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India bans sale of cows for slaughter, a move designed to appease conservative Hindus

'No fascism in our kitchen': Beef fests at 210 places in Kerala by SFI

Angry with the central government's new rules under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, that bans the sale of cattle for slaughter in animal markets, the Student Federation of India (SFI) will conduct beef festivals across Kerala on Saturday.

This is becoming common.
It is not just India that has a taboo on beef. Cows are greatly respected in Nepal and Burma too.
  1. People in the Vedic period were primarily pastoral. They relied on the cows for milk and dung. Cow dung is one of the main fuels in rural India and also served as a fertilizer. Cow dung and cow urine is also thought to be an disinfectant among ancient Indians and used to clean up home. Thus, cow provided the food, fuel, disinfectant and fertilizer for the Vedic people.
  2. Hindu scriptures have always considered milk as among the highest forms of food - Satvic. Cow's milk is believed to have a great calming effect and improves meditation.
  3. A product of cow's milk - ghee(clarified butter) - is used for Yajna (fire worship). Fire worship is the highest form prayer for Hindus. This adds religious significance to cow's products.
  4. Despite its big size, a cow is a calm animal and non-threatening - you could see cows quietly roaming Indian roads. Hindus have always appreciated the tolerance, patience and calmness of the cow. Thus, cows stood for the goodness of Hindu religion and considered a representative of Dharma. Also, a cow's affection to its calf is a beautiful thing and Vedas greatly appreciated this bonding.
  5. Sustainability: Ancient Indians probably ate meat when they wandered in the grasslands. However, as soon as they settled and the population near Ganges exploded, they saw the issues cropping. The key was water pollution from the slaughterhouses. Both the leather industry and slaughter industry hugely polluting industries and thus taboos quickly came.
  6. In some ways, cows for Indians are like the pets in the Western Culture. You don't see dog meat, cat meat or even horse meat in the US as these are the animals people have in their homes and form a special bonding with. For some Westerners, killing a dog for meat can be as gruesome as killing a human for meat. In the same way, many of us Indians formed a special bonding with our cows.

Environmental Sustainability
These days we are understanding the impacts of beef better. Here are some of the recent research on the impact on beef on the environment:
  1. Consequences of increased global meat consumption on the global environment -- trade in virtual water, energy & nutrients
  2. Food Giants Want 'Sustainable' Beef. But What Does That Mean?
  3. Sustainability of meat-based and plant-based diets and the environment

Researchers are coming to the same conclusion as the early Hindus did - lacto-vegetarian diet is the most sustainable option for a denser world population.

Summary: Religious Hindu households always had a cow in their backyard until a couple of decades ago. They provided the family's daily:
  1. Food (milk, buttermilk, curd, butter and ghee)
  2. Products for worship (ghee)
  3. Fuel for the kitchen (cow dung)
  4. Antiseptic cleaning agent (cow dung and cow urine)
  5. Clearing up extra growth in the farm before sowing.

Hindus are very practical people. We worship those that are incredibly useful.

What you have written about the benefits of cow's...the milk, the ghee, fuel for Kitchen in rural areas(dung), and all that is followed in Pakistan...

The main point here is nobody in Pakistan sacrifices a milk yielding, calf bearing cow...it is always a bull, the male bowine or you call it 'Bael'...this is it.

And about 300 billion Rupee of income goes yearly to the rural areas from urban areas every year, they breed and herd better quality of bulls and cows with that money...it is all cyclic. It results in better younger breed of cows and bulls, more milk yielding, healthier and stronger new breed...

So when we say cow slaughter or sacrifice...it is not the milk yielding and calf bearing cow, it is always the male bull. And a certain age limit is required for sacrifice...
What you have written about the benefits of cow's...the milk, the ghee, fuel for Kitchen in rural areas(dung), and all that is followed in Pakistan...

The main point here is no body in Pakistan sacrifices a milk yielding, calf bearing cow...it is always a bull, the male bowine or you call it...this is it.

And about 300 billion Rupee of income goes yearly to the rural areas from urban areas every year, they breed and herd better quality of bulls and cows with that money...it is all cyclic. It results in better younger breed of cows and bulls, more milk yielding, healthier and stronger new breed...

So when we say cow slaughter or sacrifice...it is not the milk yielding and calf bearing cow, it is always the male bull. And a certain age limit is required for sacrifice...
The reasons are not economic. They are value based.

We WERE not used to use and throw culture. We don't dump our gfs as easily as Western people do (girls dump us more here :D ). We don't dump our parents in old age institutions after they are too old to contribute. We don't dump our old cassette recorders after they stop working.

Of course, things are changing. But this we can't afford. On a civilizational level. Those opposing will be encouraged to leave freely to any other more suitable place. :)
The reasons are not economic. They are value based.

We WERE not used to use and throw culture. We don't dump our gfs as easily as Western people do (girls dump us more here :D ). We don't dump our parents in old age institutions after they are too old to contribute. We don't dump our old cassette recorders after they stop working.

Of course, things are changing. But this we can't afford. On a civilizational level. Those opposing will be encouraged to leave freely to any other more suitable place. :)

Yes I know the cultural or rather religious values in India about cows and how they are protected and worshiped...

'The main point here is nobody in Pakistan sacrifices a milk yielding, calf bearing cow...it is always a bull, the male bowine or you call it 'Bael'...this is it.'

so the word cow is a misnomer...
Yes I know the cultural or rather religious values in India about cows and how they are protected and worshiped...

'The main point here is nobody in Pakistan sacrifices a milk yielding, calf bearing cow...it is always a bull, the male bowine or you call it 'Bael'...this is it.'

so the word cow is a misnomer...
No, it is not a misnomer. When we ban tiger hunting, it does not mean tigresses can be hunted. The nomenclature cover both the gender of the species. Cattle farming is both enormously harmful for the environment as well as human health. Even a bull is not useless. The most useful part of any cattle is its dung. It is what keeps the soil fertile and productive with its nutrients and microbiome. Without this microbiome supplied by the cattle wastes the soil turns unproductive and impermeable to water in a few decades as lots of farmers all over the world have discovered to their misery.

India used to be a place so fertile and rich with animal matter that just dropping a seed on the ground was enough for it to sprout into a plant. This changed in many places with the top soil washed away or hardening to a point where even grass would not grow. We are reversing this harm done to our soil and land.
no more BBQ's. ahh man. come to Pakistan I will slaughter many for you guys and cook em!
@nair @SrNair, do the Hindus in kerela eat beef too?

Yes. Beef is not banned in Kerala and North East India.

States where cow slaughter is legal:

13) Kerala
No restrictions.

23) West Bengal
No restrictions.

16, 18) Other Northeast
No ban in Arunachal, Mizoram, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, Sikkim. In Manipur, Maharaja in 1939 decreed prosecution for cow slaughter, but beef consumed widely.

States marked red doesn’t allow slaughter of cows.
States where cow slaughter is banned:

1) Andhra Pradesh & Telangana
Slaughter of cows, calves prohibited. Bulls, bullocks can be killed against “fit-for-slaughter” certificate, issued if animals can no longer be used for breeding; draught/agricultural operations. Violators face 6 months jail and/or Rs 1,000 fine.

2) Assam
Cow slaughter banned except on issue of ‘fit-for-slaughter’ certificate, at designated places.

3) Bihar
Slaughter of cows, calves banned; of bulls, bullocks older than 15 years allowed. Violators face 6 months’ jail and/or Rs 1,000 fine.

4) Chandigarh
Killing a cow, storing/serving/eating beef banned; eating meat of buffalo, bullock, ox also banned.

5) Chhattisgarh
Slaughter of cow, buffalo, bull, bullock, calf, and possession of their meat banned. Transport, export to other states for slaughter also banned; attracts same punishment of 7 years’ jail, fine up to Rs 50,000.

6) Delhi
Slaughter of “agricultural cattle” — cow, calf, bull, bullock — and “possession of [their] flesh”, even if they are killed outside Delhi, banned. Buffaloes are not covered.

7) Gujarat
Slaughter of cow, calf, bull and bullock; transport, sale of their meat banned. Punishment: Rs 50,000 fine, up to 7 years’ jail. Ban does not include buffaloes.

8) Haryana
As per a 2015 law, “cow”, which includes bull, bullock, ox, heifer, calf, and disabled/diseased/barren cows, can’t be killed. Punishment: 3-10 years jail, fine up to Rs 1 lakh. Sale of canned beef and beef products, and export of cows for slaughter banned.

9) Himachal Pradesh
Slaughter of all bovines punishable by 5 years’ jail. Killing allowed in the interest of research, or if animal has contagious disease.

10) Jammu & Kashmir
Slaughter of cow and its progeny punishable by up to 10 years’ jail. Possession of “flesh of any [of these] slaughtered animal(s)” punishable by a year; killing of “he or she buffalo” punishable with fine five times the animal’s price.

11) Jharkhand
Slaughter of cows and oxen; possession, consumption of their meat, banned. Violators face up to 10 years’ jail and/or Rs 10,000 fine.

12) Karnataka
Cows can be slaughtered if old or diseased. Possession not a crime. Bill proposed by BJP in 2010 made slaughter punishable by 7 years’ jail and Rs 1 lakh fine, but it did not become law.

14) Madhya Pradesh
Slaughter of cow, progeny banned. Penalty raised to 7 years’ jail in 2012, burden of proof on accused. Buffaloes can be killed.

15) Maharashtra
Slaughter, consumption of meat of cow, bull, bullock banned since March 2015 after revision of existing law. 5 years’ jail and/or Rs 10,000 fine. Slaughter of buffaloes allowed.

No restrictions.

17) Odisha
2 years’ jail, Rs 1,000 fine for cow slaughter. Old bulls, bullocks can be killed on fit-for-slaughter certificate; cow if it suffers from contagious disease.

19) Punjab
“Beef” doesn’t include imported beef; “cow” includes bulls, bullocks, oxen, heifer, calves. Slaughter allowed for export, with government permit.

20) Rajasthan
Slaughter of “cow, calf, heifer, bull or bullock” prohibited; possession, transport of their flesh prohibited. 10 years’ imprisonment and/or Rs 10,000 fine.

21) Tamil Nadu
Cow, calf slaughter banned; up to 3 years’ jail and/or Rs 1,000 fine. Beef consumption and slaughter of economically worthless animals allowed.

22) Uttar Pradesh
Slaughter of cow, bullock, ox banned. Can’t store or eat beef. 7 years’ jail and/or Rs 10,000 fine. Can import in sealed containers, to be served to foreigners. Buffaloes can be killed.

* Jail terms 10 yrs for cow slaughter in Haryana, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand and Rajasthan. Punishment up to varying terms in jail in other states.

* Hefty fine 1 lakh in Haryana, and Rs 50,000 in Chhattisgarh and Gujarat. Range of smaller fines for slaughter and related crimes in other states.

It's from an authentic source yaar. I have deleted other such posts today though.
Why deleted other posts?
Is this hindu forum so we should appease them?
They are against appeasing Muslims and ban beaf in their country.
But here they want we should appease these hindus.
India is forcing non Hindu to practice one aspect of Hinduism. No respect of none Hindu's religious freedom..

Is India still a secular country or a Hindu religious fanatic nut house that is not safe for none Hindus?
By not protecting cows India will force hindus to practice one aspect of minority religion. No respect for hindus freedom of religion.
Chennai's Young And Restless Rise Up Against The Beef Insanity. Beef Parties Are The New Norm In The City

Caterers too report a marginal rise in the orders they've been receiving for beef and beef-based dishes.

"I have more new customers placing orders now," said Sajan C, who gets orders for more than 15 kg of beef items a day.

"Many of them, I figure, are eating beef for the first time. They ask a series of questions about beef before placing an order." "The meat is not limited to one section or religion. We get requests for beef from different communities," he said.

Vani Venugopal, a 26-year-old copywriter, recently threw a 'beef party' for her friends. "Beef, they say, is a forbidden fruit, but I like eating it," she said. "My religion is personal. I don't need any group to tell me what I should eat."


Lawyers having beef party at the Madras HC premises

Psychologists say it's not surprising that calls for a ban on beef have backfired, because forbidden things are always more satisfying for the very fact that they are forbidden. "If one bans something, people will be drawn to it as doing it gives them a sense of adventure," clinical psychologist Keerthi Pai said. "You get attention. You're doing something different from society. So biologically, you get a dopamine charge, and psychologically, an adrenaline rush," she said. "Curiosity also draws people to something that is banned."

Ahahahah ....nice question.lol Maybe for blessings?:D

Personally, I think beef is delicious.:P
why ban it if some people don't adhere to such belief.

Religion...... Religion.......Religion. hmmmmmm.......or is it the people who are the problem?:tongue:

LOL..... here is another "nice question", why do christians think a zombies called jesus was real ?
Why do they keep the picture of a white man nailed to the cross as a criminal in their church ?

Personally I think the british are the most evil race in the planet. Drug traders, slave traders, destroyer of civilization and genocidal maniacs. Why are they still allowed to breed ?

Hmmm...... nationality.... nationality ........ maybe its the people who are the problem.
this is hypocrisy, i think if they ban exports as well than i have nothing against this ban but big enterprises are allowed to buy , kill and export but small farmers and Muslims are not
India continue to be biggest exporter of beef yet prohibit muslims from eating it, never seen more hypocritical nation on earth. I will not push back even 2 million people let alone 200m back to wall, they will strike back and burn down India. See what is happening in IoK where 700000 army can't control it.

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