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India and Vietnam to sign a defence pact amid China’s growing aggression in region

A patrol vessel is a good option if you intend to use it not far from national shores. It should be armed with BARAK 1 ciws, anti ship missiles, a decent radar and a anti sub medium class helo. Thank you.
original creator don't want for it own navy
that is not true. Brahmos is very credible weapon and russians know that. In fact their new frigate of Admiral Gorshkov Class are equipped with brahmos instead of oniks. But russians do not intend to put money in new class of warships as they are happy with selling old warship design (which essentially have older weapons). no wonder they have not inducted many new ships in last decade.

so please don't question brahmos.
See...the chinese are falling in line. :lol:
Talk of defence co-operation between India and VIetnam and the chinese will be willin to address the issues. Else,it will be ramming of boats in the east sea and other childish bullying by china. :lol: :lol:
Come on, non of your business. don't take yourself too seriously.

that is not true. Brahmos is very credible weapon and russians know that. In fact their new frigate of Admiral Gorshkov Class are equipped with brahmos instead of oniks. But russians do not intend to put money in new class of warships as they are happy with selling old warship design (which essentially have older weapons). no wonder they have not inducted many new ships in last decade.

so please don't question brahmos.
They always have the better one in hand, while sell you the water-down version.
What you mean Vietnam should?? is this a suggestion or extorsion? They well known that how your famous Brahmos behave, a weapon that even the original creator don't want for it own navy, you think these vietnamese are thrill with that? given them cheap credit to buy its and barter with any scrap metal from their junkyard is viable deal.:lol:

Waa..You made 1 dollar in this thread. Whats you gonna do with that 1 dollar?
The pact could include the sale of 2 guided missile corvettes of stealthy design, and also land-based versions of
BrahMos cruise missiles.
India should utilize Vietnam to engage in massive spying on China. Vietnam has efficient penetration into China on various fronts. Remember, China will anything they can to stop India from getting close to Vietnam. Its a problem that is very worrying for China.
Vietnam should acquire batteries of Missiles. Both Anti-Ship as well as Land attack. Brahmos ( though Costly) fits the bill. Prahar is another option they may look at. Will be cheaper to procure.

Dirty Arms Business Game By India
USA and Russia are very old player in the filed of Arms Business because they have large weapon Industry not only but they are investing billions of dollers in Research and development of Arm Business they promote the War a conflicts in different areas of world for extension and promotion of arms selling , India is trying to match herself with big powers but it not the Indian level to afford this game. Indian trying since last three decades to making a KAVERI Engine but thier failure is signaling that without Russian Technical Supervision and Aid Indian Weapon Industry is nothing.
What the hell that India could offer to Vietnam except curry and rice? The mighty Brahmos is also produced by Russia, they can go straightly to Russia for a better one. LOL

brilliant idea

BD and Sri Lanka wont sign it....LOL

Is this Indian way of self comforting?, after Vietaname robed 100 millions of this poor big SA nation and promise China in return that they will be well behave as per #3 post:rofl:. You Indians are just so pathetic in Geopolitcal game even Viets are out-smart you guys...poor nation want to claim and assert itself to be great nation, just wait until your diplomatic IQ is equal or superior than these Viets to really play regional power game, for now you're just not ready yet...remember this Vietnamese are Chinese disciple in term of diplomacy, you are just not in their league, let along to antagonized China:lol:

Your nation is just be good to be used and be disposed when it serve no purpose...LMAO

Yes Viets can send their women to spy on China...we welcome them :woot:because after a short periode of time, they will fall in love with Chinese men and have happy ending:coffee: at the same time they will tell us what Indians want to know then we will deliver the fake informations to screw up India :lol:

Sure buddy....Vietnam, Japan, SK, ec have great intel penetration in China (with the use of Humint)....Chinese men are easy prey for honey traps haha.....
What the hell that India could offer to Vietnam except curry and rice? The mighty Brahmos is also produced by Russia, they can go straightly to Russia for a better one. LOL

brilliant idea

  • Bilateral trade of USD 8,0 billion in 2013-14 a rise from earlier USD 3.9 billion in 2011.
  • Indian investment in Vietnam is valued at USD 258.26 million of registered capital under 84 investment projects.
  • The extension of a line of credit worth USD 100 million on defence procurement
  • Share of Indian exports to Vietnam in 2013-14 at USD 5.411 billion.
  • Projects of ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) in oil and natural exploration, big Project of power plant by Tata Group, pharmaceutical and sugar production, chemicals, home appliance, hydro power, marble, carbon black, etc., are some of them.
  • India possesses potential, competitive acumen and a famous group of companies in engeneering, mechanical production, IT, pharmaceutical industry, agro field, construction, mining, etc .
  • Both sides inked an air services agreement that would see direct flights between the two countries and also promote an international aviation system based on competition.
  • Both sides also inked an agreement for setting up a high-tech crime lab in Hanoi.
  • India is to provide a financial grant for buying technical equipment and teaching aids for the Indira Gandhi Hightech Crime Lab (IGHCL) and also depute experts to Vietnam.
  • The MoU "consolidates the cooperation between the two countries in the field of crime investigation, counter terrorism and other transnational organised crime, and other relevant areas".
  • The MoU between Vietnam Oil and Gas Group and ONGC Videsh Limited (OVL) provides for joint exploration, development and production of petroleum resources between the two countries for new investments by OVL in oil and gas blocks in Vietnam for oil and gas exploration and production.
  • Petro Vietnam is also to participate in open blocks in India and in third countries.
  • Vietnam's industry and trade ministry also inked a MoU with Tata Power Ltd. for development of the Long Phu 2 coal-fired power plant project in Soc Trang, Vietnam..
  • Tata Power Co. Ltd won a $1.8-billion contract to develop the thermal power plant in the Mekong Delta province of Soc Tran after beating competition from South Korea and Russia to win the 1,200 MW contract.
  • A Vietnam-India English and IT Training Centre at the National Defence Academy of Vietnam in Hanoi will also be set up.
  • A new Joint Sub-Commission on Trade has been tasked to work towards realizing the enormous potential of economic relations.
  • In India's first gift of a supercomputer to another country, a PARAM High Performance Computing Facility was inaugurated at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology.
  • The Archaeological Survey of India has also voiced readiness to take up conservation and restoration of the Cham monuments .

Not just curry and rice, mate.
BD and Sri Lanka wont sign it....LOL
actually we have signed already last year :haha:



2 of these ships (will be designated as corvettes for Vietnam People's Navy) will be sold, with a cruise missile of
their choice, mostly likely to be the Kh-35 Switchblade ASCM.
very good looking ship ! :tup:
It's displacement is roughly the same as Type-056 corvette, but packs a bigger punch due to 8 x cruise missile.

Range of 3,000 NM is sufficient for Vietnam. It's quite cheap too.
can you give me more details about it ? what will be its price ?
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