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India clocks tepid 4.7% growth in Oct-Dec quarter

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dont bring pakistan into it. its nothing to do with us. it has a impact on 1.2 billion peoples especially the poor. the statement was based upon figures of pre war 2006 when we grew at 9%(before the TTP) and post war improvments with talks and TTP pwer draining down

You really believe those numbers?

They were very obviously cooked and the people involved did a lousy job of making up the numbers on an excel spreadsheet.

All the areas of the economy miraculously grew by the same % to match the pre-decided target.

Anyway I have nothing against the economic growth of any country in the world. I hope for the poverty to disappear from across the world as it is the biggest dehumanizing influence.
Well, it has been remarkable compared to much of the world. India has become the third largest economy by GDP on PPP basis during this time. It sure is a remarkable achievement

Yes, China has grown even more remarkably. Granted that.

The slowdown is there but it is there in much of the world, especially in emerging economies and India is doing better than most peers even now.

It is too early to say there has been a long term downward trend of growth rate. We have to wait for at least 3-5 more years to see that.
nominal, GDP per capita and gini index are the key. plus Human development index.
check where india is on the list.
remeber both paksitan and india are worst in this. though india is poorer on gini index showing distribution of wealth is bad
what india needs is double digit growth for 20 years to become a country with average income and eridaction of poor life style.

u may try to ban gold imprt as we did :D

You really believe those numbers?

They were very obviously cooked and the people involved did a lousy job of making up the numbers on an excel spreadsheet.

All the areas of the economy miraculously grew by the same % to match the pre-decided target.

Anyway I have nothing against the economic growth of any country in the world. I hope for the poverty to disappear from across the world as it is the biggest dehumanizing influence.
first n has been endrosed by all (% in 2006) while the recent figures by statebank i am 99% sure that they are true. statebanks isnt under influence of govt they havent lied for 40 years(even under generals) why would they do now.
there is upbeat by asian bank and world bank and IMF too in growth projection.
India is the biggest example of why multi-ethnic states do not work.

In South Asia, we only need to look at the faster growing states of BD and Sri Lanka and the one thing they both have in common is that they are unitary states.

Sri Lanka is far ahead of India and BD would also be if it did not have a 24 year handicap in development

Anyway, it is interesting to see a real life example of a huge multi-ethnic state to observe and analyse.

Yes, if it wasn't for 24 years, BD would have been the sole SUPA POWA of the world...................... :rofl: :rofl:
nominal, GDP per capita and gini index are the key. plus Human development index.
check where india is on the list.
remeber both paksitan and india are worst in this. though india is poorer on gini index showing distribution of wealth is bad
what india needs is double digit growth for 20 years to become a country with average income and eridaction of poor life style.

u may try to ban gold imprt as we did :D

first n has been endrosed by all (% in 2006) while the recent figures by statebank i am 99% sure that they are true. statebanks isnt under influence of govt they havent lied for 40 years(even under generals) why would they do now.
there is upbeat by asian bank and world bank and IMF too in growth projection.

No doubt we have a long way to go, given the low base.

And yes, we have no intention of comparing ourselves to countries like Pakistan. We need to look at how to give a better life to our people and that will happen through consistent growth over decades.

The last 3 decades have taken out hundreds of millions out of poverty, the next 2 decades will make mass poverty in India history.
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