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India Creating Ring of Fire in South Asia

The problems facing Pakistan and Bangladesh are very different and that is why we probably see things differently. Pakistan still has to contend with the issue of unity which India continually undermines while Bangladesh has no problem with unity but instead with infiltration from India which plays havoc with our economy and politics.
Point taken ..... Thanks

Good! :tup:

Just wanted to add that I appreciate your concerns and we're well aware of RAW's activities and capabilities, we never underestimate our adversaries.
ISI too is a world class agency, we have all we need to counter RAW, CIA, Mossad or anyone else.
Its called comon sense. :angel:

No way you are wrong. Its your nationality that did the trick, read below.

Well if he had been an Indian ......... I might not have been so gracious.

What more proof so you want to be convinced that this guy has nothing but anti India hatred to speak here.

The problems facing Pakistan and Bangladesh are very different and that is why we probably see things differently. Pakistan still has to contend with the issue of unity which India continually undermines .

Pakistan suffers from unity??? If Pakistan has anything then its unity. How did they fight 3 wars against a superior enemy and still survive?

while Bangladesh has no problem with unity but instead with infiltration from India which plays havoc with our economy and politics.

Infiltration from India? Can you provide one link to support it other than your own thesis. On the other hand do search about B'deshi's inflitration or refugee inflow into India.
ISI too is a world class agency, we have all we need to counter RAW, CIA, Mossad or anyone else.
It has to be.I have read Indian reports about the ISI-DGFI alliance efforts to destabilize the NE Indian states since 2002/03 IIRC.
On the other hand do search about B'deshi's inflitration or refugee inflow into India.
AFAIK there has been infiltration to and from both sides.The borders are way too porous to be monitored always by the authorities concerned.
I am astounded that on a Pakistani board, it is Bangladeshi's who are the most rabid in their anti-India attitude. Quite frankly, its been a surprise for me.

Now for the fencing between India and Bangladesh, what is the problem there ? India is fencing on her own territory, to stop the cross border movement of people. As our Bangladeshi members here themselves mentioned, there is a problem of unchecked cross border movement. Lets assume that it is indeed Indians who are illegally crossing into Bangladesh, so wouldn't the fencing prevent this ? Isn't the fence in favor of Bangladesh ?

So why don't our Bangladeshi members tell us what is the issue with fencing ?
What more proof so you want to be convinced that this guy has nothing but anti India hatred to speak here.

I think hatred is too strong a word ...... I am just suspicious of the Indian mindset and motives .....
Pakistan suffers from unity??? If Pakistan has anything then its unity. How did they fight 3 wars against a superior enemy and still survive?

This is exactly the type of Indian propaganda that I have been writing about. Please read the following for a useful example of the Pakistani unity issue in the Indian press -

Should Pak developments worry India?

Regional peace depends on Pakistan's own future

The Economic Times – July 18, 2007

Barely 60 years after it was carved out of India, Pakistan's future is looking increasingly uncertain owing to serious internal challenges and contradictions. Pakistan has now approached a critical turning point, with a choice between recouping from the present troubles or risking a free fall. Without a transition to democratic rule, Pakistan will find it hard to pull back from the brink.

Hobbled by military rule, militant Islam, endemic corruption and dependency on foreign aid, Pakistan remains a main breeding ground of global terror. Having spent the past 17 years trying to bleed India through its ‘war of a thousand cuts’, Pakistan today is itself bleeding — due to the threat from within. By setting up state-run terrorist complexes, Pakistan became its own enemy. The Frankensteins it created have come to haunt its own security.

Today, the battlelines pit jehadist puppeteers in the establishment against their jehadist puppets outside. The puppeteers have become the targets of those whom they reared for long.
Against this background, the central issue that will determine regional peace is not the state of Indo-Pak relations but Pakistan’s own future. Will Pakistan sink deeper in militarism, extremism and fundamentalism? Is it likely to fragment ethnically, given that it remains a state of five tribes in search of a national identity? Can it survive in its present shape?

The fight against international terrorism is very much tied to how the Pakistani state evolves in the coming years. Today, Pakistan is disparaged as “Problemistan”, “Terroristan” and “Al Qaidastan”, with Bush himself calling Pakistan “wilder than the Wild West”.

Pakistan’s fate has always been in the hands of three As — Allah, Army and America. Now Allah’s wrath has wrought havoc on what has become the playground of terrorists, while the spreading pro-democracy movement has the Army on the defensive. But the third factor, America, is still seeking to buck the popular tide by propping up military rule. New Delhi, however, can never make peace with the Pakistan military, whose power and prerogative flow from foiling peace with India.

A dominant fiction underlying India's foreign policy for all of six decades is that “Pakistan’s integrity, stability and prosperity are in our national interest.” This premise underpins India’s limited quest for defensive parity with a country one eighth its size, and has encouraged Pakistani adventurism, eventually crystallising in its strategy of protracted terrorist war.

In the face of the progressive decay of the Pakistani state over the past decades, the Indian perspective has translated into a curious sense of panic and misplaced responsibility, with the principal target of Pakistani state-sponsored terrorism believing it is required to provide some ‘relief’ to its relentless enemy.

But Pakistan’s internal politics and the future of its current autocrat can no more be India’s responsibility than was the fate of the succession of military despots who have plagued that country in the past, and who have contributed enormously to the cumulative detriment of peace and stability in the entire South Asian region.
India has also worked itself into a panic over a number of false dichotomies — ‘Musharraf or the Taliban’, the military or anarchy, etc., — and by imagining scenarios of collapse, chaos, and worse, an Islamist terrorist takeover and more dangerously of its nuclear assets.

These doomsday scenarios are based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the processes of transition, which are generally conceived of as a one-time event, rather than the ongoing and gradual re-engineering of the structures of power within Pakistan and its constituent regions.

The processes of Pakistan’s disintegration are rooted in her internal contradictions and appear increasingly inevitable. But the greatest danger of this process is to Pakistan itself, not to its neighbours. The militarised radical Islamist state of Pakistan today constitutes a far greater danger to its neighbours than a disintegrating Pakistan.

The destructive potential of an unstable and eventually fragmenting Pakistan would increasingly be turned against itself — and would provide substantial relief to its neighbours. This is already visible in J&K, where Pakistan is no longer able to sustain terrorism at levels that prevailed before 2001.

Nobody reserves right to question about our Unity.When it comes to Pakistan the whole Nation is United.
I think hatred is too strong a word ...... I am just suspicious of the Indian mindset and motives .....

Suspicious...you were jumping around here 'exposing India's attempt'. Now hw it becoame suspicion???
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