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India completes the nuclear triad, turning South Asia’s strategic equation on its head

The bold part. The ambiguity is very clear in Indian nuclear doctrine, that we choose to respond with a weapon of our own choice to any strike with CBRN weapons, where in even the actual move of CBRN weapons for a strike against Indian counterforce/countervalue targets, can be construed as an imminent attack and the same can be neutralized with own attack. That is one ambiguity which is very clear in India actually having a first strike doctrine in case of imminent use of these weapons. Rest of the part, if you know even 0.5% about Indian Strategic Forces, nuclear command and control and dispersion of assets and platforms, the case of an 'incapacitation' of Indian strategic forces with a first strike is not only remote, but also near impossible. Until and unless the enemy nation decided to drop about 1000 plus MT yield weapons all over the Indian territory ......

Hi dear @hellfire
There is no ambiguity over indian nuclear doctrine. Kindly refer to various prominent chiefs of SFC or those associated with framing our nuclear policies.Indian nuclear doctrine is very clear and transparent!Kindly pardon me for the way i put that in the sentence that you have highlighted! I hope this video will help-

Kindly note that Adm Shankar was the former chief of SFC.So his statements bear a lot of weightage
Frankly speaking i doubt if indian polity will have enough will to retaliate with our nukes even if were

sub kiloton weapons can be used in south Asian battlefield. Both Pakistan and Indian armies practice with that scenario in mind... the fallout of significant levels will be bare minimum .....

dude once this nuke game is started it will not stop at battlefield nukes do you really think either India or pakistan to hold back, it will be nukes raining over Indian subcontinent, no large city will survive.
Major Cities in Pakistan Population 2016
Over 1 Million

100,000 to 1 Million

10,000 to 100,000

Major Cities in India Population 2016
Over 1 Million

100,000 to 1 Million

10,000 to 100,000

so I think India will try to target almost all of pakistani cities and pakistan will target around 300 indian cities?

the total causalities will be humongous and In pakistan's case all of its cities will be nuked. living both India and pakistan without any structure.
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People who survive radiation will die of starvation and disease...

Its like going back to stone age
m pretty sure pakistan is natural :D

Arihant is kind of a training ship for upcoming bigger babies, rest of submarines will be bigger and will carry double the amount of K-4 missiles or upgraded cousins.
next bby will carry 8 and other will be even bigger with 12 :D which will carry ICBMs mostly.
That madness transcends into forum moderators as well. Suggest you avoid the smileys and cheesiness.
People who survive radiation will die of starvation and disease...

Its like going back to stone age

worst stone age you could eat something. The fallout of radiation remain for next 35 years nothing grows in the impacted area.
the generations will be impacted who ever survives. People will eat people.
That was a logic which was achieved with your present set up. Practically speaking, SSBNs will only be of practical value to Pakistan if they maintain more than 5 to 6. For India, it is the China factor only. Like @Oscar said, its more of a psychological domination for home consumption, especially in your case. For India too, it right now more psychological rather than practical use. India intends to have around 6 - 8 SSBNs and around 6 - 10 SSNs over the next couple of decades.
There is no need for 6-8 SSBN's... YET.

If by chance some 50 years down the line the world returns to the age of empires(if we havent all killed ourselves).. with India facing a Chinese totalitarian regime to the north, a belligerent and somewhat stable Pakistan to the west which projects a Middle Eastern Alliance.. it will need that number to fight on in what remains of the scarce resources and polluted environment.

That is if the best case for humanity comes true.
That madness transcends into forum moderators as well. Suggest you avoid the smileys and cheesiness.

not my intention buddy. Hope these machines of war will never be fired in anger at anyone.
worst stone age you could eat something. The fallout of radiation remain for next 35 years nothing grows in the impacted area.
the generations will be impacted who ever survives. People will eat people.
That will happen unless the people of the subcontinent realize that their strength lies in unity and not in fighting over barren ice-scapes that provide them water.
6th power and the deal is fine, but it's not suppose to be completed until later, stay tuned. Even we can't make submarines appear out of thin air.

The point of nukes is to be seen, if the Pakistani nukes weren't seen, what effect would they have? I mean unless they actually used it which is just as insane as it sounds.

UK only maintains nukes at seas, so not a nuclear triad.
I have no idea what you are trying to say....answer my post with some facts may be a good start?

First you drop dark hints about a mythical pakistani missile and firing capability that nobody has heard of but you are sure "they must have developed". Then you want people to reply to that post with "facts".


@MilSpec @Syama Ayas @Abingdonboy @Roybot @NIA
First you drop dark hints about a mythical pakistani missile and firing capability that nobody has heard of but you are sure "they must have developed". Then you want people to reply to that post with "facts".


One thing you and your friends can be sure that I don't quote LANGUAGE filled with mystery and myths. Here are a few links and some verbiage from one of the links for you. Enjoy, I know embarrassment has no impact on you guys so its useless to expect you'd be embarrassed. You are here to do blind propaganda and its funny to see you guys don't come back when someone calls you out. And to further damage your little imagination and fake pride....this story was from 2009. So for you to think that since 2009 (7 years after, today), the Pakistanis haven't increased their ranges and sophistication of these systems, is like virtual reality in your own head. You can view it however you please :enjoy: :angel:

"WASHINGTON — The United States has accused Pakistan of illegally modifying American-made missiles to expand its capability to strike land targets, a potential threat to India, according to senior administration and Congressional officials.

At issue is the detection by American intelligence agencies of a suspicious missile test on April 23 — a test never announced by the Pakistanis — that appeared to give the country a new offensive weapon."


Here's an Indian site reporting the denial from Pakistan (I know you'd trust shitty Indian sites reporting crap more than nytimes :cheers:, boy I've learned a lot on pdf about how you guys operate)

No modification made to Harpoon missile: Pakistan - Times of India

And here is a little detail for you on Augusta. You can do your own research before you write virtual reality and fake propaganda on here. The Pakistani cruise missiles have already been integrated in the French Mirages (avionics upgrade). Pakistan also bought Augusta with TOT and knows French systems for decades. You can be VERY assured that the missiles are not Excocet in their Augusta's as that serves them no purpose to have a 100KM reach, when they can have 700 KM reach.

The Agosta 90B submarine is fitted with four bow 533mm torpedo tubes and has the capacity to carry a mixed load of up to 16 torpedoes and missiles. The submarine can be equipped with the ECAN F17 mod 2 torpedo, which is a wire-guided torpedo with active and passive homing to a range of 20km. The torpedo delivers a 250kg warhead to a depth of 600m.

MBDA Exocet SM39 missiles
The Agosta 90B is equipped with the torpedo tube launched MBDA (formerly EADS Aerospatiale) Exocet SM39 missile. Target range and bearing data is downloaded into the Exocet's computer.

The missile approaches the target area in sea-skimming mode using inertial navigation and then active radar homing. The missile travels at speeds over Mach 0.9, and has a range of 50km. Exocet has a 165kg high-explosive shaped-charge warhead.
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Now Now Now Boys !!

You have Hopped enough----Now Settle down

Nuclear Triad means we can use Air, Land and Sea based Wepsys for Retaliation. This is What a CIVILIAN THINKS NOT A PLANNER AND PRESERVER

Let me elaborate

Kids Out here who dont even know what is 901 shouldnt even Jump to conclusion(s)

1) ICBM - Assume you have 1 or 2
2) SLCM - Assume you have 10- 20
3) SLBM - Assume you have 10-20
4) Nuclear Sub - Assume you have 1
All above Leads to Zilch -

Reason your Economy is having (a) No Industrial Base
b) No Forex reserves, dues 8 Bn USD for Loans this Qtr to IMF
c) No Strategic Oil Reserves
d) No Strategic Food Reserves
e) Baluchistan in Peril - atlest 3 Div needed at Any time to control
f) NWFP in Ruin again...

With all this happening above you have balls to say of Nuke Retaliation.... Wake up

Nuclear Triad - also includes (a) Setting Food Grain Reserves, (b) Strategic Oil Reserves (c) Industrial base (d) Forex or Gold Reserves (e) Peace in Nation.

Each Nation who engages in Nuclear Retaliation also ensure SURVIVAL of its Crucial Population. There is no point in saying we will wipe off India but whole of my Population will go Hungry and Die of Disease !!

You accomplish only 3 of above after Military Weapsys, then talk of Threatening Other nation.
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I have no idea what you are trying to say....answer my post with some facts may be a good start?

It was in concurrence to your quoted text in my earlier post ... I agree with what you had written in that .. ignorance is rampant about this topic.

There is no ambiguity over indian nuclear doctrine

Okay if you want to believe that. I am yet to understand with this belief. that even if we see a MOPP-2 of opposing forces, why our assets are readied for launch as per existing protocol ... can you please tell me the rationale? And I am NOT talking about this from second hand information. I shall indeed be grateful.

Kindly refer to various prominent chiefs of SFC or those associated with framing our nuclear policies.Indian nuclear doctrine is very clear and transparent!Kindly pardon me for the way i put that in the sentence that you have highlighted! I hope this video will help-

Kindly note that Adm Shankar was the former chief of SFC.So his statements bear a lot of weightage
Frankly speaking i doubt if indian polity will have enough will to retaliate with our nukes even if were

Kindly note that what I have stated earlier is straight from the person (an Indian Army Officer) responsible for drafting the Nuclear Doctrine for the Army which was accepted verbatim by the GoI and who raised the whole concept of SFC and got Indian Army into a position to prepare to fight a nuclear war in South Asian battlefield. This officer was one of the pioneers of raising the detachment pertaining to NBC warfare for the tri-services and has authored the initial aspects of Ex Divyastra (the original exercise of fighting in CBRN backdrop in early 90s) and raised every department of Indian Army concerned with CBRN warfare - be it the faculty of CBRN Protection at College of Military Engineering, the concerned departments at Army HQ or be it even the miniaturization of weapons for the various platforms ranging from 155mm artillery shell to missiles. He was in Pokhran 2 and was tasked to raise the SFC ... need I go on more? If you want the name do let me know ... he was trained by US in 1984 before a ban on Indian officers training (second of the two trained in those days in NBC aspects at Fort McClellan at US Army Chemical School, Alabama when it was located at Alabama) ..... the beauty of Indian system is that no one will ever tell you anything concrete .... that's it.

Secondly, I am again reiterating I can get into a pretty long discussion on CBRN warfare in south Asian battlefield with you as I know the subject inside out. Please go to any thread on Nuclear warfare ....you will find my posts there.

Till then please refer Para 2 Objectves with emphasis on subpara 3a of the nuclear doctrine on

Draft Report of National Security Advisory Board on Indian Nuclear Doctrine
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It was in concurrence to your quoted text in my earlier post ... I agree with what you had written in that .. ignorance is rampant about this topic.

I figured.

Okay if you want to believe that. I am yet to understand with this belief. that even if we see a MOPP-2 of opposing forces, why our assets are readied for launch as per existing protocol ... can you please tell me the rationale? And I am NOT talking about this from second hand information. I shall indeed be grateful.

Kindly note that what I have stated earlier is straight from the person (an Indian Army Officer) responsible for drafting the Nuclear Doctrine for the Army which was accepted verbatim by the GoI and who raised the whole concept of SFC and got Indian Army into a position to prepare to fight a nuclear war in South Asian battlefield. This officer was one of the pioneers of raising the detachment pertaining to NBC warfare for the tri-services and has authored the initial aspects of Ex Divyastra (the original exercise of fighting in CBRN backdrop in early 90s) and raised every department of Indian Army concerned with CBRN warfare - be it the faculty of CBRN Protection at College of Military Engineering, the concerned departments at Army HQ or be it even the miniaturization of weapons for the various platforms ranging from 155mm artillery shell to missiles. He was in Pokhran 2 and was tasked to raise the SFC ... need I go on more? If you want the name do let me know ... he was trained by US in 1984 before a ban on Indian officers training (second of the two trained in those days in NBC aspects at Fort McClellan at US Army Chemical School, Alabama when it was located at Alabama) ..... the beauty of Indian system is that no one will ever tell you anything concrete

Very concise post and thank you for sharing the knowledge. And you are right about the Indian system. They don't tell the entire story, which is fine. The only issue is the fanboys on here go down the ignorant path on everything and make a huge issue out of everything. But this forum needs knowledgeable and objective member like yourself :enjoy:

@Irfan Baloch @Horus : Gentlemen, the day would never come when I can rate someone's postings. But the gentlemen above (member hellfire) deserves a positive rating for such a concise post. Please give him one and thank you for your help!!
You mean like this Indian fella .... ! His really humping the massive Indian forex reserves ain't he? Act like twat get treated like twat.

Wats wrong with this man ? Hes working hard to earn his living with dignity ! not unlike some countries in neighbourhood who beg to their dear big brother for aid n few planes N M sure hes making rs 300-400 per day, enough for him.
There are many pics of poor people in pakistan too if u goggle but i refrain from posting em on pdf. btw who made u a think tank analyst.......?
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