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India Behind Karachi Attacks

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The hijackers of Kandahar was freely giving speech in Pakistan.

Mr. Azhar was under house arrest.

In fact, my aunt met with him briefly during a Lahore visit; as she is an author.

Since that time (1999), I believe he is not even in Republic of Pakistan. HuM/JeM are banned organizations in the country. They are inoperable.

Unbelievable can you imaging elsewhere a person who Hijacks a plane kills fellow passengers and is living like state guest.

not living like a guest.....

by the way, his release was based on indian (bjp) consensus. If you see him as terrorist, why did you negotiate with him in the first place?

Does india negotiate with terrorists?

Maybe you should hold a new enquiry into this matter.

The evidence about India is only talked about, and every person does dirty work in the dark at night. Not many who do so openly and then claim to be victim at the same time.

the evidence thus far has been FAR from sufficient.....

What Pakistan is witnessing today is its own wrong doing.

partly, yes perhaps. But view things from a larger picture. Try to have a longer memory than even 10-15 years.


Mr. Azhar was under house arrest.

In fact, my aunt met with him briefly during a Lahore visit; as she is an author.

Since that time (1999), I believe he is not even in Republic of Pakistan. HuM/JeM are banned organizations in the country. They are inoperable.

not living like a guest.....

by the way, his release was based on indian (bjp) consensus. If you see him as terrorist, why did you negotiate with him in the first place?

Does india negotiate with terrorists?

Maybe you should hold a new enquiry into this matter.

the evidence thus far has been FAR from sufficient.....

partly, yes perhaps. But view things from a larger picture. Try to have a longer memory than even 10-15 years.



Simple question, why was he not in Jail?
Do you put people who have done such crimes under house arrest and then say we do not know where he is now.

IMO House arrest is hogwash only to show the world that we are doing something.

Come one Abu, this is the way you treat people who have hijacked a plane.

A government will only do this when they actually support him and cannot show to world.

Will see when such situation arrives for Pakistan and what they do. When 150 people are on gun point you have to do it. Everyone does, if I am not wrong USA has negotiated through Pakistan release of terrorist in exchange for 1 person.
Simple question, why was he not in Jail?

he never commit a crime in Pakistan (or even india for that matter)

Do you put people who have done such crimes under house arrest and then say we do not know where he is now.


IMO House arrest is hogwash only to show the world that we are doing something.

i don't think so. As long as their movements are banned, contact with others is banned, visitors are banned, etc. then what's the problem?

Come one Abu, this is the way you treat people who have hijacked a plane.

you endorsed his release. As i said, if you viewed him as terrorist --then did you negotiate with a terrorist? You should call for a review of india's state policies regarding how to treat terrorists....'suspected' , and otherwise.

Will see when such situation arrives for Pakistan and what they do. When 150 people are on gun point you have to do it. Everyone does, if I am not wrong USA has negotiated through Pakistan release of terrorist in exchange for 1 person.

you lost me
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deviated a little off topic ehh?? everybody???Perhaps this will bring the focus back..That guy with big,round serious looking eyes shown in the youtube videos posted on the first page says something really funny 'bout Potassium Cholride( in the 2nd part).Its essentially a metal halide and its properties r very much similar to sodium chloride or common salt(cant be exactly similar :P).Uses r mainly in fertilizers and some medical applications,in lab,potassium production, etc etc.NOT inflammable(crazy or what???:blink:),AND DEFINITELY not a constituent of any explosive,but poisonous if consumed in large amount(say around 200 grams for a grown up male:what:.Come to think of it,u may also die of stomach ache if u consume 200 grams of clay.:rofl: )And theres something more interesting.He says theres only one factory in India that produces it.I simply googled and found a massive list of such producers located all over India.Try doing it for urself!!!

Btw,i cant believe it either that there r no KCl producers in Pakistan.

Something makes me think that perhaps he wanted to talk bout potassium as metal,which is highly reactive,can react with water producing enough energy to break it into components oxygen and hydrogen thus creating an inflammable mixture.But, well lets say its not something that can be used to torch a market place:no:.

Anyways,its not everyday that u stumble across a media goof-up like this.Made me laugh a lot.

One request.Can anybody plz tell me what happened to this nice gentleman anchoring the show and his team??Ofcourse some viewers in pakistan must have noticed the goof-up.Any kinda reaction from the people of the state??

And one final point.It is quite evident that the media report had poor knowledge and reasoning base.Hence it fails to make its point.But its interesting to note that even an incorrect report successfully triggered a full blown virtual fight between people of the two countries!!!!!Damn!!! Now thats something!!!! All this due to a clearly and very poorly fabricated report???We all should be ashamed of ourselves.
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Indians are the Ultimate Evil in the world.They have caused terrorism in the Pakistan.Neither they can live peacefully nor they can see any other living peacefully.And Our Government doesn't say anything for unknown reasons.and After reading all the comments above it is clear that the Indian members out of Blind Patriotism support terror activities in Pakistan.

Ulta Chor Kotwal ko daate!!

Translation: The thief scolding/ blamming the police.
Mr. Azhar was under house arrest.

In fact, my aunt met with him briefly during a Lahore visit; as she is an author.

Since that time (1999), I believe he is not even in Republic of Pakistan. HuM/JeM are banned organizations in the country. They are inoperable.

Yes they are only operable by different pseudo name, JUD for example
deviated a little off topic ehh?? everybody???Perhaps this will bring the focus back..That guy with big,round serious looking eyes shown in the youtube videos posted on the first page says something really funny 'bout Potassium Cholride( in the 2nd part).Its essentially a metal halide and its properties r very much similar to sodium chloride or common salt(cant be exactly similar :P).Uses r mainly in fertilizers and some medical applications,in lab,potassium production, etc etc.NOT inflammable(crazy or what???:blink:),AND DEFINITELY not a constituent of any explosive,but poisonous if consumed in large amount(say around 200 grams for a grown up male:what:.Come to think of it,u may also die of stomach ache if u consume 200 grams of clay.:rofl: )And theres something more interesting.He says theres only one factory in India that produces it.I simply googled and found a massive list of such producers located all over India.Try doing it for urself!!!

Btw,i cant believe it either that there r no KCl producers in Pakistan.

Something makes me think that perhaps he wanted to talk bout potassium as metal,which is highly reactive,can react with water producing enough energy to break it into components oxygen and hydrogen thus creating an inflammable mixture.But, well lets say its not something that can be used to torch a market place:no:.

Anyways,its not everyday that u stumble across a media goof-up like this.Made me laugh a lot.

One request.Can anybody plz tell me what happened to this nice gentleman anchoring the show and his team??Ofcourse some viewers in pakistan must have noticed the goof-up.Any kinda reaction from the people of the state??

And one final point.It is quite evident that the media report had poor knowledge and reasoning base.Hence it fails to make its point.But its interesting to note that even an incorrect report successfully triggered a full blown virtual fight between people of the two countries!!!!!Damn!!! Now thats something!!!! All this due to a clearly and very poorly fabricated report???We all should be ashamed of ourselves.

I really dont think any sane pakistani member believed this story. The Media there is reacting the same way we did some time back. So not surprised!
How many Indian Neighbors like or love India

Nepal ......
Burma hate
Bangladesh dislike, border disputes

all suffered from india

who is then terrorist

yea its Hindu Rashtra known as Bharat
Congratulations Sir for your attempt to derail a thread that had just returned to a constructive discussion about the content of Mr. Ahmad Qureshi's conspiratorial T.V diatribe made with an objective of raising his personal and journalistic popularity post such a devastating human tragedy.
How many Indian Neighbors like or love India

Nepal ......
Burma hate
Bangladesh dislike, border disputes

all suffered from india

who is then terrorist

yea its Hindu Rashtra known as Bharat

I don't think chemistry is your strong subject, hence smart to restrict your comments to demogogy :tup:
How many Indian Neighbors like or love India

Nepal ......
Burma hate
Bangladesh dislike, border disputes

all suffered from india

who is then terrorist

yea its Hindu Rashtra known as Bharat


thanks for confession
OMG.. this guy is again trying to deviate from the main topic--"Potassium Chloride!!!:rofl::rofl::rofl:"

Cmon dude if this is the kind of proofs that come up 'bout Indian involvement in disruptive activities in Pakistan then the whole Pakistani media will be a laughing stock in no time.

Now somebody tell me,"Was that a comedy show,those on the first page of the topic??"
Hey.. dont blame me if it is not, my friend's suggestion whom i emailed the link,not mine:no::no:
Bumping a 2010 article, same accusations are being repeated in 2015 without giving a single proof :rofl:
Bumping a 2010 article, same accusations are being repeated in 2015 without giving a single proof :rofl:
Even if you go back 10 more years you will still find such articles but without any proof. As I said in my previous posts , anything bad happens RAW did it !!
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