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India can outgrow China: Bill Clinton

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Aug 4, 2009
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Bill Clinton: India Can Outgrow China (VIDEO)

Former President Bill Clinton spoke in Chicago this past Saturday at the India Institute of Technology's Global Conference 2009. The focus of his speech was a call to create innovative profitable solutions to reduce greenhouse emissions and to reduce the inequality gap between the world's poor and wealthy. Clinton also mentioned the national healthcare debate, saying he expected a bill to pass.
Following his speech, Clinton participated in a brief question and answer session. When asked how India could play a more significant role in the UN and G20 in the future, Clinton said India has the potential to outgrow China, as long as it makes peace with its neighbor Pakistan. This peace between the two countries could lead to a more modern Afghanistan, contribute to a worldwide drawdown of nuclear weapons, and even indirectly influence a reduction of conflict in the Middle East.
Transcript and video below, courtesy of NDTV.
If you [India] did not have to raise defense spending 20% a year and these countries could be working together I think you will grow faster than China. I think this idea that the Chinese are going to dominate the 21st century is not necessarily true. It depends mostly what you do and if you can continue to pour money into the development of the people and reduce inequalities in India...not the standoffs along the 1971 line or the fights over Kashmir or what ever. Its easier to say than to do, I know that especially after what happened in Mumbai. Where I watched the hotel room I always stay in burning, I know that. but I'm just telling you if Indian-Americans and Pakistani Americans could find ways to work together it would make a big difference. The same thing is true in Afghanistan. I see this all the time. Every time India does something in Afghanistan, Pakistan thinks it is directed against it and vice versa but the truth is if the two countries could find a way to work together and do common projects there, it would do more to stabilize Afghanistan and bring it into a 21st century mindset than where they are now, which a lot of them are in a 19th century mindset, not even a 20th century mindset, than anything else that you could do. If that one thing could be done on the Indian subcontinent it would revolutionize the 20th century in ways no one can imagine. It would help to reduce the nuclear threat the world faces. It would help reduce the rush all these other countries are making to get nuclear weapons. It would indirectly play a major role in encouraging a reduction of tensions in the Middle East. And I think India and Pakistan together would outgrow China in the 21st Century.

Tomek Gross: Bill Clinton: India Can Outgrow China (VIDEO)
You just set India up to be Bashed Ruag
the Clinton's have always spoke of India in a positive light.
Its good to see them trying to ease tensions,

But I can imagine response to this thread already

India can never outgrow China, US is just using you as counter weight. They will trow you away when they are done.
Pakistan will never work with India till all our demands (Kashmir included) are met.
India is financing terrorism and unless it stops, war will be invertible.:pakistan:
India has no meaning in the future, You are still struggling to be a Regional power . China will outgrow USA and Pakistan and Muslim Union will outgrow EU.:pakistan::china:

Did i miss anything? Oh yes the most overused statements.
India cant even make LCA how will it outgrow China?:rofl:
with Government systems as ineffective as DRDO, Indian economy is bound to fail. PAK-CHina friendship forever :china::pakistan:

Well this about level of intellectual conversation, that we will get from this thread.
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You forgot the usual rantings about cow worshipping and ****** slums etc and how the Indian army will run away at the sight of an enemy. Also not to forget those usual lines about backstabbers. I am way too lazy to find the actual statements and post them here.
You forgot the usual rantings about cow worshipping and ****** slums etc and how the Indian army will run away at the sight of an enemy. Also not to forget those usual lines about backstabbers. I am way too lazy to find the actual statements and post them here.

This is the cycle, Reaper. It will always repeat itself in every thread.
No issues will ever be put to rest.
They haven't even stopped arguing over the 1965 war yet.
And of course they are bound to Mention 1962 as it is the most famous Pak victory over India.:what:
wait i meant China? they get mixed up sometimes.
And Of course these pevetal events too place like only 50 years ago.
That like half a century isn't it.
Well anyway these is a system at work here older that even that

Pakistan:sniper: India:sniper: china:sniper: USA:sniper: :flame:
You just set India up to be Bashed Ruag

Well this about level of intellectual conversation, that we will get from this thread.

Lol. Spot on Gogbot.

The scope for having an intellectual conversation is very limited in this forum. Nevertheless, I still find some of the posts here to be appalling yet entertaining.
Is Clinton implying that India can only outgrow China if it has Pakistan's assistance? Strange that he makes this speech knowing the fragmented history between India and Pakistan.
Is Clinton implying that India can only outgrow China if it has Pakistan's assistance? Strange that he makes this speech knowing the fragmented history between India and Pakistan.

Well... whatever said and done, Pakistan is crucial to peace and stability in South Asia. He way trying to say that if Pakistan and India work towards stability in South Asia and there is better cooperation among them, then "India and Pakistan can together outgrow China". Makes sense. After all, China benefited immensely because of economic cooperation and investment from neighboring economies of South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. India and Pakistan can positively benefit each other too. Plus, stability is essential for attracting more investment.
Well... whatever said and done, Pakistan is crucial to peace and stability in South Asia. He way trying to say that if Pakistan and India work towards stability in South Asia and there is better cooperation among them, then "India and Pakistan can together outgrow China". Makes sense. After all, China benefited immensely because of economic cooperation and investment from neighboring economies of South Korea, Japan and Taiwan. India and Pakistan can positively benefit each other too. Plus, stability is essential for attracting more investment.

With the way things are going right now.
India has a better chance of achieving Peace and prosperity

If India develops a technology to literally move the entire country, far away from PAk and China. and put India down somewhere nice like in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Between USA and Japan there is a lot of profit to be made there.
And we will not have to worry about PAk and also terrorist infiltrators we are out of their reach
And China would be like where is India, we have territorial dispute to settle

You think i am crazy?
When was the last time, India made any head way in resolving the
border disputes.

Although Peace with China is always possible.
This forum has killed my vision of a Peace with Pakistan. Who will hold India accountable for something.
i asked myself today
did china ever do anything really bad to indian and having effect until now?
i can't think of any directly and seriously harm to indian from china side
after the china indian border war, chinese army even came back 20km from the original border
so far you guys still protects the base of the independent tibetan
and us chinese never do something so obvious like this to split ur country aren't we?
So the Yankees showed their real motives .

Pump India to confront China so that their economic might could be distracted to distruction and overall chaos of the reagion .

You gota praise them .
Seriously If china and india could work things out through diplomacy theres nothing liike it . And thats exactly what the Yankees dont want ......
Seriously If china and india could work things out through diplomacy theres nothing liike it . And thats exactly what the Yankees dont want ......

well i think that's what chinese government trying to do
becourse in chinese media you can rarely see any bad image about indian
as we all know chinese media controlled by government

To grow we need a peaceful enviroment
Clinton said India has the potential to outgrow China, as long as it makes peace with its neighbor Pakistan.
i definitely love this suggestion, but how could india makes peace with pakistan without a good india-china relationship.

not the standoffs along the 1971 line or the fights over Kashmir or what ever.
who is messing up Kashmir right now, india or pakistan? no way, they both wanted peace there, Kashmir will be at peace only after the back off of US instigation.

nomatter what Clinton said, all was said or done for the sake of US only. just like the G2,4,7,8,12,20, nomatter G What, US will be the big boss there. however, many countries was fed up with that, EU has set up a good example for us and was followed by Asian Union(10+3). and now the "3"(Jap,Chn,Kor) is planing to set up their East Asian Union too.

so if you ask me about: will india outgrow china? i don't know! but i do konw pakistan, india and china will develop faster if they work together; otherwise US will remain as the only super power for longer time.
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