dubai) and NZ are starting to get 'owned' by Indians. Any major commonwealth city is now loaded with Indians to the extent that many sport 'Inditowns' Vs. Chinatown, which are going hung-ho as well. Not a bad time to be Indian. Think of all the back home connections.

Almost There, An 'Indian' Vehicle Mahindra That


Good example above, Mahindra was a ho-hum Co. for yrs. and in the last 20 yrs. has scaled up to better then developing country vehicles standards and owns the home turf. With Korean Ssangyong in the bag, expect Mahindra to grow up in 3-5 yrs. If they slash prices re: 'Indian prices'; they could go fully Global. Or take TCS whose cap hit ~ $ 40-50 Billion and is now # 2 after IBM. Punters say TCS will hit $ 100 Billion.

New IT SEZ, Hyderabad

- This is where India is unbeatable


Perspectively, the top 5 Indian listed Co.'s have a cap outpacing whole Pak. economy.
Mumbai MMR- Pune belt has a bigger economy then all of Pak. in value!

I will be content if India hit's $ 10,000 GDP mark from about $ 3500 PPP now.
At that level, India will be out of the psychotic, desperado, fatal mind-set. A good election and a good 5 yrs. of pumping, near 10 % growth will do it, or 7-10 yrs. at current average growth.

Another thing that will do it is slashing energy imports. India don't import $hit. Only energy. Oil-Gas-Coal. With plenty of gas and coal coming online in the next 3-5 yrs., remainder imports will be crude oil*, savings here too. India is a new age economy the major exports are in either sunrise sectors like IT, Auto & Pharma with little competition from rivals like China, Pak., Indonesia, Argentina, Turkey etc. or traditional stuff also with little competition like jewellery, refined crude oil, basmati, spices, tea etc.

Vrandavan Banglore IT Park


The jump to $ 25,000 will be easy. But going up to the rich West's level of approx. $ 50,000 will be tougher. About 2050.

* India to save $8.5 billion in oil imports from Iran: Veerappa Moily to PM

(c) http://economictimes.indiatimes.com...veerappa-moily-to-pm/articleshow/22202044.cms
Expected Price Rs. 2,25,000 - Rs. 2,50,000

This would be an ideal replacement for the Italian inspired 3-wheeler autorickshaws made by Bajaj and others.



BMW to assemble Mini cars in India



The all new Tata mini car's are Global smashers and Maruti killers at home, forget autos.

At quoted prices, they have multiple hits coming up. Tata Motor stock's gonna boom. I can see millions of $3000-5000 Pixels and Megapixels in newly built Indian ports' car export lots heading to rising Africa, recessionary Europe, Af-Pak, Lat-Am and Indonesia-Asean. Tata's have excellent connections in China and if they bag the Chinese middle class with the new Pixel series, ... phew!
Maybe even put in a bid for Fiat-Chrysler bs combine. Inversely, BMW is now a mass manufacturer of 'mass luxury' brands. Used to be an elite, niche player.

However, it can seed the Indian market with a watered down, Maruti-Hyundai bashing Bharat Mini a la Bharat Benz. In 20 yrs., said end users will grow up to buy the other mini series cars, and some will jump onto the BMW bandwagon too.

Or BMW could sit pretty and take the customers off the top, why risk?
Expected Price Rs. 2,25,000 - Rs. 2,50,000

This would be an ideal replacement for the Italian inspired 3-wheeler autorickshaws made by Bajaj and others.





BMW to assemble Mini cars in India
BBC News - BMW to assemble Mini cars in India
BMW is to begin building the Mini in India, in a move that suggests confidence in the country's emerging car market.

The German carmaker said Mini Countryman models would be rolling off the production line at its plant in the port city of Chennai later this year.

It described India as an "increasingly significant market" for the BMW Group,

Car sales in India have grown rapidly in recent years, attracting investment from major brands.

BMW has operated its own sales company in India since 2007, and began selling the Mini in the country in 2012.

It sold just over 300 Minis in the first year.

Savings on tariffs
BMW said the decision to move production there was in line with its "production follows the market" strategy.

Analysts suggest the move will help BMW save on import duties.

Continue reading the main story
Mini's strategy

The Mini factory in Cowley will remain at the heart of the carmaker's operations
BMW Group is increasingly making cars close to where its customers are
The Indian market is central to Mini's growth strategy
100 years of carmaking in Oxford
India charges 100% tariffs on the import of fully built cars, but just 30% on cars assembled domestically from imported parts.

Currently, the Mini is built in the UK and Austria, while BMW's Chennai plant already makes several BMW models for the Indian market.

Weaker market
Mini's move suggests growing confidence in the Indian market, where car ownership is just 1.5 cars per 100 people in one of the world's fastest growing economies.

But although sales have risen strongly in recent years, the latest figures suggest the market is experiencing a sharp slow-down.

Figures released last week by the Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers showed sales fell by 6.7% over the last 12 months - the first fall in a decade.

That has forced some domestic brands to cut production and showroom prices.



BMW is now a mass manufacturer of 'mass luxury' brands. Used to be an elite, niche player.

However, it can seed the Indian market with a watered down, Maruti-Hyundai bashing Bharat Mini a la Bharat Benz.
In 20 yrs., said end users will grow up to buy the other mini series cars, and some will jump onto the BMW bandwagon too.

Or BMW could sit pretty and take the customers off the top, why risk?

If anything is going to replace the 3 wheeler Auto rickshaw it is going to be the Quadcycle ie the RE60:


The GoI has just legalised these.
If anything is going to replace the 3 wheeler Auto rickshaw it is going to be the Quadcycle ie the RE60:


The GoI has just legalised these.


Bajaj Sr. is an MP, sure it will be legit; fact is no matter if the govt. gives it 'insider' treat, tax and other favoured breaks, she's still a car by another name. Quadracycle-Shuadracyle my a$$!

And there's nothing wrong with auto's. 3-wheeler auto rickshaws are quiet the environment friendly, ideal last mile transport for developing countries. Cheap, effective and appropriate adaptation for densely packed yet sunny India. 'Baby Taxi's', cute too ;) .

The best of Co.'s fiddle the law on their side. The East India Co., the Rockefellers, the Bajajs do it so what's new. All it says is that Bajaj is leaping into the Indian small-to-micro car segment big time. No reason why Bajaj should not, in their time Suzuki, Mahindra, Tata and others got favours from the govt. Incidently, Mahindra Sr. is also an MP.

Bajaj Sr. is an MP, sure it will be legit; fact is no matter if the govt. gives it 'insider' treat, tax and other favoured breaks, she's still a car by another name. Quadracycle-Shuadracyle my a$$!

And there's nothing wrong with auto's. 3-wheeler auto rickshaws are quiet the environment friendly, ideal last mile transport for developing countries. Cheap, effective and appropriate adaptation for densely packed yet sunny India. 'Baby Taxi's', cute too ;) .

The best of Co.'s fiddle the law on their side. The East India Co., the Rockefellers, the Bajajs do it so what's new. All it says is that Bajaj is leaping into the Indian small-to-micro car segment big time. No reason why Bajaj should not, in their time Suzuki, Mahindra, Tata and others got favours from the govt. Incidently, Mahindra Sr. is also an MP.

Most industery experts and car enthusiasts on other sites disagree with you bro. They say the RE60 and the QuadCycles others may bring out are the nail in the coffin for the 3 wheelers.
Most industery experts and car enthusiasts on other sites disagree with you bro. They say the RE60 and the QuadCycles others may bring out are the nail in the coffin for the 3 wheelers.

How much would a QuadCycle cost vis-a-vis a rickshaw? I do not think rickshaws will go away so easily, rickshaw walas have had their income slashed in recent years due to increasing fuel prices and other factors so they cannot afford these I think. This will require a big change, like emergence of private rickshaw services like taxi services that hire drivers. Then sales for these new vehicles will surely pick up.

Most industery experts and car enthusiasts on other sites disagree with you bro. They say the RE60 and the QuadCycles others may bring out are the nail in the coffin for the 3 wheelers.

How much would a QuadCycle cost vis-a-vis a rickshaw? I do not think rickshaws will go away so easily, rickshaw walas have had their income slashed in recent years due to increasing fuel prices and other factors so they cannot afford these I think. This will require a big change, like emergence of private rickshaw services like taxi services that hire drivers. Then sales for these new vehicles will surely pick up.
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Right. 10+% growth for the next 10 years will solve almost all problems related to poverty. Why I see this as less likely right now is that somehow the government is so damn reluctant to push through some critical economic reforms? Why? I have been wondering about this for a long time and have not had a clear answer. For example, it is almost so easy to take care of the food shortage in one big sweep!. All we need to do is to fix the go-downs and modernize the distribution system and the 60% of the food grains that rot away today will stop, food prices will come down and farmers and everyone will be happy. This should have done 20 years ago but it is still the way it is :(. Either the government is incapable of doing it or it is not in their best interest. Either way it needs to go if that is the case. Apathy in anything is to me, most sickening!


Facts, not TV/media sensations, but hard facts!

India solves it's problems systemically, they are large problems.
Some of India's problems go back 100's if not 1000 yrs., other's have amplified or diluted.
    • The low hanging fruit of economic reforms have done well. All industrial and services sectors have actually boomed beyond belief. In 20 yrs., $ 108 Billion IT, $ 25 Billion crude refining or $ 10 Billion exports and huge local consumtion are good eg.'s. These sectors grew 20-35 %.
    • Economic reforms re: subsidies, labour, land, minerals, farming are very hard to take on as they have even stronger vested interests then business sectors. No change till elections. Then things will change slowly. This Aadhar scheme is basically an anti-subsidy pilfering scheme. Will be done in a couple of yrs. This may add 1-2 % to India's GDP. Farming reform, mining reform will add 2-3 %. Labour and land reform may even add 3-5 % to the economy because India is a 80% arable land + worlds' largest labour pool country.
    • The above will expand markets and the manufacturing and services industries will recover to decent growth again. With all sectors synchronised, a long, sustained 35-50 yr. 8-10 % boom will start by midway for the next govt.

Want to know about the fall of the Ind. Rs. ?

  • The Rs. fall is fantastic news for Indian economy since India doesn't import $hit! Only exports.
    The falling Rs. make Indian IT, Auto, Refinery, gems & jewellery $ export sectors boom. Inversely, $ and hard currency remittance inflows get a boost. Both are among the world's largest and in the $ 100's of Billions!

    Put another way, India's economy grew ~ 15-18 % in that one shot of the Rs. downgrade.

    The major import item of energy - oil & gas, are from 'friends' Iraq, Iran, S. Arabia, Oman, UAE who trade on easy terms, often Rs. terms. 1/2 the stuff is paid for in Rs. eg. Iran.

Western Maharashtra's, and now Gujarat's water problems of before are hardly mega issues now re: dams and canal networks, specially in West Maharashtra on the dry, inland side where little rain and run-off meant dry, barren land. Gu. is a relatively new state hived off from erstwhile Bombay presidency via Rajasthan

Since British days this area, like colonial Punjab, produces cotton and alcohol grade sugarcane by the truck loads.
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