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India deploys fighter jets to protect against Pakistan attack


Sep 27, 2007
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India deploys fighter jets to protect against Pakistan attack

India has deployed MiG 29 combat aircraft at an air base on the outskirts of New Delhi to protect against any threat from Pakistan.

By Rahul Bedi in New Delhi
Last Updated: 12:04PM GMT 19 Dec 2008

The Indian government has accused Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), a Pakistan-based terrorist group, of sending the 10 gunmen who launched attacks across Mumbai, killing more than 170 people. But Pakistan denies the allegation that the attacks were plotted and launched from its soil.

Indian military officials said that stationing three MiG 29s at the Hindon air base outside the capital after 12 years after the planes were removed would cut down its air force’s response time in an emergency situation by at least 10 minutes. Without the deployment, jets would need to be scrambled from bases at Ambala and Bareilly.

“We have deployed our MiG 29 fighter aircraft on a temporary basis for the air defence of the capital from any rogue terrorist aircraft,” said a senior officer, declining to be named.

The warplanes would supplement conventional ground-based air defences including surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft guns.

Officials said the Hindon air base had been reactivated for fighter aircraft operations. It was closed in 1996 after an unusually high number of accidents caused by birds that hover over a nearby abattoir.

India’s military, meanwhile, maintains a state of high alert following the Mumbai strikes.

While the foreign minister Pranab Mukherjeetold parliament recently that war “is not the solution”, defence officials in New Delhi concede that war or precision strikes against Islamist militant camps in Pakistan could not be “entirely discounted”.
"A rogue terrorist aircraft"?
Is this person retarded?
Dear T-birds sir, you are requested to kindly provide the link.
i wonder if the mumbai attacks have effected the minds of indian security officals.
Haha dude is eather a retard or on some serious drugs forsure ! haha :cheesy: :crazy: :hitwall: :lol:
Well Indian should read some Serbian war history, how US F16 shotdown MIG 29. lolzz...didn't stand against F16s.
rogue terrorist aircraft

Wow Raw has there own aircraft didnt no they will attack there own country to make a point but good thing indian air force is on da ball.
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no problims migs are good for paf killing rate after war we say our 100 jets lose and indian 500 no body knows 400 indian mig-21 mig 27 and mig-29.we have good chance to help india fo finish mig-21 i thing indian poilets so happy if pakistan hit mig jets because its flying coffens for them.
"A rogue terrorist aircraft"?
Is this person retarded?

No,he isnt retarded.On the other hand,its you people who have been ill informed about the situation.

Let me put a news link to clear the air for the benefit of our pakistani friends...

India's airports on high alert amid attack warnings

The Associated Press

MUMBAI, INDIA – Airports in India went on high alert Thursday following fresh attack warnings as officials said India suspects two senior leaders of a banned Pakistani militant group orchestrated the deadly Mumbai attacks.

The alert comes as Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari promised the visiting U.S. secretary of state his country would take ``strong action" against any elements in his country involved in the siege.

The new alert that warned of possible airborne attacks focused on three major airports – New Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai – but security was stepped up across the country. No details about the threat were released.

"This is a warning which we have received. We are prepared as usual," India's air force chief, Fali Homi Major, told reporters Thursday.

The British Broadcasting Corp. cited unconfirmed reports from airport officials as saying late Thursday that up to six gunmen had been shot and killed at New Delhi's international airport. But Indian officials told the AP there was a minor incident and no deaths.

Heavily armed guards from India's Rapid Deployment Force manned roadblocks outside airports, while others patrolled inside airport buildings among passengers.

Several extra layers of security were set up and some passengers had bags scanned with devices to check for explosives before entering terminals.

"Passengers have been asked to pass through six-stage security checks," said Brij Lal, a senior police official organizing security at the airport in the northern city of Lucknow.

Nirmala Sharma, a passenger who flew from New Delhi to Lucknow, said her bags were checked half a dozen times and she went through a metal detector three times. "Sometimes it seemed tedious, but it seems to be the need of the hour," she said.

TheStar.com | World | India's airports on high alert amid attack warnings
India's airports on high alert amid attack warnings

who attack india from air just a joke by india gov.i don't think LET now coming from air .can some one clear let have f-22 rapters.
their airforce is on alert coz of the possible air borne attack:crazy:....... last time it wasnt that those terrorists attacked the city using some naval war ship.....they came through sea according to them. it was just a mode of transport. then y is their airforce on alert... are these terrorist gonna attack using a fighter jet next time?????..... even if the terrorist highjack a plane next time their airforce wont be able to do anythign coz there will be passengers in there ........ these indians need to alert their intelligence not their airforce... alertin airforce only goes with wat the thread is about
Indian media seems to be obsessed by 9/11...hoping it to repete itself on Indian soil so she can go wild! :crazy:

Sofar we've seen a few pathetic attempts to copy US media:

9/11 - USA Attacked - CNN
12/13 - India under Attack - ToI / Rediff.com
11/26 - Mumbai under Siege, India's 9/11...also referred to as 24/11...exept for the fact that it should be 11/26...:rofl: :pop:
were is 100 floor buliding in india for 9\11 of india shuld they first make 100+ floor building.
Well let us hope that no war happens. Even the winner will have lost something if war should break out.

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