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'India could revert to pre-1947 state'

There is one more term just after the highlighted terms, is that only allowed or that too is not used here?
I am a Malayalee ie a person who speaks Malayalam from Kerala,India.
Short form - Mallu Land
I can give a dozen reasons for above terms as well, I have left it to MODS to decide, now lets us go back to the topic.
This is a very serious topic and am sorry that it has come down to name calling.

As you are all aware, Muslim league had agreed to give United India a try for 10 years in 1946 and only Nehru's refusal to accede to Gandhi ji's request that Quaide Azam be the PM of united India scuppered the deal.

However, 60 years on, can it happen again ??. I would think not. Too much has happened. The killings and anarchy following the partition has left too deep an impression on pysche of the populace of both the countries to let it happen again. But do we really need to reunite India and Pakistan and Bangla Desh to gain the benefits that would follow re-unification???. Why cant it be like Euorpean Union; where there are many nations, with seperate cultures, language and heritage but the borders have become irrelevant. Isnt this ultimate objective of the SAARC as well??.

My Indian friends may not like it, but IMO real obstacle which is stopping this from happening is India. If Kashmir problem is resolved, is there any other impediment from Pakistan/ India/ Bangla Desh borders becoming meaningless ??

I am not saying that give Kashmir to Pakistan, why not let a united Kashmir be a seperate entity, such as Luxemburg is in Europe. Of course I would be living in a cuckoo land if I thought this could happen soon, but why not in 10 to 15 years time ???. Just imagine all the billions we are spending on Defence are spent on education and health !!. Wont that really make a difference to the lot of man on the street??.
I must be mad thinking like this in "Defence Forum" no less!!.
While media hype is predicting India to be super power, and proud Indians telling everyone that they got biggest number of Billionaires in Asia, 80% live under $2 a day and 300 million are suffering an acute food shortage, while 45% children are severly malnutritioned.

80% live under $ 2 a day....can u give me a link to support your claim?

The way out is NAXAL, which control half of the country practically, 14 states, now if some one give another reading to the report on page one, you can get the real picture of future..

Can you name the 14 states?
Thing about India is, it has a huge problem with all sorts of minorities. Other than mainstream Hindus most minorities are so god-damn anti-India..

Which minorities have you spoken to? or what reports are there with you that makes you feel so?

Muslim Indians so openly criticize and ridicule Hindu Indians that it's shocking! .

Relgious bias, yes its there but still its not as violent as the shia - sunni divide, where you bomb and kill '00s.

The divide is so clear and it emanates from India's inability to create one identity, which has happened through incidents recurring every decade. Bombay riots, Gujrat Riots, Babri Masjid, the sikh genocide, etc. Every decade the government participates in a genocide of the minority.

Inspite of creating a muslim nation you have not been able to create a identity for yourself. You still see muslims killing and blowing up each other in the name of shia and sunni. You have muslim terrorists in a masjif right in the middle of islamabad holding a entire nation to ransom. They have openly said they will bomb all over Pakistan if they are not let alone. Who was threatining pakistan of a 100 suicide attacks. What was the recent spate of sucicde bombing for? Who did it?

The minority by now should be feeling that its safety lies in the division of India.

Minority, you mean sikhs, chrisitans and muslims. Sikhs are financially very well off, punjab is one of the most prosperous states. Chrisitians are doing well. Its only the muslims thatare not doing well and thats not surprising. So at the end the same story its the muslims who are cribbing if anybody is.
Its only the muslims that are not doing well and thats not surprising. So at the end the same story its the muslims who are cribbing if anybody is.

Ofcourse its always the muslim; In Feb 2002; 3000 muslims stabbed & raped themselves in streets to make Hindus look bad.
Why do the Indians on this forum insist on digressing from the subject of the thread and resort to levity (not levitation which is another unique Indian past time)? I woul like some serious discussion on the issue raised in this thread as it has implications for the rest of South Asia. Will India collapse like the Soviet Union? Do the tensions exist within Indian society for such an eventuality? It has been my thesis in 'The India Doctrine' that the fear of disintegration requires the Indian government to have hostile intent towards its neighbours to distract its population from its internal fissiparous and centrifugal tendencies.

The fact that countries like nepal, srilanka and B'desh exisits now proves that India hasnt shown any sort of aggresiveness towards its neighbours.
Even, if someone from themselves want to show them the real picture what is their future, they dont want to believe, almost every falling regime in world uses this kind of delusion and psudo nationalism as a last resort.

Dick cheney has told you where your future is..stone age.
Ofcourse its always the muslim; In Feb 2002; 3000 muslims stabbed & raped themselves in streets to make Hindus look bad.

Im talking about their social and economic status. Muslims are the most backward communtiy that exists in planet earth. Just compare the muslim lands to other areas. Where ever they are there in numbers, humans are involved in conflict.
Another one of those veiled threats. RAW is sophisticated enough to home-in
on my IP address, track me down and kill me with their sarcasm if not their wry and dark sense of humour. They are doing a remarkable job keeping India together tickling the Maoists to death and playing hide-and-go-seek with ULFA and the other hundred or so insurgent groups operating in the Seven Sisters. Let us not forget the Indian armed forces' remarkable job of suppressing the insurgency in Kashmir with their ability to silence an entire population with promises of 'special treatment' if they voice their complaints. This is how the Indian government has successfully kept India together so far with their bag of jokes and tricks ... I guess you guys can see me rolling around in a state of uncontrollable laughter. Thanks for the amusing sideshow.

To all Paksitanis, you all have been dream,ing about India breaking up since '47 onwards. All just fart and no ****. But when it came to the matter its we who did that.

We cut your nation into half and it didnt take us 50 years do that it just took us months. Got the point.

Has any other nation been openly threatened, the way US did to Pakistan and with zero self respectabilty Pakistanisl continue to wag their tail in front of Bush...shame shame...

I have reported your post as a test case for MODS, I hope they would be fair and ban you.

There can be nothing more racist, flaming and abusive then your post.

If you want to report something, please do but leave out the commentary please.
Oh so much pain. It hurts. Dont it?

You same people divided our country in half.

You same people now want to divide Balochistan.

Now when we want to divide. It hurts! :D

It doesnt hurt it justs dissappoints us. Even after 50 years we havnt seen what you have promised.
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