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India and Russia: A Course Correction

gdp ppp is obviously what I meant :rolleyes:

why the 5 simultaneous ids though ? you keep avoiding it, uparyupari, makramarma, vayuputhra, mamsalphala

hey asshole, look again, my post did say per capita gdp to begin with, you didn't read it proper. :P

No one is interested in listening to a stinking Turd with an Inferiority Complex. ............... Flush ..................... stop stinking up the place. :sick:
Russia is very active in Afghanistan. A biggest arms supporter to Afghanistan. We must look, what role can we play to creat a friendly Pakistan with both the countries.
The day India abandons russia , I am sure India will be swimming in shit, many don't understand that European NATO allies want Russia and India to break ties, and Russia should loose money, India should loose its military power, and Russia is a permanent member of UNSC, India is not, our military is not half powefull as Russia's, and the oil prices are temperory creation by america and allies to weaken Russia, it will not be the same for ever trust will not be created by buying a plane or two it takes generations, even with somuch of dirty water flowing between america and Pakistan amircans want Pakistan for their games, I can bet that Americans will not give you what Russians have given to you even if you will pay in $$, Americans give you weapons always with a rider and condition that we should not attack its interests, and once Taliban was their interest. Russians are not like that, in future if India wants oil and gas India cannot place its hands on any CIS countries or Russia which is filled with petroleum wealth minerals. India has to maintain a fine balance and never giveup a trusted friend.

Russian Oil can only be transported to India vial the South China Sea and that puts our balls in China's hands.

M.E Oil OTOH can be transported to India without much danger. (In can easily handle PN). Second the Indians in M.E Outnumber the Locals by a large margine so they certainly do not want to piss off India.

Russia has a good 10-15 years in defence tech before India catches up to it completely. The relationship has stagnated and has not evolved to reflected the new world order.
Russian Oil can only be transported to India vial the South China Sea and that puts our balls in China's hands.

M.E Oil OTOH can be transported to India without much danger. (In can easily handle PN). Second the Indians in M.E Outnumber the Locals by a large margine so they certainly do not want to piss off India.

Russia has a good 10-15 years in defence tech before India catches up to it completely. The relationship has stagnated and has not evolved to reflected the new world order.
All your observations are wrong bro,

Russian oil never passes through SCS, it comes through CIS countries and Iran to India

M.E oil is more dangerous for transportation and they face sea pirates and smugglers, kidnapping and ransom seeking, sorry the Indians living in middle east will piss if the local government takes action against them, they all will be coming running to India if the govt there passes an order for that, no one can question, as they are not their citizens, what was the use of strength in numbers in Yemen, when the people living there are temporary labourers unlike Indians in america who are citizens of america,

Who told you that Russia is just 10_15 yahead, ahead, sorry my friend they are 50 years ahead of us, India should only dream of having submarines like the Russians have or even ships or missile tech or the cryogenic enjines or jet engines the mighty Chinese who are 10-15 years ahead of India are using all Russian equipment in their latest toys.

The relationship has not stagnate the brainless babu's hav not worked out well, see the relationship between China and Russia is improving, just when Russia looked towards Pakistan India became jittery, and went to them running asked not to sell any thing to them. Can you say the same to americans or french? They will sell the same equipment to Pakistanis and Indians they don't care. Already they have sold weapons to both the countries. Only Russia doesn't sell weapons to its friends enemies without consulting its friend.
All your observations are wrong bro,

Russian oil never passes through SCS, it comes through CIS countries and Iran to India

M.E oil is more dangerous for transportation and they face sea pirates and smugglers, kidnapping and ransom seeking, sorry the Indians living in middle east will piss if the local government takes action against them, they all will be coming running to India if the govt there passes an order for that, no one can question, as they are not their citizens, what was the use of strength in numbers in Yemen, when the people living there are temporary labourers unlike Indians in america who are citizens of america,

Who told you that Russia is just 10_15 yahead, ahead, sorry my friend they are 50 years ahead of us, India should only dream of having submarines like the Russians have or even ships or missile tech or the cryogenic enjines or jet engines the mighty Chinese who are 10-15 years ahead of India are using all Russian equipment in their latest toys.

The relationship has not stagnate the brainless babu's hav not worked out well, see the relationship between China and Russia is improving, just when Russia looked towards Pakistan India became jittery, and went to them running asked not to sell any thing to them. Can you say the same to americans or french? They will sell the same equipment to Pakistanis and Indians they don't care. Already they have sold weapons to both the countries. Only Russia doesn't sell weapons to its friends enemies without consulting its friend.

You are wrong on EVERY count.

1. Below is map of Russia Oil pipelines and you can see they do not reach the Arabian sea.


2. Indians in M.E outnumber the Locals by 1:10 in the very least.

Indians are by and large peaceful and law abiding people and Indian govt. has allowed the M.E to control its citizen. IT is not hard for the GoI to organize these people into a lethal force (violent or Non Violent) when the need arise.

The M.E govts. are wise enough to recognize this and that is why the relationship is Symbiotic and India generates respect in the M.E.

3. In any desperate times M.E oil to India will be guarded by Indian ships to piracy is impossible. This is not true of SCS where china can effectively shut the tap.

4. Maybe Russian tech. is 20 years ahead of India, that's it. But that is old story. Reality is today Indian defence spending on research i.e. DRDO and private players is MORE than russian spending on research. Russia still banks on old glory and tech and that gap will reduce further. Russia can retain dominance only for the next 10-15 years.

5. US and French also do not sell tech. to pakistan on Indian's request. Case in point its the block of sale of F-16 to pakistan for many many years. France too has not sold any significant tech to pakistan in a long time.

Russia has sold tech to China which is far more a lethal enemy than Pakistan. So Russian self interest is rather evident.

Did Russia "consult" with India before selling to china ? :cheesy:
You are wrong on EVERY count.

1. Below is map of Russia Oil pipelines and you can see they do not reach the Arabian sea.


2. Indians in M.E outnumber the Locals by 1:10 in the very least.

Indians are by and large peaceful and law abiding people and Indian govt. has allowed the M.E to control its citizen. IT is not hard for the GoI to organize these people into a lethal force (violent or Non Violent) when the need arise.

The M.E govts. are wise enough to recognize this and that is why the relationship is Symbiotic and India generates respect in the M.E.

3. In any desperate times M.E oil to India will be guarded by Indian ships to piracy is impossible. This is not true of SCS where china can effectively shut the tap.

4. Maybe Russian tech. is 20 years ahead of India, that's it. But that is old story. Reality is today Indian defence spending on research i.e. DRDO and private players is MORE than russian spending on research. Russia still banks on old glory and tech and that gap will reduce further. Russia can retain dominance only for the next 10-15 years.

5. US and French also do not sell tech. to pakistan on Indian's request. Case in point its the block of sale of F-16 to pakistan for many many years. France too has not sold any significant tech to pakistan in a long time.

Russia has sold tech to China which is far more a lethal enemy than Pakistan. So Russian self interest is rather evident.

Did Russia "consult" with India before selling to china ? :cheesy:
OK Mr defence analyst, what ever you say, and go advice MOD to not beg Russia not to sell weapons to pakistan. Without Russia India would had to face the wrath of the NATO and security council in 1971 war if Russia would not had VETOed the resolution
OK Mr defence analyst, what ever you say, and go advice MOD to not beg Russia not to sell weapons to pakistan. Without Russia India would had to face the wrath of the NATO and security council in 1971 war if Russia would not had VETOed the resolution

I don't think the MOD requires any advice from me :lol: ....... they would already have figured out what I have said way before me.

There is no Free Lunch in this world so if Russia has VETOed any resolution, you can be sure they have had their pound of Flesh from India. :disagree:

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