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India Creating Ring of Fire in South Asia


Apr 8, 2007
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India caught in a ring of fire

By Dhruba Adhikary

Asia Times – June 6, 2007

KATHMANDU - Reflecting growing anxiety in New Delhi about ongoing conflicts in the neighborhood, a leading Indian publication, India Today, led its May 28 edition with a cover report headlined "Neighbors on fire". Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal are four countries covered by the magazine.

Although they are very much part of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), the publication has conspicuously left out three countries: Afghanistan, Bhutan andMaldives.

Perhaps New Delhi thinks these three can't afford to antagonize the rulers of India.

Political instability of an unprecedented kind has gripped the South Asia region, and the reasons for this range from armed insurgency to communal animosity and political obduracy thereof. Fears are being expressed that rapidly unfolding events and trends might place the basic principle of - and popular faith in - democracy at risk. Does India, the world's largest democracy, stand to gain from such a scenario? How will it be useful to India, not very far from China, to watch transparent political systems turning into opaque regimes in countries in its vicinity? Anyhow, when its immediate neighborhood is on fire, what should be India's reaction?

New Delhi, of course, could take some pleasure if it were discreetly assisting those responsible for setting the fires in the neighborhood. The other alternative, as the publication suggests, is to start worrying about the fallout for South Asia, where India is a dominant power. "India must ensure," said Aroon Purie, the chief editor of India Today, "that it plays a part in making sure its neighbors are able to put out their fires."

In other words, India should help neighbors to help themselves - confine its role to that of a facilitator. It should play the role of mother India, not that of a big brother. But it seems unlikely the Indian establishment will do this, and New Delhi is sensitive whenever issues in public debate involve the Ministry of External Affairs and the Ministry of Defense.

This is explained in a book, Making News, published in 2006. In a chapter contributed by Rajdeep Sardesai, a noted television journalist, there is a description of how journalists who do not want to toe the official line have to run the risk of being called anti-nationals. He tells how journalists are expected to "follow hook, line and sinker what the ministry is saying".

Unlike other issues, matters involving foreign relations are not regularly discussed in Parliament. Officials find it expedient to convince their political masters that it is beneficial to keep issues in the domain of external relations and diplomacy secret, in effect taking the agenda away from the public on whose behalf the government is expected to be working. This is what India is today, decades after renowned American scholar John Kenneth Galbraith (1908-2006) said India was a functioning anarchy. (He also served as US envoy in New Delhi under president John F Kennedy.)

India Today has culled the opinions of experts criticizing the authorities for "ad hoc-ism". One is Brahma Chellaney, a strategic analyst, who said, "It is odd that Delhi does not have a clear neighborhood policy." It means that India has conducted its relations in the neighborhood in a haphazard manner without any coordinated, clear-cut policy since it ceased be a British colony in 1947. These include the wars with Pakistan, the clash with China, support to the movement to "liberate" Bangladesh, the annexation of Sikkim, and the landing of Indian troops in Sri Lanka to protect the Tamil population. And, in a more recent case, pitting Maoists, democratic parties and the monarchy against one other - thereby destabilizing Nepal.

Indian Foreign Secretary Shivshankar Menon admitted, in front of a New Delhi audience on April 10, that South Asia "remains one of the least integrated regions in the world".

Should not India, the largest country in the region - and currently the chair of the SAARC - do some introspection where its measures have failed to create a conducive atmosphere to build "interdependencies", as Menon alluded to in his speech at the Observer Research Foundation?

There is a need for dispassionate study to find out why India's relations with Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal have remained less than cordial. Surely, India alone cannot be right and others all wrong.

As has been pointed out by experts - and tacitly admitted by authorities - New Delhi is working without a policy on its neighborhood. It ostensibly is guided by assumptions, presumptions, perceptions and intelligence reports that are inherently flawed because of preconceived motivations. Menon, as quoted by India Today, said diplomacy "is to get other people to do what I want but get them to think that I am doing what they want".

Since Menon is the head of India's diplomatic service, it would be fair to assume that the country's envoys - be they in South Asian capitals or elsewhere - perform their roles on this basis. This leads one to consider what Indian Ambassador Shiv Shankar Mukherjee in Kathmandu - and in the border town of Birgunj - has been doing.

In earlier times, the Maoist leadership waging a war against the Nepali government was led to a believe that Delhi was acting for their benefit. Once the Maoists decided to join mainstream politics and become a part of Parliament as well as the government, Indian diplomats found it expedient to entice one or two breakaway Maoist factions and extend them support, on the basis of which they have launched a separatist movement in the southern plains called Terai. One of the leaders at the forefront of this "Madhesi" movement, Upendra Yadav, is a Maoist renegade who in 2004 was arrested on Indian territory with two of his comrades.

New Delhi quietly handed over the two to Nepali authorities but set Yadav free while he was still in Indian territory. There is a widely held perception that Yadav, who physically resembles the people of the nearby (to Nepal) Indian state of Bihar, is being used to sustain a hate campaign against Nepalis of "hills" origin.

This is presumed to be based on an Indian interpretation that most Maoists are of "hills" origin, and that by getting them evicted from the plains India can keep its porous borders safe and also prevent the Maoist movement from spreading to adjoining Indian states. Clearly, it is an attempt to create a buffer within a buffer - which is Nepal. It is becoming clear that Yadav is being groomed to take a role akin to that of Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran's in Sri Lanka.

If Prabhakaran can obtain Indian support for his fight for a separate Tamil state, Yadav's expectations for similar support from New Delhi for a "Madheshland" look logical. Some analysts tend to see these initiatives as an example of the double standards that India has applied for decades, citing military repression in Kashmir, the northeast and elsewhere to quell separatist movements.

The Indian stand on the Maoists has been inconsistent. When the Indian Foreign Office was led by Jaswant Singh, New Delhi labeled the Maoists as terrorists. Later, it reversed this approach and started to assist them, despite their violent methods. More than 13,000 lives have been lost in the decade-long insurgency that began in 1996.

Yet New Delhi was instrumental in making them a party to a 12-point agreement with the Nepali Congress-led front of seven political parties. One agreement led to another, and eventually the Maoists fully joined the constitutional process, finally becoming a part of the interim government on April 1 this year.

But now India sees them as a deadly menace, a sort of Frankenstein's monster. But the stinging question is: Who supported them so that they could be where they are now? The Maoists have ambition, as is evident from this observation of top Maoist leader Pushpa Kamala Dahal, aka Prachanda, reproduced in the May 18 report of the International Crisis Group: "Even if we are a small country in South Asia, we think our revolution can have impact all over the world."

Prachanda stresses the "great" experiment Nepal is about to undertake, saying that the country will be a beacon of hope for the rest of the world. Communism may have died elsewhere, and the Shinning Path movement in Peru isn't there to provide them inspiration any longer, but Nepali Maoists claim that they have become a force to be reckoned with.

In a broader context, Indian is jittery over possible Chinese inroads into Nepal through the Maoists; here the interests of New Delhi and Washington converge. That the United States and India consult on Nepal has been made public by their officials onnumerous occasions. In response to a US Congress committee query on March 22, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice conceded that "our closest international partner in working on affairs in Nepal is India".

She also described Nepal's conditions as "somewhat tenuous", at the same praising her ambassador, James Francis Moriarty, for his performance in Nepal. Rice's remarks serve as an indicator that Moriarty and his Indian counterpart Mukherjee are working in tandem.

Their frequency of visits, conducted separately, to the residence of interim Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala create enough room for conjecture that the external influence on crucial decisions he makes is pervasive.

Apparently, Delhi has argued with Washington as well as with countries in the European Union that they should remain in touch with the Indians whenever the West intends to make substantive offers to Nepal. The reason: it is India that has to face the resulting consequences, pick up the pieces.

Moriarty and Mukherjee could, if they wanted, have met Koirala and the chief of the Nepal Army, General Rookmangud Katawal, at the same time. Analysts say Mukherjee wants to protect himself from embarrassment because the government in India is based on a coalition to which communist parties provide important support.

This leaves the task of condemning Maoist violence to Moriarty, who receives condemnation for being the meddlesome ambassador of an "imperialist power". Maoist leaders no longer publicly denounce India, which used to be seen as an "expansionist power". (In private conversations, the Maoists, like any other political leaders, resent New Delhi's growing interference in Nepali politics.)

In the words of analyst Upendra Gautam, the Americans' approach to issues is usually direct and straightforward - they say what they accept and what they reject. The Indian style is different, and it is often difficult to fathom what New Delhi means or wants.

"There is a visible lack of sincerity as well," Gautam said, referring to the usual Indian hesitation in implementing various agreements on trade, transit and water resources with Nepal. Gautam also agreed with those who think that while the Indians and Americans may be working jointly to contain China, India often goes further and goads the US to do things for which it has to face public anger.

One recent incident in eastern Nepal provides an example. Outside a Bhutanese refugee camp, Moriarty faced a stone-throwing crowd he had gone to meet to make an offer for resettlement of about 60,000 refugees. Mukherjee, on the other hand, has not encountered any hostility, although it is his country, India, which has assisted the Bhutanese royal regime in evicting the more than 100,000 Nepali-speaking Bhutanese nationals who have taken shelter in United Nations-run camps since the early 1990s. (The diplomatic corps in Kathmandu issued a statement last weekend expressing concern for the safety of diplomats accredited to Nepal.)

A news report published in The Australian newspaper on April 12 said the central plank of India's impatience and concern stems from a perception that the Chinese influence on Nepal is on the rise - not only through the Maoists, who have joined the government, but also by China's reported interest to extend its Tibetan railway to Nepal. Since India enjoys a close and improved relationship with China, especially after Beijing recognized Sikkim as a part of India, there is apparently no ground for New Delhi to be over-sensitive.

Meanwhile, Nepal remains politically unstable as interim government leaders and feuding political parties work overtime to find a date for proposed November elections for a constitution-making assembly.

There are rumors that New Delhi is contemplating sending in troops, as it did in Sri Lanka in the 1980s. Speculation also includes a possible bid to dispatch Indian soldiers under UN command. But there are hurdles. How will, for instance, the 50,000-plus Nepalis currently employed by the Indian Army react when they know that their motherland is being invaded by Indian forces?

Observers mention such aspects to discount fears of direct military intervention by India, also because the mission to Sri Lanka turned out to be a fiasco (and led to the assassination of prime minister Rajiv Gandhi in 1991). The other important deterrent is China, which obviously does not want to see undesirable activities in a country bordering Tibet.

Beijing's concerns of instability in Nepal may not be found in the daily media, but it would be wrong to presume that the Chinese are indifferent toward happenings in the vicinity of Tibet. Unlike India, China does not take too much interest in who comes to power in Nepal; its policy has been to deal with whoever has been accepted by the people of Nepal.

In the past, China maintained contacts with the monarchy; since April 2006 it has worked with first the caretaker and then the interim government headed by Koirala. In a concomitant gesture, China changed its ambassador after Nepal's interim constitution in effect suspended King Gyanendra by way of transferring his official responsibilities to the prime minister.

By directing its new ambassador, Zheng Xianglin, to present his credentials to Koirala (April 19), Beijing issued a pithy message that its past linkage with the monarchy was not a permanent one, or that it would go against the wishes of the Nepali people. Zheng became the first ambassador accredited to Nepal to break the tradition of seeking an audience with the king for the said purpose.

In addition, Beijing has invited Koirala to pay an official visit to China, this is likely to be next month. Meanwhile, a number of delegations, including official ones, have arrived from China in the past few months.

And a senior member in the Maoist hierarchy, Barshaman Pun (aka Ananta), has been to China twice in the past six months. Media reports said in recent weeks that if approached by Nepal, China could make arrangements for a limited supply of petroleum products for Nepali consumers who have to date been fully dependent on supplies from India. Some of these developments seem to have set off jitters in New Delhi, prompting it to look for alternatives.

What could these be? First, India has to develop an integrated foreign policy for the neighborhood with a specific pledge to support democratic processes in all countries. Second, it needs to stop getting involved in internal political competitions, and develop friendly and transparent relations with governments elected by the people. Third, it could lift all restrictions on trade and transit facilities and begin treating neighbors on the basis of equality and respect.

By taking such measures, India would win the goodwill required to project itself as a genuine regional power. This is preferable to entertaining the idea of coups to install "friendly" regimes.

A very astute article but my only disagreement with the author is that India does have a coordinated policy in South Asia which is to create a circle of instability surrounding its borders to distract from its own internal frictions such as we are now seeing in Punjab, Rajathastan, South East India and North East.
A very astute article but my only disagreement with the author is that India does have a coordinated policy in South Asia which is to create a circle of instability surrounding its borders to distract from its own internal frictions such as we are now seeing in Punjab, Rajathastan, South East India and North East.

rofl... roflmao.

You love thinking conspiracy theories dont you?

East Front - It is being handled well.
Punjab front - Religious issue among two castes kind of like gujjar/meenas.
south East India?

Indias obligation with Neighbouring countries,

Pakistan - They are self sufficient nation and are our rival why should we care/non-care about them? it is none our business getting into their issue, , we are busy checking increasing infilteration, has the money arrived in 'mango boxes' yet ?

Bangladesh - The caretaker govt so far has been good, if nto good enough, and the reason for coup was problem in bangladesh only.

Sri Lanka - We do have obligation to supply weapons to Sri lankans as we have to deal with lots of 'sensitveness', We can suply defensive and welcome talks in between them not otherwise.

Nepal - Bitchslap the congress govt will you? I agree that we should not have allowed the maoists to come into government, but then again recently we declared good aid, they still buys electricity from us, overall its not that bad but we should make sure we dont let the maoists get up in Nepal and in the same time make sure by doing so UPa does not loses CPI from the coalition (bloody red menace).

Indias domestic as well as foreign policy is often guided by public interest and for vote bank politics, Can you explain how the ruling government doing so in her interest makes you seem that it is policy to distract attention, and if that is the case why does not the same rule applies for foreign policy?
China humiliates India; India bullies Sri Lanka

Asian Tribune - Wed, 2007-06-06 03:38

H. L. D. Mahindapala

Just last week India tried to pull wool over Chinese eyes. India attempted in its sneaky way to smuggle one of its bureaucrats from Arunachal Pradesh into China by including him in an official delegation due to visit China. China issued visas to all other members of the delegation except to the official from Arunachal Pradesh.

Why? Though it seemed on the surface that India was seeking a simple visa for one of her officials she was stealthily attempting to gain a huge diplomatic victory by getting China to recognize that the official from Arunachal Pradesh was an Indian citizen. India, in other words, was making an underhand move to trick China into recognizing that Arunachal Pradesh was a part of India.

If China fell for India’s trick and issued a visa to the official from Arunachal Pradesh – the northeastern state claimed by China as her territory -- it would have amounted to China conceding this state to India. Knowing that visas are issued only to foreigners the shrewd Chinese out-manoeuvred the slimy Indians and rejected the application for a visa confirming that Arunachal Pradesh belongs to China – or almost all of it. To be precise China claims 90,000 sq km (34,750 square miles) of Arunachal Pradesh, a mountainous state that shares a 1,030 km (650-mile) border with China.

Chinese Ambassador to India, Sun Yuxi, made no bones about it when he told the media last week: "The whole of what you call the state of Arunachal Pradesh is Chinese territory. ... We are claiming the whole of that."

India which claims to be “a big power of the region”, according to M. K. Narayanan, the Advisor to Prime Minister, back-pedalled tamely. All what India could do was to push the External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee to stand up in parliament and say defensively: "Arunachal Pradesh was an integral part of India".

Indian media reports say that India is backing away from this issue without challenging China. India also accuses China of occupying 8,000 sq km (14,670 square miles) in Kashmir and this “big power of the region” is running away with its tail between he legs without standing up for its claims, right or wrong. India has reasons to be scared and back off because China penetrated deep in Arunachal Pradesh in the border war fought in 1962 and hammered the Indian army to pulp.

Faced with this massive threat from China the Indian reaction is to be defensive, according to the consensus of diplomats in India. The noted ex-Indian diplomat, G. Parthasarathy, known to Sri Lankan circles from the days he tried fix the Sri Lankan crisis with his failed Indo-Sri Lanka agreement, had this to say about the Chinese claims: “We have just sat back when China makes claims on Arunachal Pradesh and does nothing. We have a tendency to run scared of China, that's one thing we should avoid”

He added: “We gave up any card that we had on Tibet, we eroded our position on the district identity of Tibet with the passage of time. Unless you retain those cards, for example can we reciprocate by say agreeing to a ministerial level delegation from Taiwan. Like other ASEAN countries do like Japan does.”

So how big is India in the region? Is it big only when it comes to bullying small nations like Sri Lanka? Or is it just the right size to run backwards, as fast as the Indians can, to avoid confrontation with China? Arunachal Pradesh is not the only part of India that is claimed by China. China occupies Aksai Chin in Ladakh and this so-called “big power” of the region does sweet nothing about it.

Some Indian diplomats say that India should retaliate on Chinese claims over Tibet and Taiwan. For instance, the Indian Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh, could invite the Taiwanese MPs to tea as he did in the case of Sri Lankan counterparts who are the proxies of the Tamil Tigers. Oh, no! Such invitations are extended only to MPs of small countries in the region which India continues to bully or destabilize. India also allows Tibetan refugees to settle down in Delhi without pressing issues of human rights or violating China’s airspace by dropping parippu (lentils) over the Chinese border as they did to force Sri Lanka to accept India’s disastrous formula for peace which never worked.

While India forces its will down the smaller nation she willingly eats humble pie stuffed down her throat by China. In short, China is giving to India what India is giving to the small nations in the SAARC. Whether it be Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, Bhutan or Sri Lanka the unwanted poking finger of India is seen everywhere. India even staged a comic saga in the Indian Ocean when it sent some Tamil terrorists to invade Maldives and then posed as the savior by rushing in to rescue the Maldives.

The history of SAARC is a depressing graveyard with scattered monuments to India’s folly. Take the case of Sri Lanka again. When India was aligned to the Soviet bloc it opposed farming out the oil storage tanks in Trincomalee to the Americans. Now that it is aligned to the American bloc she resents Sri Lanka getting closer to China and covertly opposes the opening up of the Hambantota harbour to Chinese developers. India – and America too -- now fear that Sri Lanka is getting too close to China. Whose fault is it? If India is capable of playing her cards astutely and decide unambiguously to tame the Tamil Tiger terrorists (this is their description) Sri Lanka need not go anywhere.

India’s short-sighted policy of trying to play the role of “Big Brother” in the region has been counter-productive both to India and SAARC. It is clear as daylight that neither Sri Lanka nor SAARC as a whole will ever get off the ground as long as India plays this obstructive, destructive and prescriptive role in the region. The most constructive alternative for SAARC members is to develop economic, political and defensive mechanisms outside the Indian cage. If, however, the non-Indian members consider it tactful to maintain some working relationships with the India it can do so by continuing to be members of SAARC nominally without tying themselves to the Indian apron strings. The future opportunities of SAARC are not in kow-towing to India as the regional super power but in acting collectively to build another formidable union to the meet the challenges posed by India.

Besides, there is no likelihood of Indo-China rivalry, with all its intractable border disputes, easing in the foreseeable future. Sensing this India is strengthening its ties with the American-led coalition designed to contain China. Despite protestations to the contrary, America, Japan, Australia – and now India – are linking hands, with a series of treaties, to put a ring round China. They see China as the next big threat to their economic and political interests. India is merrily going along with the rest in the West and the new Indian policy is to view anyone getting closer to China as a threat to Indian interests.

In other words, SAARC nations are asked to dance to India’s tune. Those who argue that we must accept regional realities fail to recognize that in the emerging scenario, where the center of power is shifting from the West to the East, China is destined to play a dominant role, perhaps bigger than the role played by America today. Nearness to India does not preclude possibilities of developing closer ties with China. The growth of China as the next dominant global power should make India realize that it needs Sri Lanka and the other SAARC nations more than Sri Lanka and others needing India. Smaller countries have a better chance of survival and growth if they follow the lead of Cuba than being subservient to India,

Of course, this is a projection into the future. Currently, as things stand, India’s role is critical collectively for SAARC and individually for nations. It is this role that casts suspicions about Indo-American alliance. Narayanan has announced that he is due to visit Richard Boucher to discuss Sri Lanka. His visit is obviously to tie the hands of Sri Lanka advancing into Tiger territory. This is a repetition of the failed Indian policy when the Sri Lankan forces were advancing via Vaddmarachchi in Jaffna India intervened and unilaterally dropped parippu under the pretext of protecting the Tamils of Jaffna. But that pretence was dropped when the IPKF stepped in and gang raped Tamil women, murdered Tamil civilians and brutalized Jaffna society with impunity.

India’s wavering policies on Sri Lanka, depending on her domestic agenda, smack of hypocrisy. It is not going to make India look pretty in the region. Narayanan’s statement that Sri Lanka must obey India because it is the big power of the region has not gone down well either in Sri Lanka or in the region. Pakistan has promptly blasted India, virtually saying that no one can dictate to her, whether big or small.

However, knowing that India cannot impose its will unilaterally in the region her minions are running to her new master, America. Narayanan told media that he was due to visit to Boucher. Why? Political circles believe that there is a hidden agenda in this latest move. This is seen as a prelude to build a joint Indo-American offensive against the Sri Lankan forces advancing slowly but surely to defang the Tigers. Both America and India should know by now that there can never be peace until and unless the Tigers are tamed. Since neither America nor India is willing to do it their policy objective should be to let Sri Lankan forces complete the job they began at Mavil Aru.

Of course, there is the serious issue of violating human rights in Sri Lanka. Human rights violations increase or decrease on a ratio proportionate to the violence unleashed by the terrorist groups. In fact, a well-known tactic of terrorist groups is to provoke governments to retaliate violently, leading to human rights violations. The terrorists then use these violations as a key propaganda weapon against government. With a sharp eye on capitalizing on this issue the Tamil Tigers, and their NGO agents, are focusing on human rights at every given opportunity. Therefore, it is only fair to treat this aspect with the same quantum of interest shown by the American, Australian and NATO forces battling terrorism in Iraq and Afghanistan. It should be neither less nor more.

Hopefully Narayanan will drive this point home to Boucher. This is only fair given the bloody history on which big powers built their nations battling internal and external enemies. America, for instance, has a colourful history – mostly written in blood – in dealing with civil unrest within its own borders. The history of Americans proves that they never intended to win the Civil War (650,000 dead) or the West, glorified on the silver screen with brutal decimation of the native Indians, by waving the rights that were later enshrined in the UN Charter.

Nor did they drop the first atom bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima to protect the human rights of the Japanese who were only months away from surrendering. Historians have established that the war with Japan could have been ended without dropping those apocalyptic bombs. But that did not deter America from dropping the bombs to gain a lead over the advancing Russians, heading towards Japan.

The short history of post-independent India is no better. For instance, when Goa decided to separate under Portuguese promptings, Nehru sent his forces into that tiny state not to indoctrinate them with Gadhian principles. It was to enforce the principle that India’s territorial integrity and sovereignty was indivisible. Her unwanted interventions in the region have been to serve her self-interests. What it has done to Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka needs volumes to document.

In short, the so-called big powers who had wiped out minorities from their lands or waged bloody wars to safeguard their sovereignty, territorial integrity should learn from their own history not to go down the failed path of do-as-I-say-and-not-do-as-I-do. They must collectively allow Sri Lanka to find her own solution, more so because the imported Indian and Norwegian mantrams have failed to restore peace and stability over the last three decades. Besides, India, with its self-serving misadventures, has bloodied Sri Lanka enough to drown the Island without flooding it with the waters of the Indian Ocean.

So is it too much to ask India to mind its own bloody business and let Sri Lanka tackle the violence unleashed by India to destabilize her friendly neighbor in the south?

- Asian Tribune -

India asked to desist from returning to bad neighbor policy

Asian Tribune – June 6, 2007

Colombo, 06 June, (Asiantribune.com): India told to desist from interfering in the internal affairs of Sri Lanka. It should not return to bad neighbor policy urged Somawansa Amarasinghe, Leader of Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna. “The only country to have intruded on our sovereignty in the postcolonial period is India,” he has alleged.

JVP the second largest opposition political party in Sri Lanka with 39 elected Members out of a total of 225 in the unicameral parliament, has pointed out that the behavior of India to Sri Lanka was a strong contrast to the behavior of many other countries in the region notably Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Thailand, Iran and Malaysia who have never interfered in our internal politics.

Somawansa Amarasinghe has said policies of India have been just the opposite of correct relationships that were mooted by India herself together with other ex-colonial countries under the ‘Panchasheela’ principles of noninterference in other countries.

On behalf of the political bureau of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna its leader Somawansa Amarasinghe has conveyed to the High Commissioner for India in Sri Lanka that, “The foreign policy of the JVP is very simple. It will side with any country, whatever their other ideological views, which support Sri Lanka to regain full sovereignty. The only country to have intruded on our sovereignty in the postcolonial period is India.”

Given below the full text of the letter written by Somawansa Amarasinghe
Leader of Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna on behalf of political bureau of the party.

H.E. The High Commissioner for India in Sri Lanka

The Indian High Commission


Your Excellency,

India Should Not Return to Bad Neighbor Policy

Mr. M.K. Narayanan, the Indian National Security Advisor has said “We [India] are a big power in the region. We don’t want the Sri Lankan government to go to Pakistan or China for weapons. Whatever may be their requirements, they should come to us”.

Mr. Narayanan headed the Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) from 1987 to 1990. This was a time when after secretly arming, training and sending to Sri Lanka all the Tamil separatist groups in an indirect invasion, India forced Sri Lanka to sign with Indian gunboats outside Colombo harbor an unequal treaty, the so-called Indian Accord. Mr. Narayanan undoubtedly participated in formulating and implementing all these anti Sri Lankan acts by the then Indian government. This was also the time when the Indian Air Force intruded into Sri Lankan air space to drop self-styled "food parcels" on Vadamarachchi at a time when the Sri Lankan government was about to defeat the LTTE in Jaffna peninsula.

This behavior of India to Sri Lanka was a strong contrast to the behavior of many other countries in the region notably Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, Thailand, Iran and Malaysia who have never interfered in our internal politics. These policies of India have been just the opposite of correct relationships that were mooted by India herself together with other ex-colonial countries under the “Panchasheela” principles of noninterference in other countries.
It is also no secret that in spite of India claiming to change her policies towards Sri Lanka she had been very reluctant to help us. When the LTTE was to overrun Jaffna peninsula a few years ago, India refused all our requests for help for sea transport. It is also no secret that when China was to give us under very favorable terms a 3D radar system, India interfered and dissuaded us from getting that.

The JVP’s internal policies are for democracy and full equality of all citizens. To reach this goal requires the elimination of the racist and totalitarian LTTE structure. Recently, our MPs have been increasingly interacting with Indian political parties especially of the left who have understood our principled position. A few weeks ago our delegates were well received in Tamil Nadu.

The foreign policy of the JVP is very simple. It will side with any country, whatever their other ideological views, which support Sri Lanka to regain full sovereignty. The only country to have intruded on our sovereignty in the postcolonial period is India.

The JVP over the recent years have thought that India's bad neighbor policy had been changed. Hence the JVP began to think of India in very positive terms. But the recent statement of Mr. Narayanan, one-time head of Indian spy agencies, gives us to doubt that. As a sovereign nation Sri Lanka has the full right to trade with any nation including from where we should buy the best arms.

India and Sri Lanka share a common heritage in many areas of culture. The JVP will always foster correct and amicable relations between our two countries but at the same time it will not shirk from its responsibility of standing for the full integrity and sovereignty of the country.
Thank you

On behalf of the political bureau of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna

Somawansa Amarasinghe

Leader ,

Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna.

5th June 2007.

- Asian Tribune -

If the instability is deliberate then I'd wish that India created it to one day get these small nations to embrace the idea of the Union of India.

However, there is not so much as an ounce of evidence to support that the instability in Pakistan, Bangladesh,Nepal and Sri Lanka are instigated by India. If somebody could be blamed Pakistan would best fit the bill.

Yet, there is hope.

All this instability could lead to the formation of a better regional block.

The Sri Lankan President talked about a confederation of some sorts. Lets wait it out and finally everybody would see that it is wise to be in a democratic setup sans religious, regional, ethnic and linguistic overtones and be willing to join the idea of the Indian Union.

Akhand Bharath ? Yes, why not ? If the Europeans realize its better to be in a framework such as the EU then the people of Sub-Continent better be wise enough to see that united we stand if they want a decent future. Fundamental Islamism and certain manifestations of communist ideologies have to be dealt with before that.

All in five decades I see from now.
No Samudra please no, I dont want that at all, and is never going to happen unless ofcourse aliens invades us and we realise the realisation of self realisation is above all.

First of all,

So is it too much to ask India to mind its own bloody business and let Sri Lanka tackle the violence unleashed by India to destabilize her friendly neighbor in the south?
Sounded like a typical commie writing, what kind of journalism is this?

but I find this too funny when some artile speaks how we created problems in Nepal oh really? Bangladesh? how sweet, and Pakistan? never knew jamia hafsa is controlled by GOI, and Srilanka as well? eh, Srilanka should be glad that we are providing then 24/7 naval coverage in palk straits.

Lets get this straight we have our own problems to deal with and is in no financial status to support instability in 5 countries gentlemen.
However, there is not so much as an ounce of evidence to support that the instability in Pakistan, Bangladesh,Nepal and Sri Lanka are instigated by India

Dont kid me! Please go over a few articles posted in the pinned thread.

If somebody could be blamed Pakistan would best fit the bill.

I can easily see where that is coming from.

The Sri Lankan President talked about a confederation of some sorts. Lets wait it out and finally everybody would see that it is wise to be in a democratic setup sans religious, regional, ethnic and linguistic overtones and be willing to join the idea of the Indian Union.

Wishful thinking.

All i see in that they need help to counter the Tamil rebels. Perhaps, this a little idea far away from Indian Union could perhaps give them a boost to exterminate them all.

Europeans realize its better to be in a framework such as the EU then the people of Sub-Continent better be wise enough to see that united we stand if they want a decent future

Finally. Agreed.
Dont kid me! Please go over a few articles posted in the pinned thread.
Can you point me which one? I'd love to see how we created problem in bangladesh/pakistan/Nepal.

Jamia hafsa must be funded by GOI?

I can easily see where that is coming from.
I think you mistook her, What she meant is It is pakistan who is responsible for instability in her own country on the recent issue not India, dont tell me all your previous leaders minted their vote banks on certain peoples who are striking back now.

Wishful thinking.
Well he did, rajpakse i mean.

All i see in that they need help to counter the Tamil rebels. Perhaps, this a little idea far away from Indian Union could perhaps give them a boost to exterminate them all.
We have our own domestic obligations, What we are doing is ensuring there is no influx of something from our country to their, and keeping sea lanes cleared.

Atleast we are not supporting LTTE by any means, but in the meantime cannot arm Sri lanka either, but encourage talks.
Dont kid me! Please go over a few articles posted in the pinned thread.

Are you telling me articles are the gospel truth ?

I can easily see where that is coming from.

And I can very easily see where this blaming India for anything in the sub-continent is coming from.

All i see in that they need help to counter the Tamil rebels.

Lets see. Name the person who suggested a common currency for sub-continent not more than a year ago.
No Samudra please no, I dont want that at all, and is never going to happen

Nobody thought a 'EU' could be possible before and during the Second World War.

If the various sources of fundamentalism are curbed then there is no reason why an EU like organisation should not happen here.

Remember, all countries in the sub-continents have common roots.
Remember, all countries in the sub-continents have common roots.

I think India's plan for regional domination are falling apart. The three articles I put up show there is a growing awareness about India designs. I think you guys need a new game plan the old one is in tatters.
Dont kid me! Please go over a few articles posted in the pinned thread..

Please webby...those articles pinned up there are there because it matches the view point of pakistanis or India haters, not necessarily because its true. There is just cut copy effort happening there. Nothing worth to discuss.

Well B'desh got anarchy now bcoz two democratically elected PM's who were forced to go in exile by the military. At the same time there were numerous coup attempt too.

So do it can be BA thats India's pawn there as they are the source of instabilty. If so, then why not India over run B'desh.

The main reason for instabilty in Pakistan are the mullahs and ousted CJ. Bcoz Mushraff ousted Chowdhary and he aligned with US in WoT angerign the mullahs. So is the mullah's and Chowdhary india's pawn there.
I think India's plan for regional domination are falling apart. The three articles I put up show there is a growing awareness about India designs. I think you guys need a new game plan the old one is in tatters.

Srilanks\a became the first country that got its capital bombed by terror airstrikes, B'desh has most of the political and officials running for cover fearign the' anti-corruption' drive, Pakistan has instabilty due to angry Mullah's,Afghani's and ousted CJ.

Everything is as per plan.......!!!
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