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India conveys concerns to China over building of dam on Brahmaputra river


Sep 26, 2018
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Amid reports over China building a major hydropower project on the Brahmaputra river in Tibet, India today said that it carefully monitors all developments on the river and has conveyed its concerns to Beijing as a “lower riparian state with considerable user rights”.

Pertinently, the building of a dam across the Brahmaputra river could significantly reduce the quantum of water following into India. The reports of China constructing a dam, that surfaced this week, can add to the already existing tensions between the two countries over border row in Eastern Ladakh.

While responding to a media query, the Ministry of External Affairs spokesman Anurag Srivastava said that India has taken note of the reports and carefully monitors all developments on the Brahmaputra River.

“As a lower riparian State with considerable established user rights to the waters of the trans-border rivers, Government has consistently conveyed its views and concerns to the Chinese authorities and has urged them to ensure that the interests of downstream States are not harmed by any activities in upstream areas,” the MEA spokesman said.

He added that the Chinese side has also conveyed to India on several occasions that they are only undertaking run-of-the-river hydropower projects which do not involve diversion of the waters of the Brahmaputra.

“Various issues relating to trans-border rivers are discussed with China under the ambit of an institutionalized Expert Level Mechanism which was established in 2006, as well as through diplomatic channels,” Srivastava said, adding that India intends to remain engaged with China on the issue of trans-border rivers to safeguard the interests of both countries.
MEA’s comments today came after a report in the Chinese state media that Beijing was planning to construct a major hydropower project on the Yarlung Zangbo River, the Tibetan name for the Brahmaputra. India has registered its concerns over Chinese plans to build dams on trans border rivers in the past as well.

Meanwhile, China has played down its plan to build a major dam in the lower reaches of the Brahmaputra river in Tibet.

The Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson today said that there is no need to have “any anxiety” over the project and Beijing will continue to have “good communication” with lower riparian states – India and Bangladesh.

Where are the Indian Idiots, who were claiming, this does not concern or harm india in anyway.

Lies and fake bravado is real Indian identity.
He added that the Chinese side has also conveyed to India on several occasions that they are only undertaking run-of-the-river hydropower projects which do not involve diversion of the waters of the Brahmaputra.
Why are Indians so concerned?
Why are Indians so concerned?
Its mentioned in the article" Pertinently, the building of a dam across the Brahmaputra river could significantly reduce the quantum of water following into India. The reports of China constructing a dam, that surfaced this week, can add to the already existing tensions between the two countries over border row in Eastern Ladakh. "
Its mentioned in the article" Pertinently, the building of a dam across the Brahmaputra river could significantly reduce the quantum of water following into India. The reports of China constructing a dam, that surfaced this week, can add to the already existing tensions between the two countries over border row in Eastern Ladakh. "
But China has already said that it has nothing to do with diversion of the flow. Indians are making noises for no reason.
Why are Indians so concerned?
But China has already said that it has nothing to do with diversion of the flow. Indians are making noises for no reason.

Watch this, it'll explain the matter in a much better way. Basically, China can make Northern India very dry if it wants to in the future due to its chokehold on the water supply, most, if not all, of which comes from Tibet.

Rogue regime building roads and bridges into foreign Chinese , Pakistani, Nepalese and Bhutanese land voices concern about China building dam for electricity on a Chinese river in Chinese land.
China please oblige with Indian concerns or you know what India can do to you....will conduct a fake news attack on you and make you back down in bollywood.

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