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India deploys warships in South China Sea as part of 'Act East' policy


Sep 26, 2018
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India is sending a naval task force to the South China Sea this month to expand security ties with friendly countries, officials said on Wednesday, signalling its intent to play a bigger role in regional efforts to counter China.

The Indian military has been traditionally wary of antagonising China but the mood has hardened following clashes between troops on the disputed land border last year. The government has since drawn closer to the United States in efforts to push back against China.

Four ships including a guided missile destroyer and a missile frigate will be deployed for a two-month period to southeast Asia, the South China Sea and the western Pacific, the navy said in a statement.

"The deployment of the Indian Navy ships seeks to underscore the operational reach, peaceful presence and solidarity with friendly countries towards ensuring good order in the maritime domain..." the navy said.

The South China Sea has become one of many flashpoints in the testy relationship between China and the United States, with Washington rejecting what it calls unlawful territorial claims by Beijing in the resource-rich waters.

In June, a U.S. aircraft carrier group led by the USS Ronald Reagan entered the South China Sea as part of a routine mission and a British carrier group is due to undertake exercises in the Philippine Sea this month.

As part of their deployment, the Indian ships will take part in annual joint war drills involving the United States, Japan and Australia off the coast of Guam, the navy said.

The four countries make up the Quad, an informal group, that U.S. President Joe Biden's administration is promoting as a way to counter an assertive China.

"These maritime initiatives enhance synergy and coordination between the Indian Navy and friendly countries, based on common maritime interests and commitment towards Freedom of Navigation at sea," the Indian navy said in its statement.

China has in the past criticised multilateral military manoeuvres as destabilising to the region.

A big slap to all those who doubted Indian navies blue water capabilities.
This exercise clearly states that we don’t like China, we are ready to play the game.

By all means play with China, none here will stop you guys and neither will the 200M+ Pakistani's either. :-)
But ha, end ma ham ko zaror report dana.
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This is a huge message China
sending 4 indian warships to South.china Sea is telling China India is major regional.power and will.exert it's influence in China s back door.

the exercise involves 2 months of deployment with navies of Vietnam.indonesia and the quad
Indian navy is an irrelevant bug compared to the PLAN. No country on this planet can keep up with the naval shipbuilding capabilities of China. Just see the number of warships and submarines under construction in shipyards. Extraordinary. It won’t be long before the South China Sea becomes China’s private lake.
When children play big people's games, you know what happens!! :sarcastic: :sarcastic:
as usual Indian with their "Breaking news"."Game changer", "surgical strike", China has been dealing with the US and its lacky economically, militarily, almost all aspects in the scale of Indian can never imagine, yet they think they are actually on the chessboard.:agree:
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