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India deploys fighter jets to protect against Pakistan attack

Indian media seems to be obsessed by 9/11...hoping it to repete itself on Indian soil so she can go wild! :crazy:

Sofar we've seen a few pathetic attempts to copy US media:

9/11 - USA Attacked - CNN
12/13 - India under Attack - ToI / Rediff.com
11/26 - Mumbai under Siege, India's 9/11...also referred to as 24/11...exept for the fact that it should be 11/26...:rofl: :pop:

I noticed that aswell, but hey, if they want to be the next superpower, they will have to imitate the current one it seems.
All this drama of "Oh we're under siege or under attack", that's some crazy ****, the only thing i'm getting out of it is that people just want to point fingers SO badly and simply just want WAR.
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