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India completes the nuclear triad, turning South Asia’s strategic equation on its head


Aug 5, 2012
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India completes the nuclear triad, turning South Asia’s strategic equation on its head
Published March 10, 2016

SOURCE: Theworldweekly.com


Snce conducting five nuclear weapons tests apiece in May 1998, South Asian rivals India and Pakistan have been steadily developing their strategic arsenals. The nuclear competition dates back to the region’s first test detonation, by India in 1974, so both had developed the capability to deliver warheads, by warplanes and land-based missiles, before the 1998 tit-for-tat exchange of tests.
The delivery capacity of both countries has since rapidly improved, with the development of opposing fleets of missiles capable of hitting any target on each other’s territory, and the miniaturisation of plutonium warheads for battlefield use.

Concurrently, they have built the fastest growing stockpile of nuclear warheads in the world. Pakistan currently possesses enough fissile material to arm 100-120 nuclear warheads, while India isn’t far behind with 90-110, according to the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute. The Council on Foreign Relations, a US think-tank, in November 2014 said Pakistan’s nuclear weapons programme is the fastest growing in the world, and that it could enrich enough plutonium for 200 warheads by 2020.
Only the five permanent members of the UN Security Council have more.
Parallel to that, the strategic policies of both nations have been clearly stated: India has voluntarily adopted a no-first-strike policy, while Pakistan has refused to, citing the overwhelming numerical superiority of India’s conventional forces. Thus, theoretically, the South Asian theatre had reached a strategic stalemate: India and Pakistan would be able to carry out a single wave of strikes against each other, after which both would become incapacitated and unable to launch any further nuclear weapons.
? Nuclear race
That entire equation is about to be set on its head. India is undertaking the final trials of its first nuclear-armed Arihant-class submarine, which would make it the sixth country in the world capable of launching atomic weapons from air, land and maritime platforms, unnamed Indian officials have told the media. The INS Arihant could be commissioned as early as this month, providing India with a ‘second-strike’ capability – giving it a significant edge over Pakistan for the first time since the 1998 tests.
However, Pakistan is not India’s sole strategic foe. It has also fought a 1962 war with China and competition has been growing between them for dominance in the Indian Ocean. Thus India plans to build four of the 6,000-ton, 110-metre-long Arihant submarines, to put it on a rough strategic par with China, which sent its four ‘boomers’ on patrol for the first time in 2015, the Washington Times newspaper reported in December.
Nonetheless, India’s impending induction of nuclear-armed submarines in 2013 prompted Pakistan to ask China, a close ally, to supply it with the technology to reproduce its Jin-class nuclear-armed submarines; Beijing has not taken a decision yet.
“The reality of an arms race in South Asia is quite evident,” Harsh V. Pant, an Asia security expert and professor of international relations at King’s College London, told The World Weekly. “For most Indian decision-makers, it is the China factor that remains the most important issue. Delhi also fears a China-Pakistan axis, and so it feels the need to be prepared for a ‘two-front’ war.”
Thus South Asia has become the first region, ever, where three nuclear-armed combatants share borders that contain a population of 2.8 billion, nearly 39% of the world’s people, according to 2014 estimates by the US Census Bureau.
The strategic game change in South Asia comes amid a recent push by India to perfect its ability to hit targets anywhere in China with nuclear-tipped intercontinental ballistic missiles, and develop the ability to launch nuclear missiles from submarines.
Since 2011, India and Pakistan have proved their ability to strike targets up to 1,300 kilometres away, the equivalent of anywhere on each other’s territory.
In December 2014, the Indian military conducted its first successful test of the 4,000-kilometre-range Agni-IV, the first Indian ballistic missile capable of delivering nuclear or conventional warheads deep into Chinese territory; it is still undergoing user-trials, the last carried out last November, ahead of its induction.
Similarly, India’s strategic weapons trailblazer, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), in January 2015 successfully tested the road-mobile delivery platform of its first true intercontinental ballistic missile, the Agni-V; with a range of up to 5,500 kilometres, it will extend India’s strategic reach to the rest of China when it is pressed into service.
China’s Cold War-origin programme has included missiles with a range equivalent to India’s Agni-V since 1980.
Both Agni variants have been fast-tracked for deployment by India’s strategic forces command in the next couple of years.
Those advancements, in turn, prompted Pakistan to demonstrate its ability in March and December 2015 to successfully fire an intermediate-range missile, the Shaheen-III missile, which splashed down in the Indian Ocean after flying nearly 2,800 kilometres, far enough to reach Israel. Pakistan has said that the Strategic Plans Division of its military is capable of further extending the reach of its Shaheen and Ghauri missile variants by adding additional solid or liquid-fuel ‘stages’ to their propulsion systems.
? Choppy seas
India is also making progress on developing submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBM), having first test-fired a 750-kilometre-range K-15 variant in January 2013. Last September, the DRDO publicly acknowledged having readied the 3,500-kilometre-range K-4 SLBM.
However, both are in early stages of development and India will not, in practice, become the world’s sixth country with air, land and sea-based nuclear platforms until its SLBM arsenal becomes a proven technology.
India needs to show the world it can capably and effectively operate the nuclear-armed submarine, Jon Grevatt, Asia-Pacific defence-industry analyst for IHS Jane’s told Bloomberg on February 26. The “important milestone” is part of a bigger strategy to ensure its security, he said. “The Arihant is a stepping stone for India. I don’t think it will alter the balance of power in the region unless India has a fleet of four or five such submarines.”
China began combat patrols of an armed nuclear-powered submarine last year, the Washington Times reported in December, citing the US Strategic Command and Defence Intelligence Agency.
The Asian nuclear powers’ technical capabilities are equivalent to what the Western nuclear triad powers – Britain, France and the US – achieved in the 1980s. Chinese and Indian nuclear submarines are relatively noisy and thus easily detectable by Western forces.
They cannot, however, detect each other, adding a dangerous element of the unknown to their strategic competition, which has risen noticeably since the 2013 appointment of Chinese President Xi Jinping, with his plans to develop China’s navy into an ocean-going force.
Provocatively, China has deployed conventionally armed submarines in the Indian Ocean since 2014, with the vessels calling at Chinese-operated ports in Pakistan and Sri Lanka to pick up supplies, much to India’s chagrin. In retaliation, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has since maintained the presence of a navy vessel in the South China Sea, where China is embroiled in a territorial dispute with five neighbouring countries that also pits it against the US.
The maritime frictions will worsen as China and India extend the range of operations of their nuclear-armed submarines in due course, analysts said.
“You will probably see more friction in maritime sub-regions such as the South China Sea or the Bay of Bengal, which China and India increasingly view as their future bastions” for nuclear ballistic-missile submarines, Iskander Rehman, a postdoctoral fellow at the Washington-based Brookings Institution’s foreign policy programme, told Bloomberg. “Tensions will no doubt arise from subsurface encounters in such areas, particularly as both conventional and nuclear submarines continue to proliferate throughout the Indo-Pacific region.”
In turn, those frictions could persuade China to supply Pakistan, its biggest defence customer, with technology to build Jin-class nuclear-armed submarines, building on the tensions with India, analysts said.
“There will likely be a long phase of initial instability as China and India start deploying nuclear missiles on submarines,” the Lowy Institute for International Policy, a US think-tank, said in a report issued last September. “Chinese and Indian nuclear-armed submarines – along with possible Pakistani… units – may remain detectable by adversaries, making their activities unpredictable in times of crisis.”
Posted in India

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South Asia is not the focus of the sub. China's ability to take out everything but the Agni V and their subs make it important that India be able to project its first strike threat to Beijing... and others( those that can understand would agree that the planners of this move thought much much further ahead).

Second is the need to show superiority in the region with a focus on the psychological effect on the populations.

Pakistan is the equation of 25 nuclear warheads and that is that. But the proximity of Pakistan along with the ridiculously short flight time of missiles make it irrelevant if India lobs any more missiles from the shore.
Well now when Pakistan introduces it's own nuclear sub nobody will say anything as we are doing it only for deterrence and as I always say it's good to have a enemy like India makes us better
South Asia is not the focus of the sub. China's ability to take out everything but the Agni V and their subs make it important that India be able to project its first strike threat to Beijing... and others( those that can understand would agree that the planners of this move thought much much further ahead).

Hi dear @Oscar
I dont think India has a first strike policy. The reason why india has invested heavily in SSBNs is the fact that india needs a very credible second strike in case it deals with an incapacitating first strike. Indian nuclear forces should be able to survive such a first attack. Incidently i was having this very same discussion on some technical feature of the primary "armament" of arihant ,today in the class with my collegue who happens to work on this project. The primary focus is "survivability". What is more important here,is the fact that with the qualitative improvement in the indian nuclear forces- like introduction of canisterized cold launch of ICBMs and SLBMs- india has moved in the direction of electronic-mating of the warheads with the delivery system.This provides india a much needed edge over pakistan in terms of launching a surprise attack(which is unlikely given india's NFUP pledge) by reducing the preparation time! In the case of TCT-5(canisterized agni-5 system) the launch time/prep time is as low as just 5mins!
South Asia is not the focus of the sub. China's ability to take out everything but the Agni V and their subs make it important that India be able to project its first strike threat to Beijing... and others( those that can understand would agree that the planners of this move thought much much further ahead).

Second is the need to show superiority in the region with a focus on the psychological effect on the populations.

Pakistan is the equation of 25 nuclear warheads and that is that. But the proximity of Pakistan along with the ridiculously short flight time of missiles make it irrelevant if India lobs any more missiles from the shore.

Completion of Nuclear Triad does make a lot of difference, in India-Pakistan scenario as well.

A SSBN gives India an assured second strike capability, which when coupled with India's stated NFU doctrine with massive retaliation in case of NBC attack on Indian soil or forces anywhere. Gives the doctrine its actual teeth.
Some circles in Pakistan have always believed, if they can produce and launch enough nuclear weapons on India in its first strike. They can avoid MAD scenario.
Now such a scenario is not possible.

Secondly a SLBM launch from Arabian sea, gives Pakistan, no reaction time. 1999, during height of Kargil war, when Pakistan army started preparing it nuclear weapons, the movement was picked up by American satellites and Pakistanis were warned by Americans.
This process of mating warheads with missiles gives an enemy a clear warning can be picked up enemy intelligence.

However a nuclear powered SSBN which can deployed months in advance and launch weapons at moments notice can not picked up by the enemy.
Well now when Pakistan introduces it's own nuclear sub nobody will say anything as we are doing it only for deterrence and as I always say it's good to have a enemy like India makes us better

The likelyhood of pakistan designing her own Nuclear submarine is abysmally low given the current industrial maturity of the country
The likelyhood of pakistan designing her own Nuclear submarine is abysmally low given the current industrial maturity of the country

Keep believing these things Pakistan has been working on nuclear sub from a long time and maybe we have even built it but than our military keeps everything secret and always show things when the time is right

Just like after you nuclear blasts in 1998 we also did the nuclear blasts but we already had the capability but showed it much later
South Asia is not the focus of the sub. China's ability to take out everything but the Agni V and their subs make it important that India be able to project its first strike threat to Beijing... and others( those that can understand would agree that the planners of this move thought much much further ahead).

Second is the need to show superiority in the region with a focus on the psychological effect on the populations.

Pakistan is the equation of 25 nuclear warheads and that is that. But the proximity of Pakistan along with the ridiculously short flight time of missiles make it irrelevant if India lobs any more missiles from the shore.
Military Buildup also ensures capability of power projection around the world.
We are concerned about SCS dispute. Yet we don't want involve in US-China proxies but China's win in the war will strengthen their bid inside IOR.
India is still 10-15 years away to become a major power like US, Russia China.
You know about supa dupa powa ambitions. :D
And it will be a matter of shame if we can't protect our own region from an external force.
Well now when Pakistan introduces it's own nuclear sub nobody will say anything as we are doing it only for deterrence and
Nuclear sub won't give you much strategic advantage. Whom you will bully on Arabs?
Obviously, impossible is too shadow India who will have 35-40 conventional and about a dozen nuclear sub by then.
Nor our sub is against you. We launched it 3000km away from your coast to patrol in IOR and potentially South China Sea(if we involve) and Pacific (if we use US bases as our logistical agreement with them).
as I always say it's good to have a enemy like India makes us better
Which intelligent person told you India is your enemy? We have a lot more to concern about instead of a jumping neighbor. India won't shelve it's projects just because pak feels safe.
And what sort of advantage pak is getting by trying to compete with us. Investing roughly double in percentage and still lag behind.
You are investing too much in nukes and India would shatter entire advantage even if starts investing at such rate for 1-2 years (India has enough material to make 2000 nukes).
And resulting, India's progress rate is your double. And could become a developed country at least two decades before you.

What's need of pak to deter us? You are already at a very nice strategic position. Surrounded by Oil and Gas giants and India and China(two very large consumers, influencing global issues. military giants and global economic engines.) on other side.
What's need of messing when you can destroy an economy without firing a single bullet?

Sometimes, I feel jealous of pakistanis. :D
They have not to do much efforts like India to protect their interests. Yet they want to take headaches. Probably feel that how cool is this.
By the way, I have heard a little about pakistani nuclear submarine program. Can anybody give me some more info.
Keep believing these things Pakistan has been working on nuclear sub from a long time and maybe we have even built it but than our military keeps everything secret and always show things when the time is right

Just like after you nuclear blasts in 1998 we also did the nuclear blasts but we already had the capability but showed it much later

Pakistani nuclear weapons were an open secret since 1980s.


Indira Gandhis and Israeli plan to blow up Pakistani nuclear reactor in Kahuta 1983.

Gen Sunderjees warning in 1986 during operation brass tacks.
In which he claimed this was last opportunity for India to defeat Pakistan, before Pakistan nuclear weapons become operational.

General Zia boasting about Pakistani nuclear weapons to Rajiv Gandhi during his cricket diplomacy.

1990s American Pressler amendments sanctions on Pakistan.

And Pakistan's nuclear black market trade in 80s and 90s.
this does produce an imbalance which needs to be corrected by deploying nukes under water....

hopefully soon
Keep believing these things Pakistan has been working on nuclear sub from a long time and maybe we have even built it but than our military keeps everything secret and always show things when the time is right

Just like after you nuclear blasts in 1998 we also did the nuclear blasts but we already had the capability but showed it much later
Intelligent person, only blasting tactical nukes can't make you emerge at global arena. India first did tests in 1974, then, 1998 and has made enormous progress on civilian nuclear technology and sciences from then.
And here's case of correct time to reveal your sub, that must be never. Your strategic location is enough to protect your interests.
By the way, you have already ruined your economic structure by investing heavily in nuclear in percentage. Better is to start investing in this program when pakistan comes in G20 economies(at least 35-40 years from now).
And again, India has no hegemonic intentions. So, you don't need to worry.
South Asia is not the focus of the sub. China's ability to take out everything but the Agni V and their subs make it important that India be able to project its first strike threat to Beijing... and others( those that can understand would agree that the planners of this move thought much much further ahead).

Second is the need to show superiority in the region with a focus on the psychological effect on the populations.

Pakistan is the equation of 25 nuclear warheads and that is that. But the proximity of Pakistan along with the ridiculously short flight time of missiles make it irrelevant if India lobs any more missiles from the shore.

Completion of Nuclear Triad does make a lot of difference, in India-Pakistan scenario as well.

A SSBN gives India an assured second strike capability, which when coupled with India's stated NFU doctrine with massive retaliation in case of NBC attack on Indian soil or forces anywhere. Gives the doctrine its actual teeth.
Some circles in Pakistan have always believed, if they can produce and launch enough nuclear weapons on India in its first strike. They can avoid MAD scenario.
Now such a scenario is not possible.

Secondly a SLBM launch from Arabian sea, gives Pakistan, no reaction time. 1999, during height of Kargil war, when Pakistan army started preparing it nuclear weapons, the movement was picked up by American satellites and Pakistanis were warned by Americans.
This process of mating warheads with missiles gives an enemy a clear warning can be picked up enemy intelligence.

However a nuclear powered SSBN which can deployed months in advance and launch weapons at moments notice can not picked up by the enemy.

It is the opinion of Western naval and nuclear warfare experts that BOTH Chinese and Indian nuclear subs could ONLY launch fom just off their coastlines behind a protective curtain. Because they (their technology) was still too noisy to not be able to be picked up by lurking American subs the moment they came out from behind their protective curtain. They are also pretty confident that they already have the acoustic signatures of both nations' nuclear subs, which makes what Oscar is pretty directly alluding to pretty much an academic discussion?
Keep believing these things Pakistan has been working on nuclear sub from a long time and maybe we have even built it but than our military keeps everything secret and always show things when the time is right

Just like after you nuclear blasts in 1998 we also did the nuclear blasts but we already had the capability but showed it much later
A nuclear device can be proliferated across the border but a nuke sub is a different ball game altogether. And for that matter no country in its right mind would share this tech to even its brotherly nation. Think of this as skeleton key to the big boy Club. Having a boomer with a dozen or so nukes really opens doors to unthinkable possibility. They would happily share nuke capable aircrafts and missiles(Obviously limited by range and payload) but they will never share a boomer with the SLBMs.
Completion of Nuclear Triad does make a lot of difference, in India-Pakistan scenario as well.

A SSBN gives India an assured second strike capability, which when coupled with India's stated NFU doctrine with massive retaliation in case of NBC attack on Indian soil or forces anywhere. Gives the doctrine its actual teeth.
Some circles in Pakistan have always believed, if they can produce and launch enough nuclear weapons on India in its first strike. They can avoid MAD scenario.
Now such a scenario is not possible.

Secondly a SLBM launch from Arabian sea, gives Pakistan, no reaction time. 1999, during height of Kargil war, when Pakistan army started preparing it nuclear weapons, the movement was picked up by American satellites and Pakistanis were warned by Americans.
This process of mating warheads with missiles gives an enemy a clear warning can be picked up enemy intelligence.

However a nuclear powered SSBN which can deployed months in advance and launch weapons at moments notice can not picked up by the enemy.

That would make sense if somehow that meant that Pakistan's nuclear decision is controlled by one person or two or three. The purpose of the NSC and distributed leadership is such that regardless of every major city, military base and known nuclear storage sites knocked out.. Pakistan's strategic "program/algorithm" will continue to launch everything it has(which now places two nukes for every Indian target it has) until it has emptied out.

So essentially, Pakistan's MAD is actually more along the lines of assured destruction for Pakistan and very likely for India. A sub launching a first strike is irrelevant. Once certain clicks in the protocol happen.. a program is triggered and then nothing can stop it.
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