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India: Dangerous heat to intensify this week after arriving unusually early

Cloud seeding is mostly localised AFAIK anyways. Nature is only one that can generate massive clouds and rains effectively.
Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, the moisture laden clouds are definitely sucked up from somewhere else. Noooh?
That might cause changes in pressure and consequentially might effect the weather in surrounding areas.
I'm thinking out loud. Am i?
Dude please read what I wrote earlier. I am talking about when there is regular weather, not when there is a high pressure system in play.

Which is why I said there is no short cuts.

What we need is more irrigation canals and river linking. Our irrigation capacity has to be increased by at least a 10,000% and that is not a joke or an exaggeration.

We need to quit dipping into our underground reserve which is going from bad to worse.

We need check dams and artificial Lakes and ponds, and we need to save our existing lakes and ponds. And all of this has to be done on a war footing.

And this has to start NOW. But its not happening.
Energy can neither be created nor be destroyed, the moisture laden clouds are definitely sucked up from somewhere else. Noooh?
That might cause changes in pressure and consequentially might effect the weather in surrounding areas.
I'm thinking out loud. Am i?

Yah you are technically correct (butterfly effect and all).

But we are comparing two completely different magnitudes of energy here hehe.

Cloud seeding would "concentrate" a relatively miniscule amount of the total weather energy, even just taking the local environment.

When you add a massive sink/source for moisture/thermal energy (ocean, sea etc) to the equation, it gets even less significance....because of literally the amplitudes of "noise"/"energy" from that system. In a way think of the amount of water in a cloud, and even total amount in the atmosphere compared to the amount in the ocean....the solar flux acting on all is about the same...so their respective total/acting masses will be correlated to their moisture/thermal significance.

But of course even the small perturbation in the local area (cloud seeding) can have a large perceived affect to us humans. But the perturbation effects are still very low energy in the larger planetary system for long range transmission and create the relevant effect change for humans further away. Like how a small needle heats up much more viciously from same amount of heat applied compared to a large basin of water....and a needle sitting in that basin is going to capture even less of it.

So you are right surrounding areas will be affected, but how much is dependent on range from the perturbation.

Maybe humans one day can create and effectively unleash vast amounts of energy to compete with the total solar flux (that drives the weather) so that long range human induced weather is viable....but that day is far in the future I think.

Some say long term such is already happening under global warming etc - but even that (at best ...given the spectrum of proposed anthropological effect is quite wide and still being analysed/debated) is not something we are controlling with high sensitivity/precision...and its over quite large time periods.

Higher sensitive/precision and shorter time period over larger range all needs much higher energy impulse basically to compete with the Sun (which I am sure you can look up how much energy it conveys to earth each second :P)

Which is why I said there is no short cuts.

What we need is more irrigation canals and river linking. Our irrigation capacity has to be increased by at least a 10,000% and that is not a joke or an exaggeration.

We need to quit dipping into our underground reserve which is going from bad to worse.

We need check dams and artificial Lakes and ponds, and we need to save our existing lakes and ponds. And all of this has to be done on a war footing.

And this has to start NOW. But its not happening.

Agree completely. I have seen the worst of everything in parts of TN with my own eyes.
Agree completely. I have seen the worst of everything in parts of TN with my own eyes.

And its only getting worse while the rest of India is blissfully unaware and is busy debating politics.

Media in India is one of the worst in the world. We need a BBC or Al Jazeera equivalent in India. DD sucks big time and their production values suck.

Govt. need to shut down NDTV for fraud and make Prannoy Roy head of DD.
Great... this means, I'll be in Delhi during the worst months of the year. :hitwall:
haha!!...in delhiNCR u can ony think of going out after 5 pm...but if ur schedule is tight, buy a goddam cap and always carry a handkerchief..if case u need to cover ur face!! and dude stay hydrated
haha!!...in delhiNCR u can ony think of going out after 5 pm...but if ur schedule is tight, buy a goddam cap and always carry a handkerchief..if case u need to cover ur face!! and dude stay hydrated

I am aware of the city. Only during my stays as a child there, it was not so hot.

These days it is insane. :o::o:
The high pressure zone is near Gujarat coast which is a desert region. I don't think there is much mud there to plant a lot of trees; especially to the scale at which they are required.
It's a catch 22 situation. Deserts can be reclaimed back if there is a will to do so.

Gujarat is only semi arid.

There is no quick fix solution. Reforestation is the ONLY way out. Its not like we have a choice. For now nature's pendulum has swung the other way and the thinning of forest and plant life in India has created a situation where the climate change will kill more trees and plants.

Human intervention is desperately required to bring balance back quickly. Alternative is to leave that land and let nature reclaim it on its own and we all know that is not happening.

We need to start a massive green initiatives in the cities and use treated sewage water to hydrate the plants. And this has to be a PUBLIC and Social initiative since the govt. do not have enough funds to do this.

This is going to get worse EVERY year, so just imagine the climate 5 years from now or 10 years from now.

India has to take up reforestation and green cover on a war footing if we want to improve our quality of life. Its as simple as that.
trees can be sustained using drip irrigation. send the water directly to the roots.
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Yah you are technically correct (butterfly effect and all).

But we are comparing two completely different magnitudes of energy here hehe.

Cloud seeding would "concentrate" a relatively miniscule amount of the total weather energy, even just taking the local environment.

When you add a massive sink/source for moisture/thermal energy (ocean, sea etc) to the equation, it gets even less significance....because of literally the amplitudes of "noise"/"energy" from that system. In a way think of the amount of water in a cloud, and even total amount in the atmosphere compared to the amount in the ocean....the solar flux acting on all is about the same...so their respective total/acting masses will be correlated to their moisture/thermal significance.

But of course even the small perturbation in the local area (cloud seeding) can have a large perceived affect to us humans. But the perturbation effects are still very low energy in the larger planetary system for long range transmission and create the relevant effect change for humans further away. Like how a small needle heats up much more viciously from same amount of heat applied compared to a large basin of water....and a needle sitting in that basin is going to capture even less of it.

So you are right surrounding areas will be affected, but how much is dependent on range from the perturbation.

Maybe humans one day can create and effectively unleash vast amounts of energy to compete with the total solar flux (that drives the weather) so that long range human induced weather is viable....but that day is far in the future I think.

Some say long term such is already happening under global warming etc - but even that (at best ...given the spectrum of proposed anthropological effect is quite wide and still being analysed/debated) is not something we are controlling with high sensitivity/precision...and its over quite large time periods.

Higher sensitive/precision and shorter time period over larger range all needs much higher energy impulse basically to compete with the Sun (which I am sure you can look up how much energy it conveys to earth each second :P)

Agree completely. I have seen the worst of everything in parts of TN with my own eyes.
Indian monsoons can be boosted with cloud seeding, especially over mountains. Most of the monsoon water drains into oceans. We need more reservoirs to store this water. If flood can be diverted into ground water. This is enough water to last India for two years.
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