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'India can leave China behind in manufacturing if given certain facilities' Delhi CM suggests

QNX is 2nd tier RTOS that has all been displaced by Linux

Will nuclear reactors use Linux ? Will the ISS' Canadarm use Linux ? Will Mercedes cars use Linux ?

I am not quite a military enthusiast but below are the military applications and customers of QNX :
Explore the Solution
Defense companies use QNX technology for various defense and security products including:
  • Unmanned aircraft control systems
  • Acoustic sensors for tracking tank movements
  • JTRS wireless military radios
  • High-capacity data radios
  • Autonomous underwater vehicles
  • Guidance systems for anti-tank weapons
  • Embedded controllers for aerospace applications
  • Wearable GPS/communication systems for ground troops
  • Transponder landing systems
  • Military weather satellite test beds
  • Type -1 HF radios
  • Earth observation and exploration satellites
  • Mission critical communications
  • Command and control sensors

Defense and security applications and platforms face challenges unlike any other. In an environment where lives are often at stake, it is not only imperative that the system perform reliably but also that it be resilient to extreme conditions and persistent, malicious attacks by foreign entities. The applications and systems must be able to detect, contain, and repair themselves in the event of such attacks.


Safety, security, and reliability. These values lie at the very core of QNX technology. They also form the foundation for certifications that are crucial to many mission-critical systems. QNX Software Systems understands the importance of these certifications to the security and defense market. As such, numerous QNX technologies have been certified to important industry standards.


QNX Professional Services has deep expertise and proven best practices in the security and defense industry. In fact, we offer engineering services specifically designed to help customers get to market faster, keep development costs down, and lower their risk in obtaining safety-critical certifications. We also offer a comprehensive range of services to maximize the reliability of your product.


Organizations such as the US Army, NASA, BAE Systems, Harris, Lockheed Martin, Naval Undersea Warfare Center, and Boeing have engaged with QNX Software Systems on a wide range of projects that share the same demanding requirements.

ARM is a British company. It does not mean all the work is done in Britain. A lot of ARM's work is done in USA and India

What is this "a lot of work" ?

Just because Linus Torvald is born in Finland it does not make Linux "Finnish"

That is why I said "initially". :)
India will get there... eventually. The only concern for India is war, should no war occur then why is it so hard to believe that it won’t be able to compete with the likes of China and USA?

Is there any evidence that India has ever achieved a larger economy than even the UK within the past 200 years?

What about evidence that India has ever been larger than the 5th largest economy in the world within said past 200 years?

Past performance is an indicator of future performance. Has India shown exceptional performance vs. other economies in its class in i.e. sub-Saharan Africa?
I will tell you one more thing from the same former colleague of mine misfortune enough to bet his money on India.

"India has an eye watering abundance of cheapest labour on the planet, but one problem! You can't freaking neither hire, nor hire anybody if you follow the law, and obey the local ministry of labour raja."

Imagine just how messed up this is, a country with the largest abundance of any kind of labour force imaginable on the planet makes it the hardest, and most expensive to hire labour on Earth!
Lol. If kejri become pm and remains PM for 20 years then ya sure...

Yes, governance of Kejri the centrist plus the leftists.

Start with the leading sector of space tech n all sectors will start showing result in another few years.

I hope the three recent Indian private space rocket companies - Skyroot Aerospace, Bellatrix Aerospace and Agnikul Cosmos - individually or combinedly initiate a manned space program which can land Indians on Mars by the mid-2030s.

In Africa our two Wheeler companies are already showing good result with Bajaj leading the way.

Bhai jaan, two wheelers should be banned the world over.
The Chinese as a people work. harmoniously and determinedly. That is the nature of the people. That is the reason for their success.

this is one thing indians can never do. NEVER. its NOT in their nature.
Firstly they will need to house thier ppl and build infrastructure but indians talk unity but in reality is sly and selfish in nature so they end up screwing each other over.
Counterpart, not equivalent. National University of Zimbabwe is not comparable to Harvard even though both are the best in their respective countries.

IIT being hard to get into doesn't mean it's actually good. Proof: this joker thinks that a few tax breaks can close a 12 trillion USD per year gap.
It has to start somewhere right
Many Indians spend all the hours of their lives worshipping cows and most Indian women don't work, Indian never focus on education and the improvement of the overall quality of the general population, the country never spends big on training their workers to get a skilled work force.
Even given their all the facilities that China has, India still can not make significant progress leting alone leaving China behind, the nation can never reach the level of productivity of the Chinese nation.
As a senior government leader, this Arvind Kejriwal guy should know that it's not about facilities at all.
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Many Indians spend all the hours of their lives worshipping cows and most Indian women don't work, Indian never focus on education and the improvement of the overall quality of the general population, the country never spends big on training their workers to get a skilled work force.
Even given their all the facilities that China has, India still can not make significant progress leting alone leaving China behind, the nation can never reach the level of productivity of the Chinese nation.
As a senior government leader, this Arvind Kejriwal guy should know that it's not about facilities at all.

India will never surpass China as long the caste system exists. Removing the caste system is equally removing the soul of India. Ask yourself what is India without the caste system.
Many Indians spend all the hours of their lives worshipping cows and most Indian women don't work, Indian never focus on education and the improvement of the overall quality of the general population, the country never spends big on training their workers to get a skilled work force.
Even given their all the facilities that China has, India still can not make significant progress leting alone leaving China behind, the nation can never reach the level of productivity of the Chinese nation.
As a senior government leader, this Arvind Kejriwal guy should know that it's not about facilities at all.

Chinese and India development model are totally opposite and are poles apart.

For China it is like Bottom-Up, empowering the huge millions, rather multiple millions of people and giving them the power to rise(the reason about 700 million Chinese have risen from poverty to middle class levels, now more)...and that sustains the manufacturing with millions upon millions in manufacturing and in just about any industry, and that resulted in more buying power.

For India, the model is Top to Bottom, in simple terms it is like empower and pander a few corporations and big wigs, like Ambanis and Adanis...and hope that the trickle down effect will help the lower class, with jobs. This has resulted in a minute percentage of people coming out of poverty in India compared to China.

PM IK has many a times talked about following the Chinese model....empower the masses.
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Many Indians spend all the hours of their lives worshipping cows and most Indian women don't work, Indian never focus on education and the improvement of the overall quality of the general population, the country never spends big on training their workers to get a skilled work force.
Even given their all the facilities that China has, India still can not make significant progress leting alone leaving China behind, the nation can never reach the level of productivity of the Chinese nation.
As a senior government leader, this Arvind Kejriwal guy should know that it's not about facilities at all.

Never ..say ...never. All India needs is a period of good governance and pragmatic policies. Meanwhile all it takes for China to implode is a loony in charge to turn good to bad overnight.

Chinese have become so arrogant with a decade of economic growth.
Never ..say ...never. All India needs is a period of good governance and pragmatic policies. Meanwhile all it takes for China to implode is a loony in charge to turn good to bad overnight.

Chinese have become so arrogant with a decade of economic growth.
You just don't understand, do you? it's not the facilites as the OP article claims, it's the quality of the general population, something may take generations to improve.
And you think China will stay put waiting to be overtaken? You sound like you are talking about US, India has a better chance to overtake US than to overtake China, but this is also very unlikely. India was just being overtaken by Bangladesh per capita wise last year in 2020.
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