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India behind terrorist attacks - Pak Foreign Minister

Friday k blast ki thrusday ko reporting............ wowww I think ruppe news has progressed a lot. Hone se pehle hi pata chal jaata hai

Bother to read the line under the headline next time "Pakistan on Thursday accused India of covertly supplying weapons to “militants and terrorists” in its Balochistan province from Afghanistan."

Not relevant to the current terrorist attacks, except perhaps indirectly, but not a 'forecast of terrorism' as you are claiming either.
Lahore nlasts took place on friday and a news item from thursday proves that India involved in those.....LOLZ..Desperate people.

well not arguing but similar thing happened with Mumbai Attack

I was watching a TV and suddenly i heard Taj Mehal Hotel has been captured........ and within couple of minutes and surely less than an hours time all the media was blaming Pakistan and the terrorists were still alive inside the hotel :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I was thinking if they had information before why did they not stop it? and if they got information now how did they get with an hour's time :rofl:

Anyway don't want to discuss this here.............. thats my last post for now

@ Topic

If i am not wrong TTP had claimed responsibility for the first two attacks.......... remaining attacks are still not claimed by anybody
Wow, you do know the bombings have been going on since Monday?

My mistake i mistook it.............

But dont you think targeting India is just a speculation as of now... You cannot stand with a theory that "we know it that you have done it. we dont need to give the proofs" If all such series of accusations are to be accepted then the whole world would become fodder for conspiracy theories....

Agnostic sir i have really liked your posts but this time........ :tdown:
Pakistan is being dragged towards Sectarianism and violence. The enemy is smart and we are acting like fools. The basic Idea, the one said by analysts right after afghan invasion, that the real target is Pakistan. Our geopolitical location because of Gawadar in South and China in North, is valuable.

We must understand that these so called TTP's, who always take responsibility of attacks on civilians, are worth nothing. They are being funded and trained to carry out such attacks.

We should focus on cutting the strings that are controlling these TTP's. Once the foreign hand is one, these scumbags will be gone for good, too.
well not arguing but similar thing happened with Mumbai Attack

I was watching a TV and suddenly i heard Taj Mehal Hotel has been captured........ and within couple of minutes and surely less than an hours time all the media was blaming Pakistan and the terrorists were still alive inside the hotel :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I was thinking if they had information before why did they not stop it? and if they got information now how did they get with an hour's time :rofl:

Anyway don't want to discuss this here.............. thats my last post for now

Zaki any incident which involves life of people is nothing to laugh at... I made a mistake yesterday doing so when i got agitated with some one idiots comments.

@ Topic

If i am not wrong TTP had claimed responsibility for the first two attacks.......... remaining attacks are still not claimed by anybody

I think they were targetted by TTP just to create panic and to bring the government down
The problem with the TTP theory is that they are too weak.

The attack on RA Bazaar happened despite a lot of security present. The attackers managed to cross across several check posts and hit security personnel.

The TTP just doesn't have the means any more to conduct those attacks, let alone conduct a string of attacks at will.

Perhaps there can be a distinction, but the Iqbal Town attacks were more of a nature to create panic rather than kill people.

Pakistan has always believed there are strong links between the TTP and India, and the Lahore attacks can be explained with that theory.
My mistake i mistook it.............

But dont you think targeting India is just a speculation as of now... You cannot stand with a theory that "we know it that you have done it. we dont need to give the proofs" If all such series of accusations are to be accepted then the whole world would become fodder for conspiracy theories....

Agnostic sir i have really liked your posts but this time........ :tdown:
The weapons seized from TTP hideouts have all been of Indian origin. The Previous attack on the SL team was from an Indian made rocket launcher. Spies for RAW have been caught out of Lahore. Evidence is certainly there to suggest India is behind this, certainly not enough to declare war upon India and blow away those Indian consulates in Afghanistan, but its there to continue probing India's involvement.
You cannot stand with a theory that "we know it that you have done it. we dont need to give the proofs" If all such series of accusations are to be accepted then the whole world would become fodder for conspiracy theories....

Nonsense and hypocrisy - explain that to Chidambaram and the rest of the GoI demanding that Hafiz Saeed be 'drawn and quartered' despite providing little concrete evidence against him.

Chidambaram is on record as saying, '“The investigations in Pakistan will also throw up enough evidence.” - i.e India does not have enough evidence.
Chidambaram rants and raves against Pakistan in the India Cuntcave, the paid off members of the India Caucus rail against Pakistan, and a series of terrorists attacks are carried out in Pakistan - all coordinated with Karzai's visit to Pakistan and news of Pakistan engaging with NATO and Afghan players to stabilize Afghanistan.

These are terrorist attacks carried out by India through its minions in Pakistan - the TTP and other assorted scum.

I can understand your frustration. Nobody can bear such horrific terrorists your country is subjected too.

But i would like to say that nobody knows who is your policy maker.. or do you have any policy??? Your forgien minister says india never asked for hafeez saeed.. your salman bashir comes to india with talks in mind and takes an aggressive tone which really sounded stuipd...your country have been saying all this crap about indian support to baluchistan and taliban but never ever could prove this to the world..!!!!

All these explosions however unfortunate it is, is the direct result of your action against taliban..!! Now if you bring in an indian angle to it and dilute the ONE RIGHT ACTION you have now followed, the war against terror i am afraid your country will never come out of it and will be eaten up by these extremists... and we are surely going to see decades of instability..!!! But i am sure if you continue these fight against taliban.. one day these bombings, it will all stop..!!! They will be drained of ammunition.. only thing you gotta have is resolve.. the resolve to fight it out till the end..!!!! All the best..!!!
The problem with the TTP theory is that they are too weak.

The attack on RA Bazaar happened despite a lot of security present. The attackers managed to cross across several check posts and hit security personnel.

The TTP just doesn't have the means any more to conduct those attacks, let alone conduct a string of attacks at will.

Perhaps there can be a distinction, but the Iqbal Town attacks were more of a nature to create panic rather than kill people.

Pakistan has always believed there are strong links between the TTP and India, and the Lahore attacks can be explained with that theory.

But how the hell can they be able to cross the army barricades without internal help. the city is fortified by the army i think.... and its not general policewalas it is ARMY......... do you think one can cross just like that.

And seriously if you think that Indians are involved then you definitely need to check then the grip or agents Indians have got in your army then..........

This cant be possible without insider help......
The weapons seized from TTP hideouts have all been of Indian origin. The Previous attack on the SL team was from an Indian made rocket launcher. Spies for RAW have been caught out of Lahore. Evidence is certainly there to suggest India is behind this, certainly not enough to declare war upon India and blow away those Indian consulates in Afghanistan, but its there to continue probing India's involvement.

sir do you really think that weapons of indian origin means india is involved. and why not to carry out the investigation probe which makes out where those weapons were shelled out in India and who actually purchased them. we would be more than happy to provide you with that information.

Spies would be there if we have peace time. Dont you think that there are ISI spies in India but that does not mean that they are doing the blasts and thats the whole sole reason for a security agencies to spy.
Everything is possible, but to get the kind of coordination needed for these attacks somebody powerful like RAW can be assumed to be behind these attacks
sir do you really think that weapons of indian origin means india is involved. and why not to carry out the investigation probe which makes out where those weapons were shelled out in India and who actually purchased them. we would be more than happy to provide you with that information.

Spies would be there if we have peace time. Dont you think that there are ISI spies in India but that does not mean that they are doing the blasts and thats the whole sole reason for a security agencies to spy.
Thats why investigations are being carried out, leads are being followed.

Its not like Pakistan has aimed its Ghauris and Baburs at India.
The weapons seized from TTP hideouts have all been of Indian origin. The Previous attack on the SL team was from an Indian made rocket launcher. Spies for RAW have been caught out of Lahore. Evidence is certainly there to suggest India is behind this, certainly not enough to declare war upon India and blow away those Indian consulates in Afghanistan, but its there to continue probing India's involvement.

The statements made by an unstable democracy with no clear policy and a power centre vs the statements made by a stable government of a stable country with a proven stable system and democracy,, which one would the world believe..!!! It will take long time for you guys to make the world believe of what ever you rant if at all it is true..!!!!
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