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India - Defence manufacturing through the medium of dance


May 24, 2018
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Korea, Democratic Peoples Republic Of
At first I thought this was someones very clever,and humorous,little piece of video compositing,because obviously no one in their right mind would actually stage a dance number at a military expo........and then I remembered this was india,home of bollywood......
I guess this is what happens when you mix hindu fascists.....er..."nationalists",bollywood song and dance numbers and.....defence expos.....??:disagree:
Arent u from Iran? Calling others fascists seems a bit hypocritical when u have killed 1500 of your own people. Killed 1000s in Syria , Iraq.
Arent u from Iran? Calling others fascists seems a bit hypocritical when u have killed 1500 of your own people. Killed 1000s in Syria , Iraq.
Buddy,I`m about as iranian as a pavlova,thats the dessert not the russian dancer by the way,and I did correct my sentence by adding "nationalists".But in all seriousness if you cant see that the hindutva clowns running india are basically neo fascists then you must be blind.
Did you ever stop to wonder which western think tank/ngos arse they pulled that 1500 number out of?,probably not,right?.
Hopefully they killed tens of thousands of wahabists DEFENDING syria and iraq,both of which are secular,multifaith/multisectarian nations.If the wahabists had succeeded you wouldnt have had a syria or an iraq just a medieval caliphate complete with slave markets,public beheadings and the mass graves of most of the non sunni wahabist populace,well apart from the women and children of course,they`d be being sold as slaves.
Just out of curiosity how long have you guys been occupying kashmir for now.....oh,thats right you annexed it of course,how longs it been under total lock down for now?.
I guess hanging out with those zionists has rubbed off on india....well the hindu fasci......er I mean the hindu "nationalist" part of it at least[LOL!!]
In all honesty I think ghandi,who was a very great man,would be weeping if he could see the direction india is currently taking.


found them both to be atrocious and cringeworthy
That CANNOT be real......can it!?:o:
I think "atrocious and cringeworthy" would be compliments under the circumstances.:tsk:
they only language Indian majority understand bollywood style :lol:
Buddy,I`m about as iranian as a pavlova,thats the dessert not the russian dancer by the way,and I did correct my sentence by adding "nationalists".But in all seriousness if you cant see that the hindutva clowns running india are basically neo fascists then you must be blind.
Did you ever stop to wonder which western think tank/ngos arse they pulled that 1500 number out of?,probably not,right?.
Hopefully they killed tens of thousands of wahabists DEFENDING syria and iraq,both of which are secular,multifaith/multisectarian nations.If the wahabists had succeeded you wouldnt have had a syria or an iraq just a medieval caliphate complete with slave markets,public beheadings and the mass graves of most of the non sunni wahabist populace,well apart from the women and children of course,they`d be being sold as slaves.
Just out of curiosity how long have you guys been occupying kashmir for now.....oh,thats right you annexed it of course,how longs it been under total lock down for now?.
I guess hanging out with those zionists has rubbed off on india....well the hindu fasci......er I mean the hindu "nationalist" part of it at least[LOL!!]
In all honesty I think ghandi,who was a very great man,would be weeping if he could see the direction india is currently taking.

That CANNOT be real......can it!?:o:
I think "atrocious and cringeworthy" would be compliments under the circumstances.:tsk:
Thats what i am saying , you are justifying your deeds in Syria and Iraq. Playing the victim card as usual against the barbaric wahabbists while cleansing all your atrocities.
Just out of curiosity your country has been occupied by a foreign French groomed theocrat who calls him Supreme Leader.
We have certainly killed less people than the mullah theocratic regime of Iran.
Defenders of Islam so called mullahs have killed more fellow Muslims.
Just a stampede in Sulemanis funeral killed 50 btw though Sulemani had a good relations with India.
So religious fanatics shouldn't label others as fascists.
they only language Indian majority understand bollywood style :lol:

yes that is one of the language we understand . pakistanis are eager to understand but your govt don't allow them .
Thats what i am saying , you are justifying your deeds in Syria and Iraq. Playing the victim card as usual against the barbaric wahabbists while cleansing all your atrocities.
Just out of curiosity your country has been occupied by a foreign French groomed theocrat who calls him Supreme Leader.
We have certainly killed less people than the mullah theocratic regime of Iran.
Defenders of Islam so called mullahs have killed more fellow Muslims.
Just a stampede in Sulemanis funeral killed 50 btw though Sulemani had a good relations with India.
So religious fanatics shouldn't label others as fascists.
Buddy,which part of "I`m about as iranian as a pavlova" seems to be giving you the most trouble....?
I`m not iranian or muslim,in terms of nationality,ancestry,ethnicity and religion I`m about as western as you can get.So I think I`m quite within my rights to call a spade a spade,a zionist a zionist or even a hindu fascist a hindu fascist,but you know what,even if I was an iranian I think I`d still be in my rights to do those things.
If the iri is run by "religious fanatics" then why oh why did they make such an effort to help save 2 secular multi religious/multisectarian states?,whos governments by the way requested their help.Also last time I looked there was no shiite equivalent of sunni wahabism.
Did you know that 251 people were trampled at the Mandher Devi temple back in jan 2005?,or the 53 that died in the Sabarimala stampede in jan 1999?,or the 114 in the 1994 Gowari stampede?,or the 1954 Kumbh Mela stampede that killed between 500-800?.There seem to be a lot of stampedes in india,dont there?.By comparison it was estimated that perhaps as many as ten million [10,000,000.] iranians took to the streets after soleimanis murder.So frankly I`m amazed that it was only 56 killed as regrettable as that is.
By the way what ever happened to that plebiscite for kashmir?
yes that is one of the language we understand . pakistanis are eager to understand but your govt don't allow them .
We understand language of love and respect jo ke indians apny baap ki bhi nhi kerty

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