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India backs palestinian bid for UN membership

Nice move by Indian Govt.....O.k guys all of us know that US of A will Veto this Bid...so without their approval there is no chance for Palestine to succed in this bid....So i don't think their was any need for Indian Govt to spoil their image in front of Arab and other muslim countries...and don't worry it won't damage our relations with Israel...they know what we are doing
Funny that you just mentioned Israel when there are so many other countries that are also victim of terrorism including a certain neighbour of yours.

Trade business is done between government dealing, doesn't affect the local population, unless you're one of those who base your judgements of countries by your government policies, which by that logic, I should be hating Israel then :lol:

With that being said, I don't have an issue though, everyone can have a favourite country :)

yes..but no country is so much hated because of its religion..
and also most of Indians see themselves in Israelites when they hear of Hamas terrorism...

and mostly Indians like Israel's "in your face" attitude..to think how it managed to survive as a country with threat of constant war with its neighbors, surrounded by almost 50 hostile states who just dont want to defeat Israel but want to wipe it out.. is something Indians are impressed with.

And also the Indian middle class are impressed with Israel's attitude towards us...even though India voted against Israel's creation in 1948 and continuously voted against Israel..they have never once voted or voiced any critical objections against us.Infact they readily helped us whenever we were in need...
Funny that you just mentioned Israel when there are so many other countries that are also victim of terrorism including a certain neighbour of yours.

Not funny at all.. Because 99.99% of Indians (just leaving 0.01% for error margin :) ) consider Pakistan as the source and not victim of terror..

Also, Going back 20-30 years when there was no 9/11 or terrorism as a profession was not so much in Vogue, it was mainly India and Israel that were at the receiving end of terrorism stemming from fundamentalist distortion of Islam..

Trade business is done between government dealing, doesn't affect the local population,

Err.. No.. Not at all..I personally have been dealing with Israeli companies like NICE since last 10 years..

With that being said, I don't have an issue though, everyone can have a favourite country :)
this resolution will be vetoed,so 0% chance ...nothing wrong in voting to score other points;)
You mean voting to make a moral statement. And the moral statement isn't that of supporting Palestinian Arab independence, it's that of supporting their terrorist leaders' vow to exterminate the Jews of Israel.
You mean voting to make a moral statement. And the moral statement isn't that of supporting Palestinian Arab independence, it's that of supporting their terrorist leaders' vow to exterminate the Jews of Israel.

Mr Zion lova is it surprising to you that Indians do have a heart and vote with the oppressed.

well done India
Mr Zion lova is it surprising to you that Indians do have a heart and vote with the oppressed.
The Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza have been oppressed by their leg-breaking leaders for decades. There is no more democracy there - Abbas term in office expired years ago, Hamas controls everything in Gaza - and any Palestinian Arab who dares voice pro-Israel sentiment risks being labelled a collaborator and executed without trial.
Serious question. Is there a reason why the local Indian population are so fond of Israel? Any cultural similarities or anything?

The Hindu : News / The India Cables : Israel's PR offensive in India

Mr. Belotsercovsky “noted that their polling suggested many Indians actually see Israel as a model for dealing with Muslims — something the Israeli Embassy makes efforts to downplay.''

The Indians will try to spin it nine ways to Sunday, but the Israeli embassy's own assessment in bold above speaks the loudest.

Note: it is not about terrorism, fundamentalism, or anything else. Just plain Muslims.

Indians and Israelis -- partners in hate and bigotry.
The Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza have been oppressed by their leg-breaking leaders for decades. There is no more democracy there - Abbas term in office expired years ago, Hamas controls everything in Gaza - and any Palestinian Arab who dares voice pro-Israel sentiment risks being labelled a collaborator and executed without trial.
You may be right. But that does not diminish the right of Palestine to exist as a state. They have been around for decades. They already exist. What remains is the formality of a UN recognition. What's wrong with that? How will that help promote terrorism or Anti-Zionism or Anti-US/Israel sentiments?
The Arabs of the West Bank and Gaza have been oppressed by their leg-breaking leaders for decades. There is no more democracy there - Abbas term in office expired years ago, Hamas controls everything in Gaza - and any Palestinian Arab who dares voice pro-Israel sentiment risks being labelled a collaborator and executed without trial.

Hamas are the democratically elected representatives of the Palestinian people. You mr zion lova say you want democratically elected reps to deal with. Then when you get them you denounce them as terrorists cos they dont see the world as you do. I would say on this occasion as many other insatnces your hypocracy knows no bounds.

And back to topic something you wouldnt know about. Isnt it great that Indians have a heart and are on the side of justice and palestine?
Cant speak for the whole population, but what does it for me is the similarities between Israel and India as victims of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism (focus on fundamentalist terrorism, not on Islam). Kind of creates a feeling of kinship

to add to that, India has been partnering with Israel in business and defense since long so that helps too..

Add to that the bene israelis who lived in India for over two thousand years and most of them have now moved back to Israel but maintain close ties with India.

We have bene israeli familyfriends and as a result less likely to look at Jews as some kind of evil monsters, neither are we taught that since childhood.
It is amusing that you talk about hate and bigotry. India supports Palestine's bid but you still cannot get away without showing hate towards India. :lol: As usual.

Try something better.

The poll data reflects the views of the ordinary person on the street.

What the GOI does and doesn't do vis-a-vis the Palestinians is a calculated dance of diplomacy. I doubt Israel/Palestine is a major issue in domestic Indian politics.
The poll data reflects the views of the ordinary person on the street.

What the GOI does and doesn't do vis-a-vis the Palestinians is a calculated dance of diplomacy. I doubt Israel/Palestine is a major issue in domestic Indian politics.

So you came to conclusion based on some poll but not India's decades old support for Palestine state? Dance of diplomacy or not but India supported Palestine when we have good relation with Israel. It mean that though we have close relation that does not mean we support Israel in every way.

I doubt Israel/Palestine is a major issue in domestic Indian politics.
Right! Israel/Palestine is not a major issue in Indian domestic environment but India still supports Palestine. Because India believes in a Palestine state that will not be effected how much we get close to Israel may be! India's relation with Israel is based on mutual interests not Palestine.

Now you talk about hate and bigotry!! Amusing indeed.
So you came to conclusion based on some poll but not India's decades old support for Palestine state? Dance of diplomacy or not but India supported Palestine when we have good relation with Israel. It mean that though we have close relation that does not mean we support Israel in every way.

Right! Israel/Palestine is not a major issue in Indian domestic environment but India still supports Palestine. Because India believes in a Palestine state that will not be effected how much we get close to Israel may be! India's relation with Israel is based on mutual interests not Palestine.

Now you talk about hate and bigotry!! Amusing indeed.

If you look at my original post, #68, it was specifically in response to a question about the Indian population, not the government. Like I said, the government will play the double game and try to keep all sides happy. Each individual Indian person will have their reasons for supporting or opposing Israel.

However, the poll makes it clear that "dealing with Muslims" is a factor for a sufficiently large segment of Indian population that the Israeli embassy takes it seriously enough to downplay that image.
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