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India defends ban on Chinese toys


Dec 30, 2008
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India defends ban on Chinese toys

Updated at: 1610 PST, Friday, February 06, 2009

NEW DELHI: India on Friday defended its ban on the import of Chinese toys following a report which said Beijing could challenge the move before the World Trade Organisation.

India prohibited the import of Chinese toys in January for six months.

The ban was implemented on the grounds of "public health and safety", Commerce and Industry Minister Kamal Nath said, adding that the action was "compliant" with WTO rules.

"India is a responsible country and before we take any action we make sure that it should be WTO-compatible," Nath told reporters in the Indian capital.

Some Indian analysts have suggested the move was aimed at shielding India's struggling toy industry against a flood of Chinese imports.

According to the Mumbai-based All India Toy Manufacturers Association, Chinese products make up more than half of India's retail toy market, which was estimated to be over 25 billion rupees (500 million dollars) in 2007.

Earlier this week, the state-run China Daily reported Beijing would be likely to ask the WTO if the Indian ban violated the trade body's rules.
Do they really think that, by doing this they can Counter China's Growing Influence.

Not all Chinese Toys are Unsafe and Pose health Hazards to Children, Many Chinese toys were tested in USA and UK Labs for safety and Many Toys were approved by these Lab Results. Some were rejected as well.

China has a full Right to go to WTO on this Issue.
Hi guys tell how can I post a thread on forum?
I am new here :)
Do they really think that, by doing this they can Counter China's Growing Influence.

Not all Chinese Toys are Unsafe and Pose health Hazards to Children, Many Chinese toys were tested in USA and UK Labs for safety and Many Toys were approved by these Lab Results. Some were rejected as well.

China has a full Right to go to WTO on this Issue.

why do you conclude that countering china's influence is our goal? india has specified the reasons for the ban, if you want to attach other motives, you are only hallucinating.
of course, if you think that china's economy is dependent only on such 'toys', then its up to you.

and yes, let china go to WTO.
why do you conclude that countering china's influence is our goal? india has specified the reasons for the ban, if you want to attach other motives, you are only hallucinating.
of course, if you think that china's economy is dependent only on such 'toys', then its up to you.

and yes, let china go to WTO.

India is doing what it can........ and please don't forget those recommendations of an Indian Professor of Economy about "How to Break the Economy of Pakistan"
India is doing what it can........ and please don't forget those recommendations of an Indian Professor of Economy about "How to Break the Economy of Pakistan"

firstly, china is not pakistan and india is not foolish to think so.
and this issue is in no way related to pakistan or to that professor, you are seeing a relation where none exists.
Do they really think that, by doing this they can Counter China's Growing Influence.

The European Union has banned the entry of Pakistan's fish products into the EU region

So does it mean that the EU is trying to counter Pakistan growing influence.
India is doing what it can........ and please don't forget those recommendations of an Indian Professor of Economy about "How to Break the Economy of Pakistan"

India has a direct link to China. There is no need to bring Pakistan every time in-between India and China, even when talking some-thing related to their Economics.

And moreover that professor is not the Finance Minister of India, who will break havoc on Pakistan by his stated policy.

But I just hope he was.
is there any public health and safety issues happened which make India government focus on China toys?
^^^^^^^ No. Govt. hasn't given any specific reason. But I think apart from the health issue, which is there, the bigger motive must be to give the domestic producers more boost, and market space.
too quickly an order.who is the congressman carry out the issue first.he must be the key man.
first India has right to do that.
India is not first country to ban these cheap Chinese products.
There are many counties that did already.

It banned these products to encourage local industry.
it is known fact that Chinese enter any country market and distroy local industry by selling there so cheap products.
for example:
manufacturing of 12 pencils in pakistan takes 18rs but Chinese sell it in 6rs.
so in very few years there will not pencil industry in Pakistan.
Pakistan free trade agreement with china is disastrous for Pakistan industry.
^^^^^^ If Pakistan has a free trade agreement with China, the no doubt Pakistan will become the colony of China. I am sure there must already be huge trade imbalances.

Chinese will not import anything except for some raw materials to make them happy and instead will flood the pakistani market with cheap chinese goods. And pakistani industry will not be able to compete with cheap chinese goods, and hence it's industry will soon perish, thanks to All Weather Friendship.
but wat is the reason for chinese goods to be so cheap?
cheap quality? or bigger industry?
is there any public health and safety issues happened which make India government focus on China toys?

if you mean to ask weather an Indian has died due to using Chinese toys, then fortunatley no such thing has happened

but at the same time owing to news that toys exported by China to the West were found to contain unacceptable levels of harmful content, it has become necessary for the govt of India to test weather the toys imported into India also contain those harmful content - so a temporary ban of 6 months had to be imposed during which the toys coming from the different places in China could be tested

so until and unless the test declares that the toys imported in to India from are safe, it would not be wise to let children in India use them as, if it is found that the toys actually contain those harful substances, it would mean that we let them be exposed to it for 6 extra months

I am sure there must already be huge trade imbalances.

Pakistan-China trade relation is highly lop-sided in favor of the Chinese. Of the $5.5 billion trade between the two, China's export constitutes the billion part, Pakistan's export is measured in million

But their realtion is not based on economy, so it doesn't quite bother Pakistan about this shocking deficit
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