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India developing but long way to go ...

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May 7, 2012
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United Kingdom
You know what is the differance between Pakistan and India? Both are developing and have a long way to go. However the essential differance between the two is the focus. In India the focus is dominated about Bollywood, IT, booming industry but the crap end of the stick is conveniently overlooked. On the contrary in Pakistan's case the focus is terrorism, ethnic troubles, religious extremism. The positive narrative is conveniently overlooked.

What they overlook is that the negatives in India are humongous. All countries including Pakistan or even highly developed countries like Norway have problems but it is the scale, yes the scale that defines India. The scale of crap in India is stupendous. Documentary (below) on how the largest democracy treats it's women. Over 10%, yes 10% of India involved in prostitution industry. That is like 130 million Indian's making living out of selling, licking, poking, auctioning, trading pussties. Disgusting.

And @mods you are going to get wave of Gangoos wanting to shut this thread but please show some gonads. Nothing here is fabricated. Everything is factual. If anything is false by all means redact it.

WARNING: The contents are liable to injure and cause distress.

@Solomon2 @Chinese Bamboo @Chinese-Dragon @KediKesenFare @PAKISTANFOREVER @Zibago @Penguin @MastanKhan @Sinopakfriend
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India has come a long way in modernizing its economy, reducing poverty and improving living standards for a large segment of its population.

Its economy has been one of the largest contributors to global growth over the last decade, accounting for about 10% of the world’s increase in economic activity since 2005, while GDP per capita in PPP (purchasing power parity) terms is today three times as high as in 2000.

Yet, this period also witnessed a rise in inequality, which has been mainly driven by income gaps between India’s states, and a growing urban-rural divide. India continues to have the largest number of poor in the world (approximately 300 million are in extreme poverty), and nearly half of the poor are concentrated in five states.

With one of the largest and youngest populations in the world, India needs to create millions of good-quality jobs in the near future to ensure decent living conditions for the vast majority of its citizens.

With one of the largest and youngest populations in the world, India needs to create millions of good-quality jobs in the near future to ensure decent living conditions for the vast majority of its citizens.

why when Indians talk about developing,it is always INCLUDE IT... Is India good at IT ? Does India have any IT companies like GOOGLE BAIDU TENCENT FACEBOOK ALIBABA?is there any famous India software or games?
After getting ahead of India in equity market performance, Pakistan is getting ahead of India in another indicator: economic freedom ranking.

That’s according to the recent 2017 Index of Economic Freedom ranking, which places Pakistan in 141st position and India at 143th.

Does it really matter to anyone?

Yes, to equity market investors. Gains in economic freedom ranking are usually associated with higher economic growth rates and higher equity markets. And the superior performance of Pakistan’s market over that of India’s might as well be a reflection of it.

In fact, a closer look at the ranking components of the two countries reveals that Pakistan has fared better than India in the areas of business development and government spending, which matter a great deal for financial market performance

Pakistan leaves India behind in WEF’s development index


Pakistan beats India hands down in stock returns in the last 16 years

Sorry lhandoo , we are still 100 times better than lhandastan. Indian population is humongous and so is the number of problems. Lhandoos are just jealous that India has way more land area than pakistan.

@Horus @The Eagle @WebMaster @WAJsal @waz @Zaki Please ban this Indian troll he is derailing serious thread and trolling and coming again and again with fake ids and Multiple accounts please IP ban this troll.




Western media and for that matter most of Indian media will not portray a real, positive, progressive picture of Pakistan just to make it look bad and make their own western world or India better than Pakistan. Like the pictures shown above of real Pakistan and the video below...BTW social media is shattering that myth which is constructed by mainstream media...

After getting ahead of India in equity market performance, Pakistan is getting ahead of India in another indicator: economic freedom ranking.

That’s according to the recent 2017 Index of Economic Freedom ranking, which places Pakistan in 141st position and India at 143th.

Does it really matter to anyone?

Yes, to equity market investors. Gains in economic freedom ranking are usually associated with higher economic growth rates and higher equity markets. And the superior performance of Pakistan’s market over that of India’s might as well be a reflection of it.

In fact, a closer look at the ranking components of the two countries reveals that Pakistan has fared better than India in the areas of business development and government spending, which matter a great deal for financial market performance

Pakistan beats India hands down in stock returns in the last 16 years

@Horus @The Eagle @WebMaster @WAJsal @waz @Zaki Please ban this Indian troll he is derailing serious thread and trolling and coming again and again with fake ids and Multiple accounts please IP ban this troll.

That is old news...Now as I am talking, Pakistan stock exchange index is tanking....Pakistani rupee is losing against USD...your exports are falling....your forex reserve is going down and your debt burden is growing.
The only thing missing from Islamic republic of Pakistan is Islam now a days. Wish Allah would ReIslamize Pakistan.

Rest all is Moh Maya!!
This cannot be placed entirely at the foot of economics and poverty. This is related to misogny and something to do with Hinduism. Islam and Muslims recieve lot of flak for placing females at a lower pedestal - which I agree with to a certain extent. Misogny amongst Muslims recieves lots of attention in the West - again it has some basis to it. However what often strikes me is in amongst those in the front shouting against misogny in Pakistan and the Muslim world generally is surprise, surprise Indians - who join in with the far right shaking their heads and pointing fingers. The galls of them !

However it is my opinion the India is the home of misogny. The only religion or people I know in history who insisted that a good wife should walk into flames alive and suffer a death that is beyond belief is the practice opf "Sati". I don't think any other culture or people have even come close to Hindoos in inventing the most evil practice anybody could dream of. Asking a living women to walk into flames all for sake of the male pride and practice of Hinduism. It was the British who removed this curse from India although even now there are cases of Sati reported in India.

However Sati might have been curtailed but the underlying misogny is still there in India and that feeds into for example the practice of killing girls which has caused female/male ratio to be skewed more than any other country in the world. Just how many girls have been murdered to create the distorted male/female ratio?

The point being here is that while the world places more attention on misogny in the Muslim world but beyond the media headlines India is the misogny capital of the world.

That is old news...Now as I am talking, Pakistan stock exchange index is tanking....Pakistani rupee is losing against USD...your exports are falling....your forex reserve is going down and your debt burden is growing.

Look how Indians imports are Increasing and exports are decreasing.

India’s trade deficit narrowed in June after swelling to a 30-month high in May even as exports grew slowly in the month.

Exports grew 4.39%, a four-month low in the 10-months of continuous growth, to $23.5 billion. Imports rose 19% to $36.5 billion leaving a trade gap of $12.9 billion in June. Trade deficit was $8.1 billion in the year ago period and $13.84 billion in May.

Fifteen out of 30 sectors showed an increase in exports. Major commodity groups of export showing positive growth over the corresponding month of last year were engineering goods (14.78%), petroleum products (3.6%), organic & inorganic chemicals (13.2%), rice (27.29%) and marine roducts (24.27%).

That means, Imports 19 percent vs exports 4 percent. Very disturbing news for indian and its unlikely to change anytime soon.
This cannot be placed entirely at the foot of economics and poverty. This is related to misogny and something to do with Hinduism. Islam and Muslims recieve lot of flak for placing females at a lower pedestal - which I agree with to a certain extent. Misogny amongst Muslims recieves lots of attention in the West - again it has some basis to it. However what often strikes me is in amongst those in the front shouting against misogny in Pakistan and the Muslim world generally is surprise, surprise Indians - who join in with the far right shaking their heads and pointing fingers. The galls of them !

However it is my opinion the India is the home of misogny. The only religion or people I know in history who insisted that a good wife should walk into flames alive and suffer a death that is beyond belief is the practice opf "Sati". I don't think any other culture or people have even come close to Hindoos in inventing the most evil practice anybody could dream of. Asking a living women to walk into flames all for sake of the male pride and practice of Hinduism. It was the British who removed this curse from India although even now there are cases of Sati reported in India.

However Sati might have been curtailed but the underlying misogny is still there in India and that feeds into for example the practice of killing girls which has caused female/male ratio to be skewed more than any other country in the world. Just how many girls have been murdered to create the distorted male/female ratio?

The point being here is that while the world places more attention on misogny in the Muslim world but beyond the media headlines India is the misogny capital of the world.

Why does it matter what dirty kuffars like Indians live in their misery? Let them die.

Why are you not focussing on what Allah has sent you on this earth for? To spread his message of Islam and make world Dar al Islam?

What face would you show to Allah on judgment day?

I was poking Kuffars but my efforts to spread Islam - A BIG ZERO?

The fact is the POSITIVES of India far out weigh the negatives

The world wants to hear positive stories which are practically Nil for Pakistan

During Gen Musharraf's time ; Pakistan had a favourable image because then
the economy was doing well

But in the last 8 years both your economic and social problems ( Extremism )
have severally damaged your image and reputation
By the way ; My Country is the root cause of all your personal AILMENTS
such as Acidity ; heartburn ; Anxiety etc

I am sorry for that :lol:
Look how Indians imports are Increasing and exports are decreasing.

India’s trade deficit narrowed in June after swelling to a 30-month high in May even as exports grew slowly in the month.

Exports grew 4.39%, a four-month low in the 10-months of continuous growth, to $23.5 billion. Imports rose 19% to $36.5 billion leaving a trade gap of $12.9 billion in June. Trade deficit was $8.1 billion in the year ago period and $13.84 billion in May.

Fifteen out of 30 sectors showed an increase in exports. Major commodity groups of export showing positive growth over the corresponding month of last year were engineering goods (14.78%), petroleum products (3.6%), organic & inorganic chemicals (13.2%), rice (27.29%) and marine roducts (24.27%).

That means, Imports 19 percent vs exports 4 percent. Very disturbing news for indian and its unlikely to change anytime soon.

India has near $400 billion forex...to correct any trade deficit..what does Pakistan has?
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