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For those indians asking how the general population thinks about india here is the perspective of the "average joe" or next gen deshi.

I am a Bangladeshi, I love my country, and i have no love or hate toward india, just dont really care, I dont think we have much cultural affinity with indians (we dont eat the same food or talk the same language etc).

Like my friends I dont watch indian movies (the older generation and wanabes still do) or buy any indian brands (its all chinese now-days anyway).

We are more influenced nowdays by the west culturally, and USA in particular. We buy chinese goods, go to British/Ausi Unis, watch US movies and listen to western music.

All we want is to keep equi-distance fom all regional powers (China, india and the US), improve our economy and wait till these corrupt politicians die of old age.

Look right now there is a pro indian AL gov in power, so for now they will make deals with delhi, do joint venture with indian firms etc, and screw the public like all politicians do.

Next election there will be a new government, who will be pro chinese, make deals with beijing, do joint venture with chinese firms and screw the public.

This see-saw won't change anytime soon.
India has always been wary of its "chicken neck" land congestion bordering Sikkim and nearby disputed Arunchal Pardesh. Any deep invasion by PLA would give in easy way to part India in two and annexation of AP by China. This provided the seed of Indian intrest in east-Pakistan after 1962 humiliation.

India during the Indra era can be best described as democratic communism. All the Indian principles emerged from the Soviet ideals. In a classic chain of events Indian nefarious plans in Bangladesh (then east-Pakistan) started with preparation of pro-socialists leader Mujib and marketing his brand name to poor pessants of east-pakistan, a well used communist trick. Framing stories of Bengali discrimination in the west which contanary to Indian propoganda was totaly false. Bengalis made the largest pool of then Pakistani intellactuals as well a strong representation of best and brightest Bengali talents in armed forces.

Indian sponsored propoganda against west and staged event by indian backed terrorism largely led the pessants in beliving and voting for Mujeeb but his idealogies and connections with India did not sit well with Pakistani intelligence.India hoped to either annex break away Pakistan or turn it into a client state.

Post sepration Bangladesh came as a shock and awe for average Bengali. With economy in total collapse and open indian looting of scrap metal Bangladesh was left poorer and worst making average Bengali wonder if nationalism was all that worth to pay for. Mujeeb on other hand kept asserting his power, banned all political parties, started his own private millita and moved closed to India & USSR.

Eventually, few officers alerted by detrioting country situation in the hands of Mujeeb moved in with a plot of coup and sparked a series of counter coups. The largest blow with Mujeeb assasination came to Indian plans of turning Bangladesh into a client state. The Bengalis had a political dispute with Pakistan but the theory of two nations was still alive and kicking. 35 years later India is still at disparity to find accecptable influence in Bangladesh and once again needs election rigging to bring its conspiracy partners AL into power.

Mujeeb merely seprated an already seprate country by few thousand kilometers however the presence and birth of Bangladesh cannot be debated without factoring in the role of Jinnah in creation of Pakistan.

The current AL regime in India is dedicated in its blood and sweat to glorify dubious Indian role in its independence.

The first of the east/west Pakistan issues came about in 1952. When students at Dhaka University were gunned down for protesting that Urdu would be the national language. I salute those guys that gave their lives. Today, along with Engllish, I speak the greatest language the world has ever seen.

BTW out of 69 million people in Pakistan, Bangla was spoken by 44 million people in those early days( Wiki). Somebozo, its high time you get your facts straight
The first of the east/west Pakistan issues came about in 1952. When students at Dhaka University were gunned down for protesting that Urdu would be the national language. I salute those guys that gave their lives. Today, along with Engllish, I speak the greatest language the world has ever seen.

BTW out of 69 million people in Pakistan, Bangla was spoken by 44 million people in those early days( Wiki). Somebozo, its high time you get your facts straight

Unfortunately Indian intelligence had already infiltrated East Pakistan by 1950 and was a prime mover behind the language movement. It is actually us Bangladeshis that do not know about our own history. Indian books have all this information but we Bangladeshis prefer to remain ignorant and ignore the ugly truth about our history and how much of it was influenced by India. Nearly every event in East Pakistan/Bangladesh was influenced by India and occasionally there was a counter reaction (i.e. 1975).
The article that opened this thread is from a RAW sponsored site. Enough said I think .......

As I had asked you on a previous thread some time before,the thread from which you preferred to run away silently,I would like to ask the same question again.Do these RAW guys keep sending mail to each other about this and keep you in Cc????

I mean if RAW is sponsoring a news paper and you have proofs ,then come up with it.....Who exactly is stopping you???

Get the message???? Loud and clear?????

Show me the proof.​
Unfortunately Indian intelligence had already infiltrated East Pakistan by 1950 and was a prime mover behind the language movement. It is actually us Bangladeshis that do not know about our own history. Indian books have all this information but we Bangladeshis prefer to remain ignorant and ignore the ugly truth about our history and how much of it was influenced by India. Nearly every event in East Pakistan/Bangladesh was influenced by India and occasionally there was a counter reaction (i.e. 1975).

If you have info that I dont know, please publish it. I will never deny the influence of India. India always had an ambition to divide the problem/2. Unless you have evidance that India was always trying to devide us
from the very beginning, please remian at peace.
Unfortunately Indian intelligence had already infiltrated East Pakistan by 1950 and was a prime mover behind the language movement. It is actually us Bangladeshis that do not know about our own history. Indian books have all this information but we Bangladeshis prefer to remain ignorant and ignore the ugly truth about our history and how much of it was influenced by India. Nearly every event in East Pakistan/Bangladesh was influenced by India and occasionally there was a counter reaction (i.e. 1975).

If this is true then I will no need to care/ respect any 52 or 71. Is there any scanned copy of any authentic book?
If this is true then I will no need to care/ respect any 52 or 71. Is there any scanned copy of any authentic book?

You will find evidence of all this in books by Asoka Raina, Kalidas Baidya and Gen. SS. Uban. Much of their analysis and first-hand experiences were used in my book The India Doctrine (1947-2007). A new bangla version is now available.

MBI, who is the guy on throne on your book cover? Is he Chanykya? Nice cover by the way! :P
Can I get this book in Nilkhet Market? It seems there were conspiracies behind everything -52, 71. Now just want to know the proof. If this book can help for that. Also where I will get the books of Asoka Raina, Kalidas Baidya and Gen. SS. Uban.
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Last time I checked Gurkhas handling bodybags of talibs in Afghanistan!

Last time i checked they worked for BRITISH ARMY?
Is british army a branch of Nepalese army trained by india:rofl:

Foolishness is precious... Only few can afford it!

Also after seeing the books wat do my Bengladeshi brothers feel?
India had never accepted the creation of Pakistan in the first place...

Language problem was a small one.. West Pakistans mother tongue wasnt urdu either just like it wasnt yours(east Pakistans)...

Conect the dots!
71 still is a bleeding wound for us.
MBI, who is the guy on throne on your book cover? Is he Chanykya? Nice cover by the way! :P

The guy sitting in the middle is Emperor Ashoka and the bald man standing to his right is Chanayka.
Can I get this book in Nilkhet Market? It seems there were conspiracies behind everything -52, 71. Now just want to know the proof. If this book can help for that. Also where I will get the books of Asoka Raina, Kalidas Baidya and Gen. SS. Uban.

The book is only available at The Bookworm near Jahangir Gate or directly from me. Contact me at my email address or PM me.
The guy sitting in the middle is Emperor Ashoka and the bald man standing to his right is Chanayka.

Ashoka was a buddhist and created a very humane society. And his kingdom was based on Meghda and capital was Pataliputra which were then Bengal. He created a powerbase in Bengal and the legacy continued so that the Eastern India and as a whole Bengal could rule India for at least 2 millenium. He is our guy instead of forcing him to be an Indian. Please change your cover page and Put Rabon/Ram on it... :rofl::rofl:
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