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India army chief calls for Pakistan nuclear cap

Sir its america more worried then india. imagine even 1percent of nuclear material found in terrorists hand

Dont made drunk statments. Nuclear material in terrorists hands, would you please tell me how?
And if terrorists get their hands to such material.Then who will confirm it and how that this fissile material is made in Pakistan.

and america came to know then be ready for toughest sanctions on ur country

Dont worry we have beared such sanctions many a times in past.
and dont role out strikes on your nuclear sites
hahahahah, are you kidding man, attacking nuclear sites of a declared nuclear country. This is no hell of a scenerio. Pakistan is unlike Iraq.

as america knews where pakistans nuclear sites are.
Knowing location of nuclear sites is one thing and attacking them is utter madness. You think any country having nuclear arms will sit idol and do nothing in case if its nuclear sites are attacked by US or any one.
America does have mother of all bombs. That would be good enough to melt everything in nuclear sites of pakistan.
You mean USA will target **** nuclear with nukes. Have u gone mad de3ar, atleast think before you writew some thing.

i think once nuclear material gets in terrorists hands then america wont be having any option but to attack pakistan.
Vow instead of cooperating with pakistan in tackling such terrorists, USA will attack pakistan, You know, you are a "genious" man.

So try to protect nuclear weapons from terrorist because its pakistans life line sir. Thank you.
Dont worry dear, we know how to do it. Thanks for the advice.
Lets not compare Apples with oranges as usual to draw an example. The transit route runs more than 1100 miles across the height of Pakistan (South-North Axis). Secondly, American supply is simply NOT important enough for Pakistan to secure it with military security. If you are comparing the security for the supply of jeeps to the US and ISAF through Pakistan with our Nuclear security, you must be out of your mind and nothing else.

Although I cannot prove it for lack of information on the Indian side, I am extremely confident that Pakistani nuclear security is at least 2-3 notches ahead of what India has in place, hands down.

Indian Army chief can rant all he wants to, because as most others speculating about the security of Pakistani weapons, he too knows nothing about how firmly they are secured.
You may have a good security system around the nuke facilities. But who knows how many Taliban sympathizers are there in the GOP?
which is more worrisome for India and world. That is what the IA chief is quoting. :cheers:

Taliban backed by Al-qaeda will definitely try to acquire the Nukes no doubt about that.
All they want is to terrorize West and other countries why would they miss a chance to get a hand on, as it will give them a chance to threaten the U.S.
Al-Qaeda has funds to maintain nukes atleast a dirty bomb (made of nuclear waste). So U.S and the west are trying their best to stop these terrorist from getting nuclear technology.
And their best bet is pakistan as it has many sympathizers there.
Taliban backed by Al-qaeda will definitely try to acquire the Nukes no doubt about that.
All they want is to terrorize West and other countries why would they miss a chance to get a hand on, as it will give them a chance to threaten the U.S.
Al-Qaeda has funds to maintain nukes atleast a dirty bomb (made of nuclear waste). So U.S and the west are trying their best to stop these terrorist from getting nuclear technology.
And their best bet is pakistan as it has many sympathizers there.

There is also no doubt that India and US can provide a dirty bomb to al-qaeda and taliban for exploding inside Pakistan, inside India or inside Afghanistan just to get an excuse for laying hands on Pakistani nuclear weapons.
There is also no doubt that India and US can provide a dirty bomb to al-qaeda and taliban for exploding inside Pakistan, inside India or inside Afghanistan just to get an excuse for laying hands on Pakistani nuclear weapons.
You are exactly right ! :cheers:
There is a possibility of that happening as the goal of U.S and west is to secure Pakistani nukes.
And their best bet is pakistan as it has many sympathizers there.

No body can get their hands to nuclear bombs on basis of sympathy. If talibans or any terro group can get such material, it will be through other means. For such means russia and central asian countries are more Vulnerable than pakistan.
There is also no doubt that India and US can provide a dirty bomb to al-qaeda and taliban for exploding inside Pakistan, inside India or inside Afghanistan just to get an excuse for laying hands on Pakistani nuclear weapons.

Totally agreed, :devil:
pakistans nukes are safe, and there is no way you can get to them on foot or on wheels, while holding an ak-47 and wearing a suicide vest. Forget taliban gettin to them, If it was that easy wouldn't R.A.W have succeeded by now??
Okay,I don't get this all.
Can a nuclear device be carted off just like that by a group of gunmen?Simply like that?
Indians think it can be :rolleyes:
So, Indian COAS is terrified of Pakistani nuclear capabilities! Pakistan should immediately divert all-weather conventional resources to dooms-day-only nuclear ventures. That'll teach him to mess with Pakistan!
Can a nuclear device be carted off just like that by a group of gunmen?Simply like that?

Nukes are not like any jewel or diamond, which can be stolen or taken away. India and pakistan have kept their nukes in unassembled form, so when any one raises concern regarding theft of nukes, it makes no sense as neither pakistan nor india keep their nukes in assembled form.
Even if any terrorist group get their hands to some kind of nuclear material (Uranium or Plutonium), technically they are not in a position to make a nucelar explosion. Nuclear material is unlike the dynamite, C4 or other explosive material. Nuclear bombs have specilized triggering mechanism to initiate a sustainable chain reaction necessary for nuclear explosion.

Even if terrorist get their hands on nucler material, the worst case one could expect is mixing this nuclear material (highly radioactive and toxic) in the drink supply of mega cities.
well i think india is worried over obama's statements which says that the U.S will not allow india to expand it's nuclear arsenal

hence this statement against pakistan
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