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Featured India, Bangladesh to hold naval exercise in Bay of Bengal from Saturday


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India, Bangladesh to hold naval exercise in Bay of Bengal from Saturday

Rajat Pandit | TNN | Updated: Oct 2, 2020, 20:22 IST
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NEW DELHI: India and Bangladesh will kick off the second edition of their “Bongosagar” naval exercise in the northern Bay of Bengal on Saturday, which will be followed by a coordinated maritime patrol by their warships in the region.

Indian will deploy INS Kiltan, an anti-submarine warfare corvette, and INS Khukri, a guided-missile corvette, as well as maritime patrol aircraft and helicopters. Bangladesh, in turn, will participate with BNS Abu Bakr, a guided-missile frigate, and BNS Prottoy, a guided-missile corvette.

“The aim of the exercise is to develop interoperability and joint operational skills through conduct of a wide spectrum of maritime exercises and operations. It will include surface warfare drills, seamanship evolutions and helicopter operations, among other things,” said Navy spokesperson Commander Vivek Madhwal.

The warships from the two nations will then undertake joint patrolling along the international maritime boundary line. “Conduct of such coordinated patrolling has strengthened the understanding between the two navies, with measures being instituted to stop conduct of unlawful activities in the region,” he said.

India has steadily stepped-up military ties with Bangladesh, which incidentally acquired its first-ever diesel-electric submarines from China couple of years ago. India, on its part, has been trying to counter Chinese inroads into its neighbourhood, ranging from Sri Lanka, Maldives, Seychelles and Mauritius to Myanmar, Nepal and Bangladesh.

India, Bangladesh to hold naval exercise in Bay of Bengal from Saturday
Indo-Pacific alliance is taking root in the Bay of Bengal in the disguise of India-BD exercise. The USA should gleefully send observers.
The bay is ours....no problem in jointly patrolling with IN. As they learn our capacity we learn their operational doctrine as well.

Bottom line always the Bay is called Bengal and it is ours.
What is in a name? I have seen some half educated villagers still tend to think Indian Ocean belongs to India, the Bay of Bengal belongs to Bangladesh and Persian Gulf to Persia/Iran. I wonder, who owns the Pacific Ocean and other Seas and Oceans?

This type of thinking is idiotic and illogical. The BoB is divided into three EEZ by the UN tribunal and only a part of it belongs to BD.

Anyway, the US sponsored Indo-Pacific alliance is in full swing with the participation of BN with IN.
What is in a name? I have seen some half educated villagers still tend to think Indian Ocean belongs to India, the Bay of Bengal belongs to Bangladesh and Persian Gulf to Persia/Iran. I wonder, who owns the Pacific Ocean and other Seas and Oceans?

This type of thinking is idiotic and illogical. The BoB is divided into three EEZ by the UN tribunal and only a part of it belongs to BD.

Anyway, the US sponsored Indo-Pacific alliance is in full swing with the participation of BN with IN.
By the way, it says Bay of Bengal not Bay of Bangladesh.

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By the way, it says Bay of Bengal not Bay of Bangladesh.

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British made a huge mistake by giving Andaman & Nicobar islands to India in 1947. They should have kept possession of those islands like Diego Garcia. If they were unwilling to rule, could have given independence to Andaman & Nicobar Islands on a latter day as a separate country. It was not part of any Indian province in that time, so no obligation to hand over them to India. It was India's sheer luck to get them. One Indian admiral thanked the good fortune, that British administrated Andaman & Nicobar as a part of India and not as part of Burma which was more logical given the proximity.
British made a huge mistake by giving Andaman & Nicobar islands to India in 1947. They should have kept possession of those islands like Diego Garcia. If they were unwilling to rule, could have given independence to Andaman & Nicobar Islands on a latter day as a separate country. It was not part of any Indian province in that time, so no obligation to hand over them to India. It was India's sheer luck to get them. One Indian admiral thanked the good fortune, that British administrated Andaman & Nicobar as a part of India and not as part of Burma which was more logical given the proximity.
It's a reality today. So deal with it.

Also Andaman and Nicobar was under the control of Cholas long before British entered into foray.
British made a huge mistake by giving Andaman & Nicobar islands to India in 1947. They should have kept possession of those islands like Diego Garcia. If they were unwilling to rule, could have given independence to Andaman & Nicobar Islands on a latter day as a separate country. It was not part of any Indian province in that time, so no obligation to hand over them to India. It was India's sheer luck to get them. One Indian admiral thanked the good fortune, that British administrated Andaman & Nicobar as a part of India and not as part of Burma which was more logical given the proximity.

Actually from ancient times those islands were part of BHARATVARSH a modern day India which spanned from Afghanistan till SAYAM a modern day Thailand..... so British didn't do any mistake....

About keeping those islands to themselves like Diego Garcia was not economically and logistically possible for England as their economy and military might got seriously damaged after WW2.....

If they had declared them a separate country then like East Timor Indonesia would have attacked and annexed it. (absolutely no offense to Indonesian brothers like @Indos ).

If I remember correctly till late 90s Indonesia was claiming those islands from India but seems later both reached to some agreement...... these 500 plus group of islands at the entrance of malacca strait gives India a huge strategic advantage over China in case a full blown war erupts between the two......we can literally harass their trade and shipping lines.....
The bay is ours....no problem in jointly patrolling with IN. As they learn our capacity we learn their operational doctrine as well.

Bottom line always the Bay is called Bengal and it is ours.

Bay belongs to all three of us.... India Bangladesh and Myanmar.....
Indonesia still covet Andaman and Nicobar until late 70s at behalf of Pakistan efforts to war against India, well until Soeharto decided to going focused on internal stability and economy development in 1980s.
Indonesia still covet Andaman and Nicobar until late 70s at behalf of Pakistan efforts to war against India, well until Soeharto decided to going focused on internal stability and economy development in 1980s.

Some years back I remember to read India worried over Indonesia deploying some fighter jets on nearby islands which could have threatened Indian bases in andaman and nicobar islands but seems both have agreed on some settlements as almost more than a decade both do not even talk about it..... we have very friendly relations now.....
Some years back I remember to read India worried over Indonesia deploying some fighter jets on nearby islands which could have threatened Indian bases in andaman and nicobar islands but seems both have agreed on some settlements as almost more than a decade both do not even talk about it..... we have very friendly relations now.....
There was a time when the Indonesian President Sukarno used to say that Andaman and Nicobar islands may possibly belong to (east) Pakistan if not Indonesia. How come it belongs to India?
Kill Bangladeshis on border and Bangladesh will have a naval exercise with you.

Even Israel goes against its best ally - the US- to protect its sovereignty.

Well, its Bangladesh's choice.
Kill Bangladeshis on border and Bangladesh will have a naval exercise with you.

Even Israel goes against its best ally - the US- to protect its sovereignty.

Well, its Bangladesh's choice.

Yes, needlessly show India, a nuclear power, the middle finger and then get trampled and have R&AW thrash your economy.

Perfect plan, If we were foolhardy enough to listen to a genius like yourself.

You're not in our position, don't tell us what to do.

A simple joint patrol operation isn't a big deal, it's just regular stuff, no harm done in keeping them at bay and at friendly terms.
Yes, needlessly show India, a nuclear power, the middle finger and then get trampled and have R&AW thrash your economy.

Perfect plan, If we were foolhardy enough to listen to a genius like yourself.

You're not in our position, don't tell us what to do.

A simple joint patrol operation isn't a big deal, it's just regular stuff, no harm done in keeping them at bay and at friendly terms.

You do whatever you like, I have no right to tell you what to do. But you cannot take away my right to critically analyze your political policies.

Theres something called self respect which even Nepal seems to show. I have no stake in Bangladesh and only read about it as a humble student of history.

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