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India blocks China's bid to save Pakistan on terror finance scrutiny

Are you even for real?

Just last week, you guys were having an obscene celebration with your Pakistani collaborators about how you VETOED India-sponsored condemnation of Lakhvi's release (who is a member of an UN-recognized terror group no less, and who is accused of orchestrating cold-blooded murder close of 200 people among many other things!).

And today, you have problem accepting that you shielded the terror and terror benefactors?

How low can you get, in your hatred of hapless Indians, that you celebrate the release of THUG who has no use for China except for encouraging all anti-India groups?

Read it carefully before commenting. He was clearly warning Pakistani based terror that he is willing to resort to sub-conventional methods to neutralize them. Why should those ordinary Pakistanis who have nothing to do with terror, be concerned with that statement?

Isn't that what all nations do to whoever spreads terror in their own countries?

I know you like to divert the main issue by going off topic but the fact is that India perhaps contributed the most to neutralize LTTE, apart from taking part in IPKF and providing material/intelligence support!

Of course, you are free to believe whatever suits your narrative better.
Oh come on.

We are evil. We will resort to any measure to gain success. If we succeed we will be good, otherwise we will cry victim. Either way we stand to gain. :)

Terror is a valid weapon. You can't make love to terrorists. No need to justify it. We will do what we have to do. Let the terrorists do their thing. We will do ours.
Now India is even boasting about it openly, and after having a mass murderer like Modi as their leader, they lost even more right to preach from a moral high ground.

No politician in India (and perhaps in the world) has withstood more scrutiny than Mr.Modi for his alleged complicity. In the end, Mr.Modi was exonerated by the highest court in India of all charges - let alone his conviction.

That was sufficient for all of Indians who elected him with thumping majority! How is that for a slap on his haters' face?

Sub-conventional methods? :lol:

You don't need to dress it up, he made the statement in ENGLISH to the entire world:

‘You have to neutralise terrorist through terrorist only,’ says Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar | The Indian Express

Openly admitting to using terrorists, even after their own LTTE snakes bit them before.

Are you really that thick, Mr.Think-Tank?

His comment was directed at terrorists wanting to harm India.

Why should anybody else have problem with that? Unless you yourself, are one of those sympathizers of terror who bursts into maniac bouts of euphoria at the VETOING of resolution against a known terrorist!
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No politician in India (and perhaps in the world) has withstood more scrutiny than Mr.Modi for his alleged complicity. In the end, Mr.Modi was exonerated by the highest court in India of all charges - let alone his conviction.

That was sufficient for all of Indians who elected him with thumping majority! How is that for a slap on his haters' face?

Are you really that thick, Mr.Think-Tank?

His comment was directed at terrorists wanting to harm India.

Why should anybody have problem with that? Unless you yourself, are one of the sympathizers who bursts into maniac bouts of euphoria at the VETOING of resolution against known terrorist!

Your semantics and word play are quite funny, but again... you don't need to dress it up.

Your Defence minister openly admitted to using terrorists, speaking in English, in front of the whole world.

Even after your experience in training the LTTE terrorists, the modern world's very first suicide bombers.

Now you're crying because we are protecting our ally Pakistan using official diplomatic channels and international organizations? What are we supposed to do, not support Pakistan in diplomatic circles? If only wishes were horses, eh?
No politician in India (and perhaps in the world) has withstood more scrutiny than Mr.Modi for his alleged complicity. In the end, Mr.Modi was exonerated by the highest court in India of all charges - let alone his conviction.

That was sufficient for all of Indians who elected him with thumping majority! How is that for a slap on his haters' face?

Are you really that thick, Mr.Think-Tank?

His comment was directed at terrorists wanting to harm India.

Why should anybody have problem with that? Unless you yourself, are one of those sympathizers of terror who bursts into maniac bouts of euphoria at the VETOING of resolution against a known terrorist!
I don't understand why you wish to
i. Convince others about Modi's culpability
ii. Convince others to not support Pakistan.

Geopolitics dictates that enemy/rival states will do what they can to impede the growth and well being of each other. There is no reason to be defensive about it. Nothing else matters.
Your semantics and word play are quite funny, but again... you don't need to dress it up.

Your Defence minister openly admitted to using terrorists, speaking in English, in front of the whole world.

Even after your experience in training the LTTE terrorists, the modern world's very first suicide bombers.

Now you're crying because we are protecting our ally Pakistan using official diplomatic channels and international organizations? What are we supposed to do, not support Pakistan in diplomatic circles? If only wishes were horses, eh?

Now you are really wasting my time with your rather childish, repetitive rants!

For the last time, his comment was directed at terrorists and nobody else should have a problem with it! Unless you are one of them sympathizers!

Continue to believe in your theory about LTTE if that helps you to justify your support Pakistan based terrorists. But don't forget, Xinjiang continues to suffer from very similar kind of terrorists!
Now you are really wasting my time with your rather childish, repetitive rants!

For the last time, his comment was directed at terrorists and nobody else should have a problem with it! Unless you are one of them sympathizers!

Continue to believe in your theory about LTTE if that helps you to justify your support Pakistan based terrorists. But don't forget, Xinjiang continues to suffer from very similar kind of terrorists!
Just go a notch higher. Then get a negative rating. :enjoy:
I don't understand why you wish to
i. Convince others about Modi's culpability
ii. Convince others to not support Pakistan.

Geopolitics dictates that enemy/rival states will do what they can to impede the growth and well being of each other. There is no reason to be defensive about it. Nothing else matters.

I know but this clown tries to come off as a some rational and thinking person in other threads about Modi!

You also should have watched his euphoric o*gy with his Pakistani brethren last week when UN condemnation against Lakhvi was vetoed by his masters in Beijing! What an absolute horror of a human being who celebrates innocent deaths!

Hypocrite of the highest order!
I know but this clown tries to come off as a some rational and thinking person in other threads about Modi!

You also should have watched his euphoric o*gy with his Pakistani brethren last week when UN condemnation against Lakhvi was vetoed by his masters in Beijing! What an absolute horror of a human being who celebrates innocent deaths!

Hypocrite of the highest order!
So what do you expect?

It is in China's interest to see India suffer. It makes perfect common sense. We should not expect anything positive in this matter. :)
Just go a notch higher. Then get a negative rating. :enjoy:

He already made 3 personal attacks against me in the last few posts, it doesn't bother me but I probably will have to give at least one of them a negative rating, forum rules you know. :azn:

Are you really that thick, Mr.Think-Tank?

Now you are really wasting my time with your rather childish, repetitive rants!

For the last time, his comment was directed at terrorists and nobody else should have a problem with it! Unless you are one of them sympathizers!

Continue to believe in your theory about LTTE if that helps you to justify your support Pakistan based terrorists. But don't forget, Xinjiang continues to suffer from very similar kind of terrorists!

I know but this clown tries to come off as a some rational and thinking person in other threads about Modi!

You also should have watched his euphoric o*gy with his Pakistani brethren last week when UN condemnation against Lakhvi was vetoed by his masters in Beijing! What an absolute horror of a human being who celebrates innocent deaths!

Hypocrite of the highest order!
I know but this clown tries to come off as a some rational and thinking person in other threads about Modi!

You also should have watched his euphoric o*gy with his Pakistani brethren last week when UN condemnation against Lakhvi was vetoed by his masters in Beijing! What an absolute horror of a human being who celebrates innocent deaths!

Hypocrite of the highest order!
I guess, you know how it goes. Good luck.
I know but this clown tries to come off as a some rational and thinking person in other threads about Modi!

You also should have watched his euphoric o*gy with his Pakistani brethren last week when UN condemnation against Lakhvi was vetoed by his masters in Beijing! What an absolute horror of a human being who celebrates innocent deaths!

Hypocrite of the highest order!

Out of the 3 personal attacks you made against me in the last few minutes, I chose this one to rate since it not only personal abuse but a complete lie.

I have never ever celebrated innocent deaths caused by terrorism... EVER. You can search my entire post history a hundred times if you like, post your results here.

Now try to control yourself please, and maybe come up with personal insults that are actually true, there are quite a lot of them to choose from. :P
Out of the 3 personal attacks you made against me in the last few minutes, I chose this one to rate since it not only personal abuse but a complete lie.

Whatever, mate! Your forum, your rules! :tup:

I have never ever celebrated innocent deaths caused by terrorism... EVER. You can search my entire post history a hundred times if you like, post your results here.

Yeah, right! Celebrating the release of a terrorist is as good as good as celebrating the deaths of 100's of his innocent victims!
Yeah, right! Celebrating the release of a terrorist is as good as good as celebrating the deaths of 100's of his innocent victims!

I never did that either. :lol:

Go and search my post history, I'll wait.

In fact I've never even heard that guy's name before. Whether or not he is guilty is up to the Pakistani legal system.
Why are you skirting the main issue? For me, the issue is not so much about India "forcing the APG or anybody" as the Chinese willing to go out of their way to shield terror and terror benefactors as long as terror is directed at her adversaries!

That is scary for all victims of terror, considering how much influence the Chinese wield on all international organizations.
Why are YOU avoiding the fact that it wasn't just China but Russia, New Zealand and Australia as well who rejected the Indian position.

And the thread title makes the claim that 'India blocked China's attempt to protect Pakistan' whereas the reality is that India did nothing since the APG membership requires regular scrutiny of all members to ensure they are complying with FATF requirements.
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