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India Developing, but still a long way to go

With these massive developments, are cities like Mumbai getting cleaner? Are there projects for that? And are there good public places in Mumbai?

Does India have the infrastructure to maintain high raises , like window cleaning ,painting, repairs, fire extinguishing etc?

Kabootar talk, India is the INFRA country r8 now, you don't know? Wake up. Check:


Infrastructure in India is the world's largest, 1 shot infra roll-out. Bigger than the US, Gulf or China in their infra heydays. It's a Global investment bonanza, and everybody including the US, EU, Russia, Japan, Gulf, Malaysia, Canada and Oz., Iran, S. Africa, Brazil, Singapore, even China is an investment player, except Pakistan ;(.

Mumbai-Pune Rd.


Delhi Gurgaon Darwaza
Among world's biggest


For the bitc ... sorry, 'lady dogs' worried about (c), feel free to click the pic., cut & paste the and post same. For those in the know, (c) is embedded, literally, on the net in the source itself.
Japan keen to sell bullet train knowhow to India

Ashok Tuteja/TNS

New Delhi, May 27
Covering a distance of 1400 km between Delhi and Mumbai in eight hours by train could well become a reality if India were to adopt Japan’s high-speed rail technology or ‘Shinkansen’, Tokyo has claimed. It will strongly pitch for exporting ‘Shinkansen’ to India during talks between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who is now on a visit to Tokyo for the annual India-Japan Summit.

Confirming that the project was under New Delhi’s active consideration, Manmohan Singh told Japanese journalists last week that the Indian Railways has looked into the possibility of High Speed Rail (HSR) corridors for passenger traffic in their long term perspective plans.

“Japan’s ‘Shinkansen’ system is well known for its efficiency and safety record. Such capital-intensive projects will be considered in accordance with our infrastructure requirement, national priorities and financial resources,” he said.

Diplomatic sources here said Japan proposed to launch a major marketing drive to sell the technology to India. Exporting Japanese infrastructure is said to be one of the main targets of the Abe Government.

‘Shinkansen’ train goes as fast as 170 miles per hour. It is known worldwide for reliability, safety and punctuality. Since it was inaugurated in 1964, the ‘Shinkansen’ has had a remarkable record of high-speed operation, safety, volume of transport and punctuality.

India has been considering importing the bullet train technology from Japan for quite some time. New Delhi has drawn up a blueprint to build a high-speed rail system to cope with expanding demand for intercity travel amid a fast-growing economy. The Railways Ministry has unveiled plans to build six high-speed lines to link major industrial and population hubs in the country.

The Japanese have already undertaken a feasibility study regarding bullet train projects on the Delhi, Agra, Bangalore, Chennai and Hyderabad routes.

China has also shown interest in exporting its high-speed train technology to India. The issue had come up during the India-China strategic economic dialogue held in New Delhi last year.

The Tribune, Chandigarh, India - Main News

This is for semi-HSR,not HSR
For the bitc ... sorry, 'lady dogs' worried about (c), feel free to click the pic., cut & paste the and post same. For those in the know, (c) is embedded, literally, on the net in the source itself.

I expected better, but then you're a walking talking pain in the behind so I should've known better. If you had half a brain, it'd be obvious that I wasn't talking about Humayun's and Ayesha Dhunrue's watermarked photos, and that I wasn't only refering to you in my post. Let me spell it out for you again - that was for all of us. Oh...and lame a** try with the usual half baked BS in bold, 'cause had you not been all greedy and paid a bit more attention to what you flicked off skyscrapercity.com, you'd know that I took that picture I quoted in my post above.
And are there good public places in Mumbai?

Now I wish we had more space for public recreation. The truth is - we're starved, and what little space we have, is too little. Apart from the many promenades along the western coastline, the lakes in the north, and Sanjay Gandhi National Park (the only one of its kind in the world within urban limits), the city has many small parks and a few large green lungs for example Shivaji Park, Mahalaxmi Race Course, Oval/Azad maidans etc. strewn across, but clearly, not nearly enough. That said, there are entertainment options here to suit every kind of income group.

Does India have the infrastructure to maintain high raises , like window cleaning ,painting, repairs, fire extinguishing etc?

All new structures including high rises are mandated by law to have Fire Fighting and Prevention equipment, and this is strictly enforced by the BMC. For facade cleaning and maintenance, all new high rises have window cleaning systems and movable mechanical maintenance platforms installed in them. The Bombay Fire Brigade needs to expand big time, though.
Race Course Faces Its Fate

Race Course Faces Its Fate - India Real Time - WSJ

The fate of one of India’s oldest racing tracks—the Mahalaxmi Race Course in Mumbai—hangs in the balance as officials mull what to do with it once its lease expires.

The 99-year-long lease on the land on which the racecourse is built, runs out on May 31, and Mumbai’s mayor is pushing to convert the space into a public leafy park in the style of Hyde Park in London or Central Park in New York.

The race course, built in 1883 on 225 acres of land in the heart of Mumbai, is managed by Royal Western India Turf Club Ltd., which holds the lease.

The land is partly owned by Mumbai’s civic authority, the Birhanmumbai Municipal Corporation, and the Maharashtra State government – the two authorities which will finally decide whether to renew the lease for the race course or not.

“We will acquire our land on May 31 and have requested the state government to convert the entire 225-acre campus into an international-style park,” Mumbai Mayor Sunil Prabhu, who heads the BMC, told India Real Time in an interview. He did not elaborate on the international features of the proposed park.

Mr. Prabhu said a park on the land would serve more people than the race course and attract tourists to Mumbai, he envisages a garden where people could spend the whole day.

An official in Maharashtra chief minister’s office didn’t immediately comment.

The Royal Western India Turf Club Chairman Khushroo Dhunjibhoy, couldn’t immediately be reached. Calls to the club were not answered.

The future of the racecourse has become a topic of public debate in the city.

On Saturday, the Mumbai arm of the Observer Research Foundation, a New Delhi-based think tank, organized a debate about the issue among local residents and members of the Turf Club.

“Our intention was to come up with a solution that benefits (a) larger number of people,” Rishi Aggarwal, a research fellow at ORF, told India Real Time.

The debate became heated at moments, Mr. Aggarwal added, particularly when some taking part described the race course as a “rich man’s club.”

Mr. Aggarwal said that members of the Turf Club told the debate that the walking path on the race course land and their restaurants were already free for the public to use.

Mr. Aggarwal said that his foundation is writing to the civic body to advise them against rushing to renew or cancel the lease agreement on May 31. They should hold a broader public debate to decide on the most suitable use of the property, he added.

The Turf Club is one of the oldest horse racing bodies in India, with more than 7,500 members, according to the club’s website.

It hosts races between November and April at Mahalaxmi, Mumbai and between July and October in the city of Pune, also in Maharashtra.

The club has hosted dignitaries including Queen Elizabeth II, the former Shah of Iran and the King of Saudi Arabia.

The property has a club house, two restaurants, and a walking and jogging track for free public use. It also has a helipad, according to the club’s website.

Although betting is illegal in India, gambling on horse racing, in the confines of the race ground, is allowed, because the sport is considered a game of skill.
I expected better, but then you're a walking talking pain in the behind so I should've known better. If you had half a brain, it'd be obvious that I wasn't talking about Humayun's and Ayesha Dhunrue's watermarked photos, and that I wasn't only refering to you in my post. Let me spell it out for you again - that was for all of us. Oh...and lame a** try with the usual half baked BS in bold, 'cause had you not been all greedy and paid a bit more attention to what you flicked off skyscrapercity.com, you'd know that I took that picture I quoted in my post above.

We Indians (all south+east asians actually) are leaders in piracy. For us (incl. me), things like copyrights n trademarks mean nothing. Even when we live outside and earn in $$, we still carry our desi ethics and don't hesitate in plagiarizing or downloading pirated music and movies. And anyone talking about ethics or other facets of morality, is considered sissy and laughable.

...And then we make grandiose statements about how great our country and its 'sanskaar' are.
We Indians (all south+east asians actually) are leaders in piracy. For us (incl. me), things like copyrights n trademarks mean nothing. Even when we live outside and earn in $$, we still carry our desi ethics and don't hesitate in plagiarizing or downloading pirated music and movies. And anyone talking about ethics or other facets of morality, is considered sissy and laughable.

...And then we make grandiose statements about how great our country and its 'sanskaar' are.

It's kinda sad really.
Now I wish we had more space for public recreation. The truth is - we're starved, and what little space we have, is too little. Apart from the many promenades along the western coastline, the lakes in the north, and Sanjay Gandhi National Park (the only one of its kind in the world within urban limits), the city has many small parks and a few large green lungs for example Shivaji Park, Mahalaxmi Race Course, Oval/Azad maidans etc. strewn across, but clearly, not nearly enough. That said, there are entertainment options here to suit every kind of income group.

All new structures including high rises are mandated by law to have Fire Fighting and Prevention equipment, and this is strictly enforced by the BMC. For facade cleaning and maintenance, all new high rises have window cleaning systems and movable mechanical maintenance platforms installed in them. The Bombay Fire Brigade needs to expand big time, though.

Thanks . That was informative.
I expected better, but then you're a walking talking pain in the behind so I should've known better. If you had half a brain, it'd be obvious that I wasn't talking about Humayun's and Ayesha Dhunrue's watermarked photos, and that I wasn't only refering to you in my post. Let me spell it out for you again - that was for all of us. Oh...and lame a** try with the usual half baked BS in bold, 'cause had you not been all greedy and paid a bit more attention to what you flicked off skyscrapercity.com, you'd know that I took that picture I quoted in my post above.

Have you considered watermarking your photos or adding your signature? Its easier than dealing with us Indians where copyrights is nonexistent. It will also help with your brand.
Have you considered watermarking your photos or adding your signature? Its easier than dealing with us Indians where copyrights is nonexistent It will also help with your brand.

I have, but I've just never gotten around to it. Re: line in bold - If the Indians on skyscrapercity can do it with near perfect consistency, the Indians on defence.pk can do it too :)
I have, but I've just never gotten around to it. Re: line in bold - If the Indians on skyscrapercity can do it with near perfect consistency, the Indians on defence.pk can do it too :)

I think it is a habit that has to to be promoted here.
- " If the Indians on skyscrapercity can do it with near perfect consistency,
the Indians on defence.pk can do it too."


:azn: 'Indians' !
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