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India Creating Ring of Fire in South Asia

Countries fall due to their policies.USSR fell b/c of her policy of expansionism.A country having bad relations with neighbours often face these challenges.
Countries fall due to their policies.USSR fell b/c of her policy of expansionism.A country having bad relations with neighbours often face these challenges.

Wrong bro ... USSR fell because of wrong financial policy .... money matters .... if I take your point then USA will be the first country to fall....:cheesy: .... how will you define expansionism vis-a-vis USA ....:eek:
Yes but if USA keeps opening new fronts a time will come that her economy wil be destroyed.I think Policy of expansionism is the first step towards destruction.
Yes but if USA keeps opening new fronts a time will come that her economy wil be destroyed.I think Policy of expansionism is the first step towards destruction.

It's true what goes up comes down ... Romans, British...etc history is litterd with these stories ... but destruction of USA I dont think so ... not in our lifetime ....
It's true what goes up comes down ... Romans, British...etc history is litterd with these stories ... but destruction of USA I dont think so ... not in our lifetime ....

Everything is tied to US economy. If they go down, they will take all of us with them.
Oh please don't flatter us by comparing us poor third world Indians to the USSR. By the way, i agree, India's time is near, the collapse is imminent. Can see it unfolding in front of my eyes everyday. All that talk of +9% growth, +trillion $ gdp, +200$ billion reserves, huge multinationals being swallowed whole by Indian companies, middle class expanding by the millions every year, declining poverty and illiteracy rates, rising income levels, is just that, talk.

Us evil yindoos have perpetrated a grand Maskirovka, to blind the world of our genocide against 'dalits' and 'muslims'. Its a diabolical scheme to forestall the rise of the 'Ummah'. After all, world media is controlled by the evil Jews and their Yindoo minions.

India will fall like the hollow house of cards it is, inshallah !!!

Nice one Blitz, you are henceforth ranked right up there for your sarcasm ! As you know, Indians on this board are developing quite a taste for it ;)
I think that RAW is stepping up efforts to sneak terrorists into the Bangladesh and has rebuilt most of its capability to strike here and paralyzed the Chittagong Port and Export oriented Garments Industries.
I think that RAW is stepping up efforts to sneak terrorists into the Bangladesh and has rebuilt most of its capability to strike here and paralyzed the Chittagong Port and Export oriented Garments Industries.

There is saying 'EITHER PUT UP OR SHUTUP' ... please provide link to sustain these comments ..:angry:
I think that RAW is stepping up efforts to sneak terrorists into the Bangladesh and has rebuilt most of its capability to strike here and paralyzed the Chittagong Port and Export oriented Garments Industries.

Congratulations! and yeah say hi from my side, if you happen to meet some.
I think that RAW is stepping up efforts to sneak terrorists into the Bangladesh and has rebuilt most of its capability to strike here and paralyzed the Chittagong Port and Export oriented Garments Industries.

There is evidence for such a plan from the confessions of Shiekh Selim. We can assume the destruction of the 300 garments factories in 2006 was a RAW plan and the masterminds of the bus tragedy (where some Awami League party workers set fire to the vehicle killing 11) escaping to India and have received sanctuary there also points to a RAW hand. Thanks for the heads-up.
What we beleive in Pakistan that the "Language Movement" started in East Pakistan in 1950's
was also initiated by the Hindu Professors of Dacca University (They worked as catalyst) with Indian Support.So India has been involved in interfaring Bangladesh/East Pakistan's matters.
What we beleive in Pakistan that the "Language Movement" started in East Pakistan in 1950's
was also initiated by the Hindu Professors of Dacca University (They worked as catalyst) with Indian Support.So India has been involved in interfaring Bangladesh/East Pakistan's matters.

From my research for 'The India Doctrine' I would have to agree with this statement. India had infiltrated agents (RAW then did not exist) by 1952 to create cells for future action which culminated in the Language Movement. While the Language Movement did arise from genuine grievances the issue was taken to new heights by India that prevented compromise between East and West Pakistan that was to sour relations in subsequent decades. Having said this I think that West Pakistan could have dealt with these issues more sensibly and even prevented what happened later. Unfortunately the policy of firebrands and hotheads played into the hands of India which eventually saw the break up of Pakistan. If the West Pakistan leaders had been a little more astute and understanding of the situation in East Pakistan the misunderstandings might have been reduced.
MBI Munshi, From all your post it seems you are expert in blaming everyone else but yourself as a Nation for all the ills in your country.If not pakistan than india. How about the way bihari's are being treated in bangladesh. I have met few in Karachi. according to them their treatment is so bad that they took the risk to cross the indian border into pakistan.
who's fault is that?? May be you can blame RAW for this too.
Please try to understand its time to take responsibility and not blame each other for all that happened in the past.You got your freedom in 71. Its more than 30 years. If west pakistan failed you before then your own leaders are failing you now.Look inside and stop blaming others.
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