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India-China border row: US sticks to McMahon Line


Aug 2, 2012
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GUWAHATI: US ambassador to India Nancy J Powell on Friday said the US still adopts the 1962 policy of recognizing the McMahon Line regarding the India-China border dispute. She, however, said the US does not position itself in the dispute.

Interacting with newsmen here on Friday, Powell said she recognizes Arunachal Pradesh as an integral part of India. On China's repeated claims that Arunachal Pradesh as its territory, Powell said, "This is an issue between India and China. It has to be resolved bilaterally by the two countries." She added that the US always encourages talks between India and China on all issues.

Commenting on China's rise as a global power, Powell said the US does not consider China's fast economic and military growth as a cause of rivalry. "We don't think it is a rivalry. The US will continue to work with China, along with other friendly countries. We are for investing in China and engaging them in trade," she added. She said the US has good relations with China and have a lot of investment in that country. She, however, said India's own interests are similar to that of the US as both countries believe and practice democracy.

Powell said the geo-political situation in South and South-East Asian region has changed now and the India's northeast region has become an important area. "With Myanmar opening up and trade links with Bangladesh improving, the northeast today is at a critical juncture," she added.

"The northeast joins the ASEAN countries with the Indian sub-continent. It is a geographical junction of the new silk route," said Powell, explaining how the NE region has become very crucial for trade ties between India and ASEAN countries. The NE region will benefit from trade and development, she added.

On reports of India's neighbours funding and sheltering NE rebels, the US ambassador said India can work with its neighbours to resolve the problem. "Enhancing economic relations and trade links can help in bringing peace to the region," she said.

India-China border row: US sticks to McMahon Line - The Times of India
..it only helps to bolster US self importance .......it wouldn't matter to china. It matters little to India.

.....US for a long time wanted India to give up Nukes and said it better for the world for India to sign the CTBT and NPT. :coffee:

The world has changed time to get with the program....looks like you missed the boat.:coffee:

CTBT and NPT may been flawed but they are agreements that in th elong run would serve humnaity well. India is willing to sign such agreements if te entire world agrees to do so. Now think about that
It helps bolster India;s claims. :coffee:

What an delusional Indian, so next when American said that Kashmire belong to Pakistan, I bet you guys go to comply :coffee: :azn:

US is correct in its assessment. The world will fight forever if we insist on ancient claims. Time to move on

Well then let us annexe indian north east...then wait 50 year later and use your statement against you...sound fair to me :coffee:
What an delusional Indian, so next when American said that Kashmire belong to Pakistan, I bet you guys go to comply :coffee: :azn:

The statement by US is just a support of Indian position. India knows what belongs to it or not. Any support is appreciated and any objection ignored. As simple as that, there is nothing to be delusional about.
Its about time we Asians stop leaning on crutches and seek certification from the west regarding our status.

Our animosity & immaturity keeps industries & jobs going in the west.

The day we realise this we shall know the power of ourselves - together.
Uncle Sam is good playing the containment trick as always. When Nehru asked for air support from USA in 1962, he got a slap on his face.
Never take what USA say seriously. They always chop and change for its own dirty purpose. I think a proper word to describe USA goverment: Jetleg
The statement by US is just a support of Indian position. India knows what belongs to it or not. Any support is appreciated and any objection ignored. As simple as that, there is nothing to be delusional about.

If that's the case, you should not complain that one day Pakistan do the same: any support for them to have Kashmire is appreciated and any Indian objection will be ignored...sound fair to me :pakistan:
If that's the case, you should not complain that on day Pakistan do the same: any support for them to have Kashmire is appreciated and any Indian objection will be ignored...sound fair to me :pakistan:

Why do you think India will care about it? They are doing whatever they can and we are knocking the ones coming to our land with bad intention down.. Now that sounds fair to me!!
...........this is just diplomat speak....... its translation is

'If ever there is a war between china and India over the mac-mohan line, US may provide war machines and will help Shepard world opinion in India's favor. Now its India's turn to make such statement in US favor (maybe over SCS)'

and yeah.. INDIA should say...

SCS belong to USof AMerica :woot:
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