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India announces $ 10 billion for debt-wracked eurozone


Jan 29, 2012
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India has pledged $10 billion to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to help Eurozone countries out of the current crisis and prevent adverse fallout on emerging economies. "The International Monetary Fund has a critical, supportive role to play in stabilizing the Eurozone. All related stories
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members must help the fund to play this role," the prime minister told the G20 Summit in Los Cabos.

"I am happy to announce India has decided to contribute $10 billion to IMF's additional firewall of $430 billion," he said, also appealing to countries with surpluses such as China to make similar contributions.

The prime minister began by congratulating the new government in Greece that is about to take office, as it has given hope that the debt-laden country will stay in the Eurozone and take up critical reforms.

"We wish them well and are encouraged by the early statements of intent."

He, nevertheless, said the crisis in Eurozone remained worrying, as it was pulling down even emerging economies such as India and China, which were earlier on a high growth path.

"This calls for policy action on several fronts. Of greatest concern at present is the uncertainty affecting the Eurozone. The sovereign debt crisis and the banking crisis now on the horizon have grave implications for the health of the entire global economy."

The prime minister again laid emphasis on infrastructure investment as he had in earlier G20 Summits, saying less developed and emerging economies were also facing serious problems because of the global crisis.

"Infrastructure investment in developing countries assumes special importance in this context. It lays the foundation for rapid growth in the longer term, while providing an immediate stimulus for their economies and also for the global economy, by providing a robust source of demand."

But more infrastructure investment in developing world is only possible if they get access to long-term capital, he said, adding: "Multilateral development banks can play a major role in this context."

Efforts were underway in India to spruce up infrastructure with massive investment and ambitious targets, he said.

The prime minister said while the performance of the Indian economy, now growing at 6.9% as against 8.4% in 2010-11, may look good to the world outside, it was not enough and that citizens expected more.

"Yet the fundamentals of the Indian economy remain strong and we are confident of bringing back the rhythm of high growth of 8-9% per annum."

Goverment of India Tody Trashed FETCHs rating Mechanism.......

Now Who Says My COUNRTY is GOING DOWN ??!!!
indian govt should use it on there own economy which is getting down day by day with inflation & ppls dont have food to eat, instead of showing offf to the world tht they are helping europe (which i doubt).

surely europeans will laugh on it..but who cares indians must be proud of it...:D
indian govt should use it on there own economy which is getting down day by day with inflation & ppls dont have food to eat, instead of showing offf to the world tht they are helping europe (which i doubt).

surely europeans will laugh on it..but who cares indians must be proud of it...:D

rofl.. rather than investing in India if it is invested in euro it will bring better benefits to the nation anyways if u ppl had the acumen to think out of the box then your economy wouldn't go down the gutters like now :woot:
indian govt should use it on there own economy which is getting down day by day with inflation & ppls dont have food to eat, instead of showing offf to the world tht they are helping europe (which i doubt).

surely europeans are laughing on it..but who cares indians must be proud of it...:D

Its a loan Einstein and not a donation or a kind of freebie. And its given to IMF and not Bangladesh so it will come back along with interest. No wonder how much clout India will have because of this move as far as IMF and the countries benefiting from it goes. Its called diplomacy. No wonder Pakistan is so bad at it.
indian govt should use it on there own economy which is getting down day by day with inflation & ppls dont have food to eat, instead of showing offf to the world tht they are helping europe (which i doubt).

surely europeans will laugh on it..but who cares indians must be proud of it...:D

Who CARES about Europe......
indian govt should use it on there own economy which is getting down day by day with inflation & ppls dont have food to eat, instead of showing offf to the world tht they are helping europe (which i doubt).

surely europeans will laugh on it..but who cares indians must be proud of it...:D

India has pledged $10 billion to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to help Eurozone countries out of the current crisis and prevent adverse fallout on emerging economies.

Which also includes your country.
It's a good diplomatic move but was it necessary Indian fellows?
Europe is our Market.
If you may call it the goose that lays the golden eggs when they are in trouble the little help we can do we are doing.
Soon we will sign trade agreements and secure a market for our products when the EU is on an up swing.End result Win-Win deal.
I think that depends upon the demand for Indian products.

Maybe some FTAs can help? :undecided:

I don't know about that , but I heard in 2011-2012, India exported 3.3 billion worth of sea food and Europe is its main market. Suppose Eurozone crisis deepens, this export figure will atleast take a 50% hit, thats around 1.5 billion there in one sector alone. So I don't think 10 billion is not such a big figure to pay to secure our markets. It may sound foolish to some but I think its a smart move by GoI.
Euro crisis has its effect on Indian economy. We are just looking out for ourselves, coz as soon as this crisis stabilizes or gets into control, we will have sustained goowth. Read about spill over effect of euro crisis.
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