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India Begins Manufacturing 400 T-90S Tanks For Army

Ladakh is good enough tank country for light and medium weight tanks like T-90 thats why already T-90s are deployed there, rest all front is high himalayas so no armour role there.
This order is give to mostly sustain jobs and knowhow otherwise without any more orders these folks will have no work and basically dead weight on defense ministry.
India ia replacing T72 tanks with T90 and also adding additional tanks to replace older ones with interior armour or defective ones.
One shoot of nuclear artillery is enough for them....:-)
You can watch video of nuclear artillery in YouTube and then judge for yourself about its effectiveness. Nuclear artillery is waste of time and hence most countries have discarded them. These are difficult to handle, need huge time to build but cause limited damage and hence is a waste.
Leopard 2a7 and leclerc are better than T90. Why doesn't India buy the Leopard 2a7 and leclerc license
India doesn't want heavy tanks but only medium weight tanks with enough armour which can work in all terrain - from Rajasthan desert to Gujarat Marshland to Himalayan heights. T90 is the best balance between armour and weight for India.

Good target practice for Pakistani ATGMs.
Tanks are meant to be invasion force, not Frontline battle equipment. The first line of attack will always be air power and naval power. Once the enemy position is destroyed, tanks are used to capture them.
We have Arjun MBT in the Leopard 2 weight range which is 60+ tons
Leclerc is around 56-60 tons based on the configuration while T-90 is a 45 ton tank. Also, Leopard 2 costs around $6mn, Leclerc costs $4.5mn while T-90 costs $2mn
Arjun MBT is discarded as India doesn't need heavy tanks. Heavy tanks are a logistical problem.
I am very skeptical of how these armored warfare will play out infront of modern guided anti-Armor artillery, foot soldiers with unlimited supply of ATGM, cheap drones with AGMs, attach Hellos.

Nasr is good to take out IA artillery positions, once enemy Artillery cover is gone, Tanks are easy kill for infantry. Attack helicopters are vulnerable to MANpads.
Tank warfare is history. Today it is first aerial power and naval power to destroy enemy position and then use tanks to capture by ground invasion. This means that the tanks will go only after most of the enemies are cleared out. That is also why there is hardly any advantage of using Abrams tank over T90. Both the tanks can be taken out with ATGM and hence the higher armour of Abrams is useless. Hence India is buying T90 tanks instead of Arjun. India doesn't want Arjun tanks anymore due to heavy weight penalty.

You can't simply take out tanks by taking out artillery. Artillery doesn't go where tanks go as Artillery is meant to create a buffer zone or defensive barrier whereas tanks are meant to go and capture position and assist ground invasion.
India has commenced manufacturing 400 T-90S battle tanks for its army after it signed a contract with Russia to extend the build license until 2028, last year.

“India made a decision to purchase T-90S tanks, which they are already producing under a license agreement. We extended the previous license deal until 2028 last year, so India could build 400 more tanks,” Head of Russia’s Federal Service for Military and Technical Cooperation Dmitry Shugayev said during an interview with Rossiya-24 TV on Monday.

The Indian defense ministry’s acquisition body approved the purchase in November 2016.

Last April, India’s plan to procure a fresh batch of 464 T-90 tanks for $1.93 billion (INR 13,800 crore) was doing rounds in the media. "Russia will prolong the license for production of T-90 tanks in India. This is in connection with the Indian government’s decision to purchase more tanks for its armed forces," TASS reported, quoted the federal service as saying.

Following this, a Jane’s report said that the contract will be signed “in the next few months.”

According to the Military Balance 2019 handbook published by the London-based International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), over 1,025 T-90S tanks are operational in the Indian Army at present.

Shugayev also said that India is keen on buying MiG-29 fighters, 60 of which it already has in its inventory. "There is a high probability that we will have an additional order for MiG-29 fighter jets," he said.
So no more 464 T90MS, instead 400 T90S?
Experts, what is nuclear artillary ?
Oh you didn't know about it....
Pakistan has now hundreds of artillery which can fire similar type of shell....

You can watch video of nuclear artillery in YouTube and then judge for yourself about its effectiveness. Nuclear artillery is waste of time and hence most countries have discarded them. These are difficult to handle, need huge time to build but cause limited damage and hence is a waste.
We are importing hundred of artillery from Chinese capable of firing nuclear shells....
And 100 works....
SH-15 howitzer....
Oh you didn't know about it....
Pakistan has now hundreds of artillery which can fire similar type of shell....

We are importing hundred of artillery from Chinese capable of firing nuclear shells....
And 100 works....
SH-15 howitzer....

You mean you have depleted uranium shells? Any source?
I don't think you have those shells, you have tactical nukes in the form of NASR
Oh you didn't know about it....
Pakistan has now hundreds of artillery which can fire similar type of shell....

We are importing hundred of artillery from Chinese capable of firing nuclear shells....
And 100 works....
SH-15 howitzer....

Do you know how much advanced nuclear technology is needed to compress a bomb into an Artillery size shell? Pakistan does not have the technology to make such small bombs in the first place. Nuclear artillery needs plutonium, not enriched Uranium which is not technology available with Pakistan yet.

Secondly, the plutonium used to make the shell will result in reduced fuel for a bigger nuclear bomb. So, the net effect is negative.

Firing nuclear shell is not ba big deal. Its effect is limited and won't even harm a tank.
Tanks are meant to be invasion force, not Frontline battle equipment. The first line of attack will always be air power and naval power. Once the enemy position is destroyed, tanks are used to capture them.

Your frontline SU-30s ran away. So the less said about your T-90 tanks the better.
Do you know how much advanced nuclear technology is needed to compress a bomb into an Artillery size shell? Pakistan does not have the technology to make such small bombs in the first place. Nuclear artillery needs plutonium, not enriched Uranium which is not technology available with Pakistan yet.

Secondly, the plutonium used to make the shell will result in reduced fuel for a bigger nuclear bomb. So, the net effect is negative.

Firing nuclear shell is not ba big deal. Its effect is limited and won't even harm a tank.
Yes 1953 technology....
Nuclear shell is not a big deal?
Your ashes won't recover after it:-).
Yes 1953 technology....
Nuclear shell is not a big deal?
Your ashes won't recover after it:-).
Pakistan doesn't have the industrial capability of 1950 Europe or USA even today. So, Pakistan will find it hard to make such artillery shell.

Secondly, nuclear artillery isn't some super weapon and doesn't even burn a car standing nearby but only burns the paint out of its exterior.
Pakistan doesn't have the industrial capability of 1950 Europe or USA even today. So, Pakistan will find it hard to make such artillery shell.

Secondly, nuclear artillery isn't some super weapon and doesn't even burn a car standing nearby but only burns the paint out of its exterior.
It is about the technology where Industry came from.I Know it is difficult for you to come out of your Wizard of Oz but it is not a big deal at all....
As for nuclear effect watch this interesting video and remember a concrete made house far stronger than a tank.....
Why do we need a nuclear artillary when we can use atgm against them
It is about the technology where Industry came from.I Know it is difficult for you to come out of your Wizard of Oz but it is not a big deal at all....
As for nuclear effect watch this interesting video and remember a concrete made house far stronger than a tank.....
Just look at the bridges in Hiroshima & Nagasaki after bombing to know the real power of the nuclear bomb. Most if not all of the bridges were standing still. Only the wooden houses crumbled. Unfortunately for Japanese, most houses were wooden due to fear of earthquakes and hence large number of houses were gutted.

These YouTube videos are made by useless fellows or paid people with agendas. It makes no sense and is filled with fake news
Pakistan doesn't have the industrial capability of 1950 Europe or USA even today. So, Pakistan will find it hard to make such artillery shell.

Secondly, nuclear artillery isn't some super weapon and doesn't even burn a car standing nearby but only burns the paint out of its exterior.
This right here is the same portrayal of the infamous, doubtful mentality that Indians exhibited towards Pakistan so very easily, ever since 1947, even making laugh and joke about Pakistan's nuclear programme. Carry on guys. The more you underestimate Pakistan the more you will have surprises popping up. :-)
i fail to understand the need and the urgency, although i do understand the need to keep factories running but why not go for a little upgraded ones.
i fail to understand the need and the urgency, although i do understand the need to keep factories running but why not go for a little upgraded ones.

Because Modi does not want to buy new weapons from Russia.

Will India Dare To Buy Russian T-14 Armata Tanks With Mounting US Pressure?


1 year ago

October 3, 2018

EurAsian Times Desk

Will India purchase T-14 Armata Tanks, considered as one of the most lethal tanks in the world? The Indian Army is looking to procure 1770 multipurpose future ready combat vehicles (FRCV) to replace the ageing force of T-72 main battle tanks (MBTs) and T-14 Armata Tanks are hot contenders. But, with immense pressure from the US and growing India-US ties, will Delhi dare to purchase the Armata Tanks?

The Armata Tank, a mean fighting machine, was unveiled for the very first time in 2015, at Moscow. The Defense Ministry of Russia is slated to purchase around 100 Armata Tank T-14s by 2020. The Armata Tank boasts of a highly computer integrated equipment, an un-manned turret and an independent armour capsule; making it an effective combat vehicle.

Indian Army Chief General Bipin Rawat started his six-day visit to Russia recently in what is being seen as an attempt to enhance India-Russia defence bilateral relations. The visit coincides with a bilateral annual summit between Indian PM Modi and Russian President Putin scheduled for October 5 in New Delhi during which defence deals worth over $10 billion are likely to be signed.

The Indian military delegation led by General Rawat is scheduled to meet the top officials of the Russian Armed Forces. Russia’s T-14 Armata FRCV is likely to figure in the discussions between the two militaries.

“The visit is yet another milestone in giving impetus to the strategic partnership between India and Russia and taking forward the military to military cooperation to the next level,” an Indian defence ministry statement reads.

Besides visiting the Mikhailovskaya Artillery Military Academy, the Headquarters of Western Military District in St. Petersburg and General Staff Academy, the Indian officials will also visit the headquarters of a motorized rifle division in Moscow.

The procurement process for FRCVs was launched by the Indian Army as part of a plan to acquire hundreds of armoured vehicles similar to the Russian T-14 Armata and South Korean K2 Black Panther MBTs. According to the recommended acquisition plan, the FRCVs will be manufactured in India by a private company in partnership with the overseas original equipment manufacturer.

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