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India claims to have killed 41 "militants" in Kashmir.

Lieutenant General KJS Dhillon said 41 militants have been killed since the Pulwama terror attack on February 14.


A file photo of Indian security forces personnel in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district. | PTI

The Army on Wednesday said security forces targeted the Jaish-e-Mohammed after the Pulwama terror attack in February and this has discouraged militants from taking over the leadership of the militant outfit in the Kashmir Valley, PTI reported.

“We targeted the JeM [Jaish-e-Mohammed] leadership and the situation now is such that there is no one willing to take up the leadership of the JeM in the valley,” Lieutenant General KJS Dhillon said at a press conference in Srinagar. “In spite of Pakistan’s best efforts, we will continue to suppress the JeM.”

Dhillon is the commander of the Chinar Corps.

The Jaish-e-Mohammed had claimed responsibility for the Pulwama suicide attack in which 40 Central Reserve Police Force troopers were killed on February 14.

Dhillon said 69 terrorists have been killed this year and 12 have been arrested. Forty-one of the 69 were killed after the Pulwama attack, and out of them 25 belonged to Jaish-e-Mohammed and 13 were from Pakistan, ANI quoted him as saying.

Dhillon said Lashkar-e-Taiba militants had killed a 13-year-old during an encounter in Hajin area of Bandipora district and asked if it was jihad (holy war) or “jehalat” (barbarism). “Operations against the terrorists will continue with full vigour and we will not let terrorism rise,” he said.

He said the weekly ban on civilian traffic on Srinagar-Jammu National Highway was a “temporary measure” and it would be reviewed after the final two phases of elections in the state.

Director General of Police Dilbag Singh said security forces have been successful in containing militancy in the Valley in 2018 and this year, barring stray incidents like the attack in Pulwama.

“This year, stone-pelting and law and order engagements reduced drastically,” Singh said. “We did face some law and order situations during counter-insurgency operations, but those have been fewer than before.”

He said recruitment of local youngsters into militancy has reduced. “That is a very healthy sign,” Singh said, according to PTI. “There were very large-scale successes in counter-insurgency operations.” The police chief said 272 terrorists were killed in 2018.

Singh said a militant was arrested from Bathinda area of Jammu in connection with a blast in Banihal earlier this month.

Meanwhile, a suspected Pakistani militant belonging to Lashkar-e-Taiba who was allegedly tasked with reviving militancy in certain areas of the Kashmir valley was arrested from Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir, PTI reported, quoting police. Police presented Mohammad Waqar Awan, a resident of Mohalla Miana in Mianwali area of Punjab in Pakistan, before the media at the Police Control Room in Srinagar.

Awan told reporters that he had received training for four months at a camp in Muzaffarabad. Before he joined militancy, he said he was told that security forces committed atrocities against the people of Kashmir but he said he had not witnessed such incidents.

Senior Superintendent of Police of Baramulla, Abdul Qayoom, said Awan had infiltrated in the Valley in July 2017. Police chief Dilbag Singh said Awan’s “confession” was evidence of how Pakistan is sending youths to India for militancy.


Waited so desperately to beat the target of 40 :lol:
And hasn't mentioned number of coward soldiers u have lost during operations .. :coffee:
One of them, I cannot recall his name but old and from the Abdullah family,
The other, a woman,
Don't lie and act as if you don't care, you know their entire life history more than us from remote corners of India. Kashmir is always on the forefront for your kind.
since their right to self determination
They are being provided that right under the aegis of the Indian Constitution. It's theirs to exercise.

370 is here to stay, more than the Kashmiris it is the rest of India that will take care of it. If you get the drift..
Baloch are quite different ethnically still they allow Chinese to dilute their rights in lieu of good future

Do you really care about the views of the Head of the government of GB and Pakistan-administered Kashmir ?

We believe that Kashmir will return to pre 1980's era when every Bollywood movie was shot there.

1. Balochistan isn't being ethnically diluted by Chinese. Not even 1% of the population in Balochistan would be Chinese right now, I can bet.

2. We don't ever get any such rebellion or militancy news from Gilgit Baltistan or Azad Kashmir. Its the most quiet region in Pakistan, but at the same time most educated. So I don't even listen to what its head is saying unless there is some news coming from there. Meanwhile though, lots of CPEC news comes from Balochistan, so I do care what the ministers and head of Balochistan have to say about the projects and the province.

3. Tourism, in any form, is welcomed by Kashmiri people. I already made that point. What isn't, from evidence, is the removal of their autonomous rights, followed by ethnic dilution to change the demographics and society.

Don't lie and act as if you don't care, you know their entire life history more than us from remote corners of India. Kashmir is always on the forefront for your kind.

They are being provided that right under the aegis of the Indian Constitution. It's theirs to exercise.

370 is here to stay, more than the Kashmiris it is the rest of India that will take care of it. If you get the drift..

1. We, Pakistani people, are not so obsessed with Indian politics or India like you guys are obsessed with Pakistan. I really don't remember their names, only saw on forum few times, but believe what you want.

2. Right to self determination equates to the right to determine independency or not.

3. Majority of Indians want 370 removed, so does the BJP.
1. We, Pakistani people, are not so obsessed with Indian politics or India like you guys are obsessed with Pakistan. I really don't remember their names, only saw on forum few times, but believe what you want.

2. Right to self determination equates to the right to determine independency or not.

3. Majority of Indians want 370 removed, so does the BJP.
1. Somehow find that hard to fathom but I'll take your word.
2. That right was surrendered whilst signing the Instrument of Accession, too bad we couldn't get the Merger document signed. If you have ever read Indian Constitution, now we will 'swim or sink together'.
3. Be rest assured that the powers that be would never let that happen.
Lieutenant General KJS Dhillon said 41 militants have been killed since the Pulwama terror attack on February 14.

A file photo of Indian security forces personnel in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district. | PTI

The Army on Wednesday said security forces targeted the Jaish-e-Mohammed after the Pulwama terror attack in February and this has discouraged militants from taking over the leadership of the militant outfit in the Kashmir Valley, PTI reported.

“We targeted the JeM [Jaish-e-Mohammed] leadership and the situation now is such that there is no one willing to take up the leadership of the JeM in the valley,” Lieutenant General KJS Dhillon said at a press conference in Srinagar. “In spite of Pakistan’s best efforts, we will continue to suppress the JeM.”

Dhillon is the commander of the Chinar Corps.

The Jaish-e-Mohammed had claimed responsibility for the Pulwama suicide attack in which 40 Central Reserve Police Force troopers were killed on February 14.

Dhillon said 69 terrorists have been killed this year and 12 have been arrested. Forty-one of the 69 were killed after the Pulwama attack, and out of them 25 belonged to Jaish-e-Mohammed and 13 were from Pakistan, ANI quoted him as saying.

Dhillon said Lashkar-e-Taiba militants had killed a 13-year-old during an encounter in Hajin area of Bandipora district and asked if it was jihad (holy war) or “jehalat” (barbarism). “Operations against the terrorists will continue with full vigour and we will not let terrorism rise,” he said.

He said the weekly ban on civilian traffic on Srinagar-Jammu National Highway was a “temporary measure” and it would be reviewed after the final two phases of elections in the state.

Director General of Police Dilbag Singh said security forces have been successful in containing militancy in the Valley in 2018 and this year, barring stray incidents like the attack in Pulwama.

“This year, stone-pelting and law and order engagements reduced drastically,” Singh said. “We did face some law and order situations during counter-insurgency operations, but those have been fewer than before.”

He said recruitment of local youngsters into militancy has reduced. “That is a very healthy sign,” Singh said, according to PTI. “There were very large-scale successes in counter-insurgency operations.” The police chief said 272 terrorists were killed in 2018.

Singh said a militant was arrested from Bathinda area of Jammu in connection with a blast in Banihal earlier this month.

Meanwhile, a suspected Pakistani militant belonging to Lashkar-e-Taiba who was allegedly tasked with reviving militancy in certain areas of the Kashmir valley was arrested from Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir, PTI reported, quoting police. Police presented Mohammad Waqar Awan, a resident of Mohalla Miana in Mianwali area of Punjab in Pakistan, before the media at the Police Control Room in Srinagar.

Awan told reporters that he had received training for four months at a camp in Muzaffarabad. Before he joined militancy, he said he was told that security forces committed atrocities against the people of Kashmir but he said he had not witnessed such incidents.

Senior Superintendent of Police of Baramulla, Abdul Qayoom, said Awan had infiltrated in the Valley in July 2017. Police chief Dilbag Singh said Awan’s “confession” was evidence of how Pakistan is sending youths to India for militancy.


41 my arse!

Sorry Indian oppression army.. but...

Shooting innocent Kashmiri civilians including women and children in the back & then declaring a 'militant' kill count doesn't count.
The timing suggests an ulterior motive. Either way...

I can agree that removal of current militants may solve Security issue temporarily.

Funding of separatists is already cut with the most heavily armed border from your narrative point.

Removal of Article 370 and the 35A. What makes you think that the Kashmiri people will accept this dilution of their society, and the slow removal of their culture and religion.

Even in Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan, the Kashmiri people enjoy full autonomous rights.

In Indian-administered Kashmir, why do you think people will accept removal of their autonomous rights? I believe it will rather act as a catalyst in the freedom movement by means of the gun.

The ex-CM of Indian-administered Kashmir, have all raise concern. I like to remind you these are pro-Indian.
One of them, I cannot recall his name but old and from the Abdullah family, had said that Jinnah is being proved right today.
The other, a woman, said that should these articles be removed, it will cause the people to pick up flags other then the tri colored flags.

And you, sir, cannot tell me that the Kashmiri people want to stick with India. Indian tourists have described them as very loving and caring people, but at the same time they say that despite this the people don't appreciate India or the Indian Army since their right to self determination promised to them is being suppressed - these are not my claims, but what the Indian tourists heard.
When the IAF helicopter crashed in Bugdam due to friendly fire, you could literally see ordinary people in the video chanting Pakistan Zindabad.
Thousands turn up to funerals of militants, yet not even the neighbours showed up to the funeral of the Kashmiri man who died as an Army man.
The fathers of the militants killed expressed that they were not happy with what their sons had done, but said that it wasn't their fault because their sons felt forced to.

These are very, very few examples. But still they convey enough about the attitude of majority of Kashmiri people to Indian state.

So I ask you, what makes you believe that such a move wont spark large protests and immediate disapprovals in all forms possible, and a dramatic rise in militancy.
Timing? Half way elections are already done. People don't simply vote listening to the generals. The Military always stays out of politics. With elections going on, this did not even make prime time news anyway. I googled Kashmir and this news popped up. I've been following election frenzy over the news and no mention of it. Anyway...

Our main concern is the militancy in Kashmir. Some people especially the kids like to rebel, I've gone through my phase of fights with police in my old Communist days in collage, involved pretty nasty stuffs. Kashmiris it's up a notch involves guns and things are not that simple then.

Removal of article 370 will cement the integration. It was supposed to be a stop gap measure, not to be dragged for 70 years. The state sucks a huge chunk of our revenue, it's time we reap the benfits of it. Also, Kashmiris enjoy a lot of freebies in and around India. I have seen IIT alumnus from Kashmir working in MNC's. Who got there because of special reservation for them. Article 370 and 35A is an abomination on the Union of India.

Speaking of Azad kashmir, GB I've seen Punjabi speaking Azad Kashmiris makes me wonder about you holding your end. Who are you kidding really.

People will have no way but to accept the removal and be an equal state, not a special state. As I call it, an economic black hole that sucks every penny and gives nothing.

Once more people from outside the valley are in the state, the security acts will be reduced. It may take decades, but we have all the time in the world, we will try, correct course, retry and make this go away. We solved worst troubles in the North East, were an entire state was completely Isolated that some do not even know they are in India to a situation where they are actively taking part in elections.
Timing? Half way elections are already done. People don't simply vote listening to the generals. The Military always stays out of politics. With elections going on, this did not even make prime time news anyway. I googled Kashmir and this news popped up. I've been following election frenzy over the news and no mention of it. Anyway...

Our main concern is the militancy in Kashmir. Some people especially the kids like to rebel, I've gone through my phase of fights with police in my old Communist days in collage, involved pretty nasty stuffs. Kashmiris it's up a notch involves guns and things are not that simple then.

Removal of article 370 will cement the integration. It was supposed to be a stop gap measure, not to be dragged for 70 years. The state sucks a huge chunk of our revenue, it's time we reap the benfits of it. Also, Kashmiris enjoy a lot of freebies in and around India. I have seen IIT alumnus from Kashmir working in MNC's. Who got there because of special reservation for them. Article 370 and 35A is an abomination on the Union of India.

Speaking of Azad kashmir, GB I've seen Punjabi speaking Azad Kashmiris makes me wonder about you holding your end. Who are you kidding really.

People will have no way but to accept the removal and be an equal state, not a special state. As I call it, an economic black hole that sucks every penny and gives nothing.

Once more people from outside the valley are in the state, the security acts will be reduced. It may take decades, but we have all the time in the world, we will try, correct course, retry and make this go away. We solved worst troubles in the North East, were an entire state was completely Isolated that some do not even know they are in India to a situation where they are actively taking part in elections.

You are assuming such an ideal situation. While in reality, as I made my point, the people of Kashmir won't be happy, and we both know what could follow after.

1. Somehow find that hard to fathom but I'll take your word.
2. That right was surrendered whilst signing the Instrument of Accession, too bad we couldn't get the Merger document signed. If you have ever read Indian Constitution, now we will 'swim or sink together'.
3. Be rest assured that the powers that be would never let that happen.

2. The right was promised as part of the ascension and also immediately after.
The right was promised as part of the ascension and also immediately after.
That was not a part of the Instrument of Accession which effectively ceded the control of the state to India on the condition that provincial autonomy be granted. I am attaching a file of the original Instrument for your perusal.


  • instrument_of_accession_of_jammu_and_kashmir_state.pdf
    1.2 MB · Views: 52
You are assuming such an ideal situation. While in reality, as I made my point, the people of Kashmir won't be happy, and we both know what could follow after.
You talk as if all you speak for all the Kashmiris. Kashmiris, i.e the normal people are leading a normal life. But there is a section who make noises, fund terrorists, stone pelters etc... I'm not talking from ideal perspective, I'm talking about what is happening in our state in reality.

Addressing the issue of people attending funerals, do you see any such attendance on funerals of Pakistani terrorists? If a LeT one get killed, their bodies are neither claimed by any jamaat council for burial. They are simply dumped in unmarked graves after post mortem.

When Kashmiri militants are killed it is only natural to have people in valley coming together. Also, security forces encourage such processions for various reasons. ;)
You talk as if all you speak for all the Kashmiris. Kashmiris, i.e the normal people are leading a normal life. But there is a section who make noises, fund terrorists, stone pelters etc... I'm not talking from ideal perspective, I'm talking about what is happening in our state in reality.

Addressing the issue of people attending funerals, do you see any such attendance on funerals of Pakistani terrorists? If a LeT one get killed, their bodies are neither claimed by any jamaat council for burial. They are simply dumped in unmarked graves after post mortem.

When Kashmiri militants are killed it is only natural to have people in valley coming together. Also, security forces encourage such processions for various reasons. ;)

I don't speak for anyone in Kashmir but I am speaking on the basis of evidence. Be it funeral processions, accounts by Indian tourists, videos like at the site of Mil crash, be it interviews, or even surveys. These are all evidences, and they exist, or will you wand them off as fake because they don't fit the false narrative indoctrinated in mainland India?

That was not a part of the Instrument of Accession which effectively ceded the control of the state to India on the condition that provincial autonomy be granted. I am attaching a file of the original Instrument for your perusal.

Either way, you can call this my deflection or whatever you like, but it is a major point.

The ascension was illegal in our opinion. The people did not want it but the ruler forced it and went to the extent of ethnical cleansing to do it. And we believe he signed it so as to gain the military protection. Furthermore, Gandhi and Nehru, both in India and in UN promised Kashmir the right to self determination as CHOSEN representatives of the new Indian state.
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