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India bans sale of cows for slaughter, a move designed to appease conservative Hindus

Why Indians think cows are gods, what do they keep them for anyway?

Cow happened to be an animal around which our whole life used to revolve around. We used to drink its milk, we used to use its dung as fuel and making homes. Its milk is considered to be pious so as its butter, panir, butter milk and curd. We considered it next to our mother as we grow up drinking the milk of cows. Emotionally, it is very much near human being and it will shed Tears for you. Our society happened to be a agriculture based society and many of us practice non violence in our life.We make sure that minimum harm is done to any creature because of us. We can not tolerate that an animal whose milk we have drunk to grow up is killed for eating. Animals had and has a special place in our life and we believe that it is a sin to kill any animal for just eating. We had some customs of sacrificing animals in some of our societies but it has almost stopped in each part of India. I do not know about north east.
Cow happened to be an animal around which our whole life used to revolve around. We used to drink its milk, we used to use its dung as fuel and making homes. Its milk is considered to be pious so as its butter, panir, butter milk and curd. We considered it next to our mother as we grow up drinking the milk of cows. Emotionally, it is very much near human being and it will shed Tears for you. Our society happened to be a agriculture based society and many of us practice non violence in our life.We make sure that minimum harm is done to any creature because of us. We can not tolerate that an animal whose milk we have drunk to grow up is killed for eating. Animals had and has a special place in our life and we believe that it is a sin to kill any animal for just eating. We had some customs of sacrificing animals in some of our societies but it has almost stopped in each part of India. I do not know about north east.

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If cows are gods in India why India didn't ban eating gods before, why hadn't they tried to protect their gods being eaten until now?

In this case, Indian gods are decided by which political party in power.

Sad that this is how Indians place value on their gods, below that of politics...

Cow happened to be an animal around which our whole life used to revolve around. We used to drink its milk, we used to use its dung as fuel and making homes. Its milk is considered to be pious so as its butter, panir, butter milk and curd. We considered it next to our mother as we grow up drinking the milk of cows. Emotionally, it is very much near human being and it will shed Tears for you. Our society happened to be a agriculture based society and many of us practice non violence in our life.We make sure that minimum harm is done to any creature because of us. We can not tolerate that an animal whose milk we have drunk to grow up is killed for eating. Animals had and has a special place in our life and we believe that it is a sin to kill any animal for just eating. We had some customs of sacrificing animals in some of our societies but it has almost stopped in each part of India. I do not know about north east.

You forget to mention that you also drink their pees.
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In this case, Indian gods are decoded by which political party in power.

Sad that this is how Indians place value on their gods, below that of politics...

You forget to mention that you also drink their pees.

Few people does that also.

I think it is better than eating cockroach fried in Gutter oil. What say?
Why Indians think cows are gods, what do they keep them for anyway?

It is not just India that has a taboo on beef. Cows are greatly respected in Nepal and Burma too.
  1. People in the Vedic period were primarily pastoral. They relied on the cows for milk and dung. Cow dung is one of the main fuels in rural India and also served as a fertilizer. Cow dung and cow urine is also thought to be an disinfectant among ancient Indians and used to clean up home. Thus, cow provided the food, fuel, disinfectant and fertilizer for the Vedic people.
  2. Hindu scriptures have always considered milk as among the highest forms of food - Satvic. Cow's milk is believed to have a great calming effect and improves meditation.
  3. A product of cow's milk - ghee(clarified butter) - is used for Yajna (fire worship). Fire worship is the highest form prayer for Hindus. This adds religious significance to cow's products.
  4. Despite its big size, a cow is a calm animal and non-threatening - you could see cows quietly roaming Indian roads. Hindus have always appreciated the tolerance, patience and calmness of the cow. Thus, cows stood for the goodness of Hindu religion and considered a representative of Dharma. Also, a cow's affection to its calf is a beautiful thing and Vedas greatly appreciated this bonding.
  5. Sustainability: Ancient Indians probably ate meat when they wandered in the grasslands. However, as soon as they settled and the population near Ganges exploded, they saw the issues cropping. The key was water pollution from the slaughterhouses. Both the leather industry and slaughter industry hugely polluting industries and thus taboos quickly came.
  6. In some ways, cows for Indians are like the pets in the Western Culture. You don't see dog meat, cat meat or even horse meat in the US as these are the animals people have in their homes and form a special bonding with. For some Westerners, killing a dog for meat can be as gruesome as killing a human for meat. In the same way, many of us Indians formed a special bonding with our cows.

Environmental Sustainability
These days we are understanding the impacts of beef better. Here are some of the recent research on the impact on beef on the environment:
  1. Consequences of increased global meat consumption on the global environment -- trade in virtual water, energy & nutrients
  2. Food Giants Want 'Sustainable' Beef. But What Does That Mean?
  3. Sustainability of meat-based and plant-based diets and the environment

Researchers are coming to the same conclusion as the early Hindus did - lacto-vegetarian diet is the most sustainable option for a denser world population.

Summary: Religious Hindu households always had a cow in their backyard until a couple of decades ago. They provided the family's daily:
  1. Food (milk, buttermilk, curd, butter and ghee)
  2. Products for worship (ghee)
  3. Fuel for the kitchen (cow dung)
  4. Antiseptic cleaning agent (cow dung and cow urine)
  5. Clearing up extra growth in the farm before sowing.

Hindus are very practical people. We worship those that are incredibly useful.
Its time to export beef to India. Slaughter is banned, but is eating beef banned too? :unsure:
If cows are gods in India why India didn't ban eating gods before, why hadn't they tried to protect their gods being eaten until now?

Do you think God needs Human protection?

@Sinopakfriend I have replied to your question on the below thread but my response is under moderation and would not be displayed. May be there is a policy to banning certain members like me on certain threads or topics as a preemptive measure. @WebMaster may be able clarify on it.

Are Tamils in India unhappy about it?
'No fascism in our kitchen': Beef fests at 210 places in Kerala by SFI

Angry with the central government's new rules under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, that bans the sale of cattle for slaughter in animal markets, the Student Federation of India (SFI) will conduct beef festivals across Kerala on Saturday.

@nair @SrNair, do the Hindus in kerela eat beef too?
Why Indians think cows are gods, what do they keep them for anyway?
Ahahahah ....nice question.lol Maybe for blessings?:D

Personally, I think beef is delicious.:P
why ban it if some people don't adhere to such belief.

Religion...... Religion.......Religion. hmmmmmm.......or is it the people who are the problem?:tongue:

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