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India Defence Minister's meeting with CDS and three chiefs over

It is noones area .
No mans area.
That was the deal.
Neither India nor China should occupy both that sides .
And the renegage from their words
As per Indian claims, this is Indian area. So they have occupied your land effectively. However, since your PM has already said that they haven't entered in Indian territory, you have actually given the land to them without a fight.

I said yesterday... its like a flat systems in buildings.... passage between you and your next door neighbor is like a no mans land.... We still fit some stuff such as shoe stand, post box, cctv camera outside of our door but imagine your next door neighbor comes and starts installing his stuff exactly outside of your door.... You will certainly object....

China is not in our land but just now sitting outside of our door so close that he can watch our kids going to school....
It's not that simple.

You have a claim on that area. It is not a buffer zone. What Chinese have done is that they have come and accupied the area that you claim to be part of India. They didn't have any post before and they allowed you to patrol that area since you considered that area as your own. Now you can't go there without their permission.

Modi has shot himself in the foot by saying Chinese haven't occupied Indian land. He should have said that Chinese have occupied a disputed territory on which you have a claim.
India fell for the trap and when they use first bullet all hell will break loose.

We are all hoping these cowards find 1 molecule of dignity and balls to shoot. Give us any reason to destroy whole Indian sissy betichod army. We'll do it for free. Just need good documented reason.

Unforunately 5 foot 0 Modi bitch surrendered. Immediately after receiving bodies and captives back, he surrenders because he is now out of underpants and cannot afford any more due to Indian economy.
Nope .Their martydom was for honour the agreement that we reached with China.
We kept our words and Chinese renegated their own words and attacked Colonel.
Only possible chance is to vacate the noman undisputed area in border

The problem with India is that they didn't kept their words and Changed status of Kashmir and Ladakh and also changing demographics, in addition to that India threatening GB, AJK and other parts of Pakistan where Chinese Strategic and security interest are deep rooted, so now price have to be paid for that.
India officially withdrawn from the 1996 non arm pact.
Now they are free to use the fire arms .
Indian military is doing heavy military build up in that area.
We dont want war actually .But it seems Army is very angry and situations are outof control.

Indian DM is going because the host is Russian.
Only Chinese can deescalate this one through their mature action.

you sound like PLA don't have guns, we have better bigger bad asses

ur colonel got what he deserved, modi admits he crossed into Chinese side of LAC and started aggression

History will remember the indian fiasco like this:

"Emperor Narendra was doing yoga while india burned"

Surender modi by rahul:rofl:
As per Indian claims, this is Indian area. So they have occupied your land effectively. However, since your PM has already said that they haven't entered in Indian territory, you have actually given the land to them without a fight.

It's not that simple.

You have a claim on that area. It is not a buffer zone. What Chinese have done is that they have come and accupied the area that you claim to be part of India. They didn't have any post before and they allowed you to patrol that area since you considered that area as your own. Now you can't go there without their permission.

Modi has shot himself in the foot by saying Chinese haven't occupied Indian land. He should have said that Chinese have occupied a disputed territory on which you have a claim.

If you believes like that then no issue .But that is not truth.
Tresspassing the no man area means they are tresspasing our areas .
Did you see the military build up ?

Until they remove all those temporary structures from that area India will continues the build up and aggressive patrolling .
It seems the PM wont interfere in this matter not anymore .
Freehand already gave to the military .Now the professionals will take care of it.

Just ask you one question.
They said there was casualities on both side as per Chinese .
We released the full details of our martyrs and gave full respect .
Where is the Chinese soldiers that was KIA?
Its not my question.
It is circulating in weibo.

The problem with India is that they didn't kept their words and Changed status of Kashmir and Ladakh and also changing demographics, in addition to that India threatening GB, AJK and other parts of Pakistan where Chinese Strategic and security interest are deep rooted, so now price have to be paid for that.

They tried ,they touched the CO of one battalion.
As per US intel at least 35 dispatched God knows how much because they released 62 casualities after 40 years .
The WTC knows the shock combat way Ghatak platoon.

you sound like PLA don't have guns, we have better bigger bad asses

ur colonel got what he deserved, modi admits he crossed into Chinese side of LAC and started aggression

Surender modi by rahul:rofl:

When was the last time your soldiers faced a real war.
For our Army its a daily job .
Cannot live with that .
You are about to know that .
Where is the PLA casualities ?
If you believes like that then no issue .But that is not truth.
Tresspassing the no man area means they are tresspasing our areas .
Did you see the military build up ?

Until they remove all those temporary structures from that area India will continues the build up and aggressive patrolling .
It seems the PM wont interfere in this matter not anymore .
Freehand already gave to the military .Now the professionals will take care of it.

Just ask you one question.
They said there was casualities on both side as per Chinese .
We released the full details of our martyrs and gave full respect .
Where is the Chinese soldiers that was KIA?
Its not my question.
It is circulating in weibo.

They tried ,they touched the CO of one battalion.
As per US intel at least 35 dispatched God knows how much because they released 62 casualities after 40 years .
The WTC knows the shock combat way Ghatak platoon.

When was the last time your soldiers faced a real war.
For our Army its a daily job .
Cannot live with that .
You are about to know that .
Where is the PLA casualities ?

first you say one child PLA soldier can not fight, then you say we didn't fight war for long time

these one child PLA soldiers, without wasting a single bullet, put modi in his place

you want try PLA's better weapons and our industry capability? bring it on
If you believes like that then no issue .But that is not truth.
Tresspassing the no man area means they are tresspasing our areas .
Did you see the military build up ?

Until they remove all those temporary structures from that area India will continues the build up and aggressive patrolling .
It seems the PM wont interfere in this matter not anymore .
Freehand already gave to the military .Now the professionals will take care of it.

Just ask you one question.
They said there was casualities on both side as per Chinese .
We released the full details of our martyrs and gave full respect .
Where is the Chinese soldiers that was KIA?
Its not my question.
It is circulating in weibo.

It's not a no man land.

Some areas have claims from both sides.

If you have a claim on an area where you used to patrol before, and suddenly you are stopped from patrolling, will you say that your area hasn't been captured. No! You will continue to claim the area as yours.

Regarding casualties. Yes, everyone knows that there are casualties on Chinese side too. When IA took 10s of soldiers to the site, of course there should be casualties of the other side. Your army is also trained to fight. However, the word "casualty" covers both.. "KIAs" and "wounded in action". A light wound may also be considered a casualty. So if Chinese soldiers aren't seriously injured or killed, naturally they will not see it necessary to release the numbers. One thing they cleared was that they aren't disclosing any numbers in order to calm the atmosphere down and to not start the number game. Which means that had they disclosed any numbers, your side must have felt humiliated and pressure would have been built on your government to start a war.This much is very clear. Haven't you notice that they even didn't disclose the release of your captured soldiers that included 1 Lt. Col and 2 Majors? It's your media that is covering all sorts of news. They don't want to create such an atmosphere that may lead to a war.

Regarding weibo, we have Chinese members here. Don't believe anyone in India.. Ask them directly what is being circulated on their social media platform.

@rott @serenity
first you say one child PLA soldier can not fight, then you say we didn't fight war for long time

these one child PLA soldiers, without wasting a single bullet, put modi in his place

you want try PLA's better weapons and our industry capability? bring it on

Guys - It is simple, not complicated. India posture is to defend it's interests with China. If India can get China to go back to pre-april /may areas, then India has achieved it's target.

There is no shame in admitting that - China is 5 or 6 times bigger than India. India's current priority is to improve economy, and build her capabilities.........

Currently, India can not have a full fledged war with China. I guess - China also does not full fledged war with India. Wars are unpredictable, and have serious consequences.

But the actions of China has recalled the deep sense of trust deficit in Indians.
India officially withdrawn from the 1996 non arm pact.
Now they are free to use the fire arms .
Indian military is doing heavy military build up in that area.
We dont want war actually .But it seems Army is very angry and situations are outof control.

Indian DM is going because the host is Russian.
Only Chinese can deescalate this one through their mature action.

Is it officially declared that india has withdrawn from no arms treaty? If true then the fun is just beginning. By the way, why did ur govt concede galwan valley without any real fight or verbal fight? Ur PM claimed chinese never intruded.
What exactly is a "no man's land" - is it land of UN?Does India automatically have a right to police this so called no-mans land with no jurisdiction apparently? Indians and their super weird terminology . They should first know the meaning of the words they use.
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