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India confirms presence of BLA chief Hyrbyair Marri in New Delhi

Haybar Marri will just fade into past like a useless mental case like Tarek Fatah...he can hate Pakistan all he wants..if he was even 0.1% usefull..agencies would have taken him out...

The entire indian proof of 26/11 is a closed loop...and is at best...show an act of private terrorist groups...and even worst is that a bunch of rag tag terrorist were able to penetrate Indian supah powah navy and conduct a massacre at the heart of its capital...better save the proof as evidence of your own incompetency....
Well, LOL,
These BLA being forced by RAW "Indian Terrorist Organization" to make terrorism into Quetta, Balochistan. After all all the weapons Pak Army found there are from India. But your Indians poor dream will NEVER become as true :pakistan:

The article has a wrong title and info. I guess that is why ET took it off now. Marri is not in Delhi. His representative is.
Doesn`t matter where ever he is. After all he lives into hearts of RAW.
@Oscar, I'd suggested on several occasions the steady, if slow build up of intelligence capabilities by India's alphabetical soup of agencies concerning Pakistan following the 26/11 incident. There was also a revamp of the extent and nature of operations permitted and the scope of activities to be prepped , in short the rules of engagement,

Given that the intelligence agencies are slowly being unshackled from their incapability, the fact that the current political dispensation is not as encumbered with holding the 'moral high ground', and the fact that GOI feels extraordinarily threatened by the military implications of the CPEC, you have a situation where GOI was always likely to precipitate a move, or maneuver to take advantage of a Pakistani move.

The GOI, the IA, the IB & RAW are convinced the recent surge in violence in Indian administered Kashmir are being plotted by PA/ISI. We may have a situation where India is positioning itself; if Kashmir begins to boil, so must Pakistan, or whatever we can lay our hands on. A return to the days of CIT-X and CIT-J perhaps?

Well, considering that the establishment here(via the Rangers) has nearly killed off one of the political parties in Karachi that was susceptible to "scratch my back , I scratch yours". That leaves only a few other avenues apart from Balochistan. Making the party that is not in power(namely the PPPP) start up on Sindhi Ethnic issues, OR Killing off some Shia and Sunni in tit for tat.. Or inciting violence in minorities Or helping finance and plan an attack on another PAF or PN base.
Major Iqbal, Anybody can walkup to a isolated person and can make him believe he is a RAW/IB agent. That's why American courts didnt convicted ISI in the 26/11 attack.

Open up your mind to facts of how law works.

See this is what is the problem even when faced with facts you out rightly deny with such stupid statements. If your statement is only right then why was Hadley punished.

David Headley pleaded guilty to 12 counts related to the attacks, including conspiracy to commit murder in India and aiding and abetting in the murder of six Americans. On 23 January 2013, he was sentenced to 35 years in federal prison.

Thats the question, if he is a real murderer then why doesnt India raise voice at the highest level? Instead of giving a reason you are telling me he is a free man. Ok. The convict of samjhota express is also free. You have to admit that Indian governmwnt has weakened its own case by not sharing proofs at the highest level.

lol :) Now tell me why shouldn't i support Baloch separatists anyways talking sane dosent work giving dossiers dosent work.. Instead let India also do a tit for tat.

Thorn from a thorn that way nobody has to claim of being a saint.

Why dont india give some PROOF againts lakhvi and hafiz saeed . If not to Pak give to US or some international court its height of deception . US put 1 million dollar bounty if any one can provide anything against Hafiz saeed that can be used against him in court but nothing ever came from any corner of world including india.

PROOF: lol :D
Former Pakistani officer admits to his country's role in 26/11, says Kasab was LeT terrorist from Pakistan - IBNLive
lol :) Now tell me why shouldn't i support Baloch separatists anyways talking sane dosent work giving dossiers dosent work.. Instead let India also do a tit for tat.

Thorn from a thorn that way nobody has to claim of being a saint.

Ok. Good luck. You are free to support whoever you want.
Let see what his brother Changhase Murri going to say who is also a federal minister, I guess.
Well things are getting more and more ridiculous with each passing day. I AM LOVING THE Hypocrisy here. :rofl: How can one not break into laugh seeing how some members are willing and trying to defend such situations.
Hmm, I guess you forgot Kashmir, 700,000 Indian troop were stuck fighting an uprising. Everyday attack on military installations and dead soldiers. Demoralized soldiers killing their superiors or committing suicide. During Kargil, even main strike corps of Indian Army were sucked into Kashmir valley leaving Punjab border poorly guarded. Nagaland, Khalistan and many other flashpoints can easily be flaredup.


I always wondered from where Pakistanis pull this 700000 figure..

O bhai,Kashmir barely contains 1/5th of total Indian Army,even that has to do more than China than Pakistan or Terrorism.CRPF and BSF are more than capable to deal with these threats.but as both China and Pakistan occupied portion of Kashmir and in previous times,most of the major war had an offensive against Kashmir,India is bound to post such a massive force.

you want to know what is Indian Deployment in Kashmir??

on 2012,J&K Police had 76,980 personnel.

In 2007, then-Northern Army commander, Lieutenant-General H.S. Panag, said a total of 3,37,000 troops were present in the State, about a third of these committed to counter-terrorism.Post 2011,around 25% reduction was performed,which means around 2,10,000 soldiers are present right now,of which some 1/3 performs Counter Terrorism.Don't forget,Kashmir houses 3 Corps(XIV,XV,XVI) along with some independent Divisons on rotation basis,which has nothing to do with Terrorism.these were posted in Kashmir all along.

on 2012,CRPF had 60 battalions posted in Kashmir,which reduced 18 battalions from 2010,so you can assume by 2015,it was reduced further.

I wonder from where this mythical 700000 figure came. :lol:
(=^;^=) is outta Bag, the timing of this news is also very interesting, it comes out after few weeks of Pakistan handing over Doc's to UN.....
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