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India crash lands into world's super sonic SSM club

Why donot Pakistan built some Quality Hospital first in their country ,every time i visit Apollo or Columbia in Bangalore to meet my friends there i see lot of Pakistani patients for treatment and surgery ,and surprised even many organ transplant are not done in Pakistan which even smaller towns Hospital in India do it, how come Pakistan have Best Brains in Ballistic Missiles (as claimed by some) But no Qualified Doctors only two qualified paediatric cardiac surgeons in whole of Pakistan, its not me its own Pak media who is saying it

More Money, More Problems

India Becoming Hub Of Surgery For Cancer Patients From Pakistan.
Try to visit the following links and compare the number of hospitals in Pakistan and india
List of hospitals in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of hospitals in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then also visit
In India, theres just one doctor to every 2,200 patients : In India, theres just one doctor to every 2,200 patients, Rajesh Sethuraman blogs on sulekha, Current Affairs blogs, Rajesh Sethuraman blog from india

Bad sanitation, rats plague Civil Hospital - Express India

If this is the kind of medical care Pakistanis go to india to get, then i feel sorry both for those Pakistanis and the indians obviously.

Atleast if we boast of something we have concrete proofs and we dont just whine!
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Try to visit the following links and compare the number of hospitals in Pakistan and india
List of hospitals in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

List of hospitals in Pakistan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Then also visit
In India, theres just one doctor to every 2,200 patients : In India, theres just one doctor to every 2,200 patients, Rajesh Sethuraman blogs on sulekha, Current Affairs blogs, Rajesh Sethuraman blog from india

Bad sanitation, rats plague Civil Hospital - Express India

If this is the kind of medical care Pakistanis go to india to get, then i feel sorry both for those Pakistanis and the indians obviously.

Atleast if we boost of something we have concrete proofs and we dont just whine!

This bad sanitations in india itself wooing lot of Pakistanis patients.. then think about your hospital conditions ...may be they don't have the facilities.

How many foreigners come to pakistan for treatment ?

Hospitals in India woo foreign patients
My pakistani friends are missing the point here..
Firstly the Brahmos has already been inducted into the army, on JUN 27, 2007..it is capable of carrying a 200kg warhead, upto speeds upto 5.4 machs..which is phenonmenal ...it can be modified to carry upto 600kg warhead at speeds upto 2.3 mach..which is amazing for a CRUISE MISSILE..(compared to pakistani BABUr which can carry loads upto 300kg only and has a max speed of 0.8 mach)

I see your point, you are trying to tell us that Engine of Brahmos is better than the one used in Babur.
May I ask what is Indian contribution in above mentioned superior characterisitcs?
I see your point, you are trying to tell us that Engine of Brahmos is better than the one used in Babur.
May I ask what is Indian contribution in above mentioned superior characterisitcs?

Why dont you begin by readong two of my posts again.
i dont understand why every1 on this board gets happy when 1 test fails, when 20 are successful? that means 95%

and failure can be a good thing, many countries have failed, but they never gave up and kept trying.

akash: ready for induction
trishul: failure, but matri being developed with French
nag: successful test trials, ready for induction
agni: successful
pritivi: successful, prolly being phased out
pad and aad: successful being tested again
shourya: successful
shangarika: successful

Barak LRM: under development

PSLV: successful
GSLV: successful
GSLV MK III: being developed
RLV: being developed

can pakistan even remotely match that?


all u have is ballistic missiles and they too haven't been tested that many times, and babur which has been tested less than 3 times. u dont have any SAM, anti-tank, or slv's under development

all of u guys have an inferiority complex

but simply u cant compete, India's economy is 11x bigger, its military is 3x bigger and more advanced, hell the state of Gujarat prolly has a bigger economy than all of pakistan.

Guud trolling!!

Hey members please DNFTT!!!
It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.
Theodore Roosevelt

What do you guys think about this.
At the end of the day, indian missile test failed............. missile test are not carried out without labaratory test and the accompanied checks. If the missile passed all the lab tests then it should have hit the target. Secondly, why was the cover up put in place initially???????? why the news of "Successful" test??????// why did they not have the courage like our esteemed hindustani members in this forum, to admit it in first place????????? why this belated grudging acknowledgement????????
BrahMos Updates: Block II to be Tested Feb 20; GPS Failure Doomed Jan Tests? Expansion, Investment Plans Revealed

Dated 3/2/2009
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Below listed are updates with respect to the BrahMos super sonic cruise missile programme. The missile will be retested this month and large investments and expansion plans have been revealed.

-- Investments worth Rs 1.25 billion have been made into the BrahMos Campus. Rs 750 million was invested by the BrahMos organisation while the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) were to contribute Rs 250 million each.

-- BrahMos looks to acquire nearly 60 acres of land in the near future

-- BrahMos Block II to be test fired again on February 20th 2009

-- Few test parameters weren't met in the January tests for which as "software glitch" is assigned as the cause

-- News reports indicate that the January tests could have also failed as the American GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites "blinked" while the test missile was mid-way through its flight

-- "It had an advance seeker which was to home in on the target using GPS data obtained through US satellites. But it is a mystery why the SCAN technology failed to access the satellites
Hey indiatech i have a few questions if you can answer them, it would be appreciated.
BrahMos Updates: Block II to be Tested Feb 20; GPS Failure Doomed Jan Tests? Expansion, Investment Plans Revealed

Dated 3/2/2009
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Below listed are updates with respect to the BrahMos super sonic cruise missile programme. The missile will be retested this month and large investments and expansion plans have been revealed.

-- Investments worth Rs 1.25 billion have been made into the BrahMos Campus. Rs 750 million was invested by the BrahMos organisation while the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) and the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) were to contribute Rs 250 million each.

-- BrahMos looks to acquire nearly 60 acres of land in the near future

-- BrahMos Block II to be test fired again on February 20th 2009

-- Few test parameters weren't met in the January tests for which as "software glitch" is assigned as the cause
How strange! Were they fire testing a Billion Rupee missile of a $ 10 laptop?
-- News reports indicate that the January tests could have also failed as the American GPS (Global Positioning System) satellites "blinked" while the test missile was mid-way through its flight
and the US and indians are strategic partners!!!
And how possibly it could have happen!!!
-- "It had an advance seeker which was to home in on the target using GPS data obtained through US satellites. But it is a mystery why the SCAN technology failed to access the satellites
Yes why did it fail! Thats what i want to know.
At the end of the day, indian missile test failed............. missile test are not carried out without labaratory test and the accompanied checks. If the missile passed all the lab tests then it should have hit the target. Secondly, why was the cover up put in place initially???????? why the news of "Successful" test??????// why did they not have the courage like our esteemed hindustani members in this forum, to admit it in first place????????? why this belated grudging acknowledgement????????

Then what's the need to test it before the use?
I think the discussion should be limited to technical points only. There is no need, especially by the Pakistani members to question India's technical capabilities.

'BrahMos failure was due to software glitch'
M.G. Radhakrishnan
Thiruvanathapuram, February 9, 2009

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CloseIndia Today expert view on 'BrahMos failure due to software glitch'The test failure of BrahMos, India's advanced supersonic cruise missile on January 21 was due to a software error, said A. Sivathanu Pillai, CEO and MD, BrahMos Aerospace, an Indo-Russian joint venture project.

This was the first full test launch at Pokhran field firing range of a more advanced version of world's fastest surface-to-surface cruise missile which was intended to be inducted by Indian Army as precision-strike weapon.

Initially the test was claimed to have been a success by the army which later admitted it was a failure. The block-II test was pertained to have more complex and sophisticated target engagement according to Pillai, who is also chief conductor (R&D), DRDO and also the chairman of the BrahMos Aerospace Thiruvananthapuram Ltd. (BATL).

"We are working on a series of endeavours to get over the software glitches and prepare for the next test which will take place as soon as possible" said Pillai. The BrahMos missile was tested successfully more than 20 times in the past and the failed test was related to a configuration with a new and more sophisticated guidance system. "We are the only country to have a supersonic cruise missile," said Pillai in response to a media persons' question if Pakistan also is on a par with India in missile technology.

The one year-old BATL- country's second BrahMos missile production unit -is expected to touch a turnover of Rs 24 crores in 2008-2009. BATL's supply orders have gone up from Rs 28 crores in the first year to Rs 86 crores in the current year.

BATL's clients include Defense Research Development Organisation, Indian Space Research Organisation and Department of Atomic Energy. "With the opening of the nuclear energy sector we intend to play a much larger role. We have orders now to produce robotic arms used for nuclear industry," said Pillai.

BATL was inaugurated after the BrahMos Aerospace took over the Kerala state-owned Kerala Hightech Industries (Keltec) last year.

According to Pillai, the first fully integrated BrahMos missile is expected to roll out from Rs 125 crore-BATL in 2010 once the integration complex is ready. Union Defence Minister A.K. Antony is to lay foundation stone for the BrahMos integration complex at BATL on February 10.
Army not to induct BrahMos without further trials

New Delhi, Feb 9 (PTI) After its failure last month, Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor has said his force would prefer further trials of BrahMos missile to be sure of the weapon's success, rather than hurrying up induction.
"No," he said when asked if the army would induct BrahMos' new vertical-launch version once it was ready.

"We (the Army) are consumers here. We will like to go through further trials to prove its success. We will congratulate them whenever the missiles passes the test. It is wrong to waste public money," General Kapoor told PTI in an interview.

The 290-km range supersonic cruise missile, developed jointly by India and Russia under a joint venture, failed to hit its intended target during tests in the Pokhran ranges in Rajasthan desert last month.

Asked if the DRDO had complaints over the Army "leaking" information on the failed BrahMos test, Kapoor clarified that the army had reservations over DRDO's initial claim that the missile trial was a success.

He said he was present during the missile testing in Rajasthan recently and watched the test-firing from about a kilometre away. The target was 53 kilometres away from the missile launch site, he said. PTI
Army says no to Brahmos missile

New Delhi: The recent failure of the 290-km-range Brahmos missile to hit a pre-defined target and the high over-run in its production cost has put a question mark over fresh orders for 240 of these missiles from the Indian Army.

Though an RFP (Request For Proposal) for equipping two regiments with this missile was placed with the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) mid-January, it’s learnt that Army chief General Deepak Kapoor has indicated he would not opt for its purchase unless the missile proved its capability and was available at a reasonable price.

“We do not plan to move the proposal to the Cabinet Committee on Security. Let DRDO explain the shortcomings,” Army officials told The Sunday Express, adding that both the Army and the Defence Ministry were opposed to the cost over-run and what DRDO claims to be an “advanced” seeker.

The Army, sources said, is bound by directions of the Defence Acquisition Council which, at the time of placing the first purchase order for 66 missiles in 2006, had said that subsequent regiments would have to be armed with SCAN or “multi-spectral seeker” — a system that provides a video feed to the misThis would help latch the missile on to a specific target hidden in clusters of buildings unlike the present radar technology where the target has to be in isolation or else the missile can deviate to an adjacent body that provides higher radar reflection.

“That is why the present seeker has proved to be adequate for the Indian Navy as two objects are far removed from each other at sea,” sources said. Brahmos is primarily an anti-ship missile that can be launched either in a vertical or inclined position with the capability of covering targets over a 360-degree horizon.

A demonstration to the Army of Brahmos hitting a specific target failed on January 20. The DRDO first claimed success but had to backtrack when General Kapoor insisted on visiting the target site and found that the missile had overshot by a kilometre.

“The missile performance was absolutely normal till the last phase but the missile missed the target though it maintained direction,” Brahmos Aerospace Corporation Director Sivathanu Pillai admitted later. The next test is scheduled for February 10.

Incidentally, a test fire using a vertical launch instead of the usual inclined position from battleship INS Ranvir on January 15 also missed its target, DRDO sources said.
Failed test and rocketing costs: Army says no to Brahmos missile
At the end of the day, indian missile test failed............. missile test are not carried out without labaratory test and the accompanied checks. If the missile passed all the lab tests then it should have hit the target. Secondly, why was the cover up put in place initially???????? why the news of "Successful" test??????// why did they not have the courage like our esteemed hindustani members in this forum, to admit it in first place????????? why this belated grudging acknowledgement????????

i agree that lab tests and checks are made - these are made to make sure that the missile takes off, now how do you expect them to lab test a missile for target before actually firing it? :hitwall:.... they were testing the missile for its parameters and not firing it at some country where a miss would would be a serious case. they are just making sure that the missile is right on spot when actually fired at a country

there is absolutely no sense in your post , the test was conducted to check if the new software ensured an accurate kill, yes the missile missed the target in the first test, but the software was modified and the sucessive test was right on target.

now what are you going to do about it now that the missile hit its target accurately now, and this is a block 2 version which is more advanced than the previous one that has already been inducted , now this version too is being inducted

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