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India asked American tourists on 'conversion drive'to leave

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American tourists on 'conversion drive' asked to leave
T RamavarmanT Ramavarman, TNN | Jun 14, 2011, 04.27pm IST

KOCHI: The fear of proselytization by Christian missionaries has gripped the southern most state Kerala yet again. Three US women tourists were asked to leave the country following complaints that they along with the local pastors were trying to convert "poor families" to Christianity in the coastal area of Alappuzha district in Kerala.

However, the state police said that the three tourists were asked to quit because they had violated the tourist visa rules by trying to attend organized group activities and meetings. The Circle Inspector (CI) of Police J Santhoshkumar who is investigating the case told the TOI that the three women - Shelly Louise Deeds (50) a nurse in Pennsylvania, her daughter Katelyn Heather Deeds (15) and Diane Gean Harrington, a teacher at Wisconsin had arrived here about 15 days ago, and their tourist visas were valid till November this year.

However, the activists of some Hindu organisations complained to the police that the three were trying to convert the poor people by offering them material inducements. ``They were targeting the poor families in the coastal area and were trying to convert them with several offers.

The area had significant Hindu and Muslim population while only some recent converts were part of the Christian community. The pastors and foreigners were trying to influence the local people through the new converts. They had visited several houses in the area and conducted prayer sessions,'' RSS Taluk office-bearer Raghu said.The proposed prayer sessions by the local pastors and the tourists created a commotion in the area and the right-wing Hindu organizations threatened to launch a protest.

``We have not received any evidence to indicate the three US women were engaged in conversion-related activities. However, they were about to attend religious prayers session. They have come on visit visas and the law of the land doesn't permit them to attend any organized meeting or group activities including the prayer sessions. We were not clear about their intentions.That is why we asked them to leave the country, and they agreed. There is no deportation involved. They are now waiting for their return tickets,'' the district SP Asok Kumar said.

The police sources said they are gathering the details of the activities of the three pastors Sabu (47), Jacob (34) and James (45) from Kottayam district. The police said the US Embassy India had also been informed about the incident.

American tourists on 'conversion drive' asked to leave - The Times of India
these christain missionaries have become trouble all over India...
We get our own versions in the U.S. and Canada with the door-to-door Mormons. :azn:
are they threat to Indian social, religious structure ? or in any other way?

conversion by will is fine..but conversion by giving medicine water as holy water is what we do not want...and i am not joking..this is actually what they do..poor tribal people think it is miracle and jesus cured their diseases...
conversion by will is fine..but conversion by giving medicine water as holy water is what we do not want...and i am not joking..this is actually what they do..poor tribal people think it is miracle and jesus cured their diseases...

100 % right
conversion by will is fine..but conversion by giving medicine water as holy water is what we do not want...and i am not joking..this is actually what they do..poor tribal people think it is miracle and jesus cured their diseases...

I think they spend some good money, and financial support to get these local converted.

Change of religion should not be a problem in a secular state, as its just their personal matter.
are they threat to Indian social, religious structure ? or in any other way?
indians in general donot like religious conversions... i think mass conversions are banned in accordance with indian law ..
conversion by will is fine..but conversion by giving medicine water as holy water is what we do not want...and i am not joking..this is actually what they do..poor tribal people think it is miracle and jesus cured their diseases...

If the Indian Hindu tribals believe in curing by this water then whats wrong in it? after all they also believed in everything on earth as a god and had been worshiping many objects.

Isnt parshad is presented as something sacred ??

what you see illegal in it if they are accepting what is being promoted to them by their free will.
indians in general donot like religious conversions... i think m conversions are banned in accordance with indian law ..

that is against secularism. as far as Indians dont like conversions what is the reason for that? what about those who want to convert for better life ?
Like they converted major part of our population to Islam in medival time, they now want Hindus to be converted to Christian??? But it shouldn't bother us as long as the converted people remain true Indian, we all are one after all..!!
that is against secularism. as far as Indians dont like conversions what is the reason for that? what about those who want to convert for better life ?

You are just trolling now. We have discussed the same issue ends on in the past as well.

Don't argue for the sake of arguing. If you have a little decency, go search the previous threads and you'll find your answer.

@mods: Please close this thread.
If poor people get money, medicine or anything else that increase their chances of living, and in turn change their religion, whats wrong in that? Those opposing these conversions, why dont they provide the necessities to the poor so that they can live & remain Hindu/muslim or whatever they are?
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