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India Developing, but still a long way to go

UST Global pic, Kerala is surreal with its single fluttering Tree vs. Tower vs. Sky. Art shot.

Abingdonboy sweet, epic Delhi Metro shots.

Off topic, IIT systems output = ~ 10,000 grads; must be the most powerfull engg. system in the world now. What about the promised 100 ?

Oh, then BIT, Anna, IIIT, NIT and soon, even ITI systems, baap-re.

Re. 'East or West's' post below;
Sorry, travelling. And u r pic. police?
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Technopark Phase III,Trivandrum


UST Global pic, Kerala is surreal with its single fluttering Tree vs. Tower vs. Sky. Art shot.

Abingdonboy sweet, epic Delhi Metro shots.

Off topic, IIT systems output = ~ 10,000 grads; must be the most powerfull engg. system in the world now. How about the promised 100 ?

Less talk and more pictures Joshi.
Mr. Nair, I checked wiki for Tech park details re. your pics.

It's coming up to 10 mil.sq./ft. Incredible!
That's about 1 million seats. 1 suburb of capital throws up that many direct, white collar jobs in past decades in 1 spot and growing - Incredible.

Each such job generates 7-10 secondary and tertiary jobs. That's millions of jobs when entire Kerala pop. is only like 30 million, working class maybe only 15 million of which 5 mil. work outside the state. Gulf, Bombay even Karachi were traditional examples.

Job boom in Kerala?
This is good. Kerala desperately needs jobs. I'm still wondering why there is unemployment there. @Mr.Nair, any insights?
Mr. Nair, I checked wiki for Tech park details re. your pics.

It's coming up to 10 mil.sq./ft. Incredible!
That's about 1 million seats. 1 suburb of capital throws up that many direct, white collar jobs in past decades in 1 spot and growing - Incredible.

Each such job generates 7-10 secondary and tertiary jobs. That's millions of jobs when entire Kerala pop. is only like 30 million, working class maybe only 15 million of which 5 mil. work outside the state. Gulf, Bombay even Karachi were traditional examples.

Job boom in Kerala?

Technopark Trivandrum is having 4 phases.Phase 1 saturated,Phase II is having UST Technologies & Infosys,Phase III is the picture above with 1 million sq.feet and Phase 4 is more outskirts from Trivandrum city in which TCS planning for more than 6 million sq.feet global training campus.This is a 50,000 software professionals training campus a year.Other campus also have land in phase 4 like Infosys etc.In a 2 year time, there will be 1 lakh software professionals in Technopark.

This is good. Kerala desperately needs jobs. I'm still wondering why there is unemployment there. @Mr.Nair, any insights?

Literally almost all people have education and industrial base is less compared to other parts of india.Moreover we have been ruled mostly by stupid communists with labour unions so that even a keralite dare to start an industry in kerala except few.The labour cost also very having and it comes 700-800 and goes even 1000 rupees/day for a labour and scarcity of land for industries.A graduate or a post graduate will not prefer to go for a labour job.By combination of all these problem, unemployment is high.
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