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India and NSG-News, Updates and Discussions.

India has completely segregated its Civilian and Military reactors and put the former under IAEA safeguards. Have you even read the basics of the Indo-US deal and NSG waiver? Sheesh!

As for the CTBT, why would we join that when two of the original members refuse to ratify it still?

We have a 200kt thermo bomb to test when the time is right...hence NSG waiver is completely fine for us now....something Pakistan will NEVER get in the current generation and who knows how many subsequent ones.

Then i think all these countries are idiots and they should ask you before comments
Don t know detail, but India been asked in 2008 to comply some regulation and Indian govt still failed to do so. Plus, India can get the NSG status if apply jointly with Pakistan or add Israel. 3 countries are nuclear power and hasn t sign NPT.
The post by @Nilgiri is a good one, very insightful.

In geopolitics, countries seek to further their own national interests. Therefore India can get the seat if they decide to play ball.

NSG and UNSC aren't even that relevant for China, we don't consult them for anything we do, whether it is supplying nuclear reactors to Pakistan or building islands in the SCS. None of these things are approved by the NSG/UNSC.

All that matters is, what can further our national interests. So countries will negotiate with each other to come to an understanding.

But India still doesn't seem to see geopolitics as a game of interests. Their attitude towards China/Pakistan is all about emotion. They could offer great deals to other NSG members, but not to China, even though it might have got them the seat.
stop boasting ..go get those islands from Japan first.....
Doubt the bolded part, If Chinese interests are threatened they will not hesitate to drop Pakistan, example being NSG waiver.

India's blunder here was to hastily attempt for NSG membership without addressing each of those opposing individually.

Swiss U-turn was only part, India could have not anticipated.

For Chinese, India should have waited for its formal MCTR membership and then traded Chinese MCTR membership for Indian NSG membership.

Among the others opposing, its Turkey that bothers me, as India seems to have nothing currently to offer them.

The bolded part is incorrect, not a single NSG member was opposing India to appease China.
Every one of the 6 other opposing nations had their own reasons.

You are kind of correct. The Chinese will do everything in their national interest. We disagree on the part that MTCR is something that can be used to lure the Chinese to give up backing Pakistan in this case. India will join the NSG simultaneously with Pakistan or the membership or veto powers will be changed. However lets see. I will congratulate you if that happens because that would mean an even bigger victory than getting a US vote in the bag. But as of right now none of that is even remotely possible if you ask me. MTCR for a military port and strategic depth? Does not calculate by a long shot.
Indian duplicity and complicity in helping rouge states like NK and Iran are exposed. Indians are already guilty of nuclear proliferation without being NNSG member, think what they will do after they become a member?
Irony of Pakistanis calling Iranians a "rouge" state.
@SOHEIL @Serpentine
People outside India think india is becoming a super power like USA and opposing it./QUOTE]

I lost it when you said this.........Calm down. People over here are leaving no stone un-turned in trolling Indians. Why provide them an opportunity?
Then i think all these countries are idiots and they should ask you before comments

The issue in NSG was a non NPT member joining. That is completely external to CTBT and reactor segregating (which has already been accomplished years ago...thats why the US even started liability talks with us regarding their potential reactor designs and many countries export uranium ore to us now).

What the NSG countries that were unsure/against India had as their main point was a) a non NPT member joining b) precedent it would set given NSG formation and c) reform of admission that would be required so the process can be standardised for future non-NPT members.

Where in any of this do you read what you posted earlier? Did you lift it from "DAWN"? The same Dawn that said Russia voted against India for NSG membership? :D
No.. It's Dawn's secret magic

Hmm...Well. I also got surprised when I saw Russia in the list of opposing states but given how Mexico, Brazil, Switzerland made an U turn from supporting India to going to opposite group....Russians can't be underestimated. Dawn is well read and very credible. I can't ignore this.......
Please do it and make more blunders.
Why don't you understand that it's all about bussiness for China.For once you have to be humbled and offer what China signals.You make blunders in your 'aggressive' foreign policy and now u're in a compromising position.And no,you don't need to accept it here on pdf.
Get ready to be milked by China.Offer them expensive economic deserts,u'll get NSG.
This is also just business.

Currently the lack of recognition of the republic of China prevents any state collaboration on tech transfers, international trade and so on. Why refuse to trade with one of the richest countries in Asia? It's not that we are withdrawing recognition of PRC. The ultimate objective is to milk both the cows dry.

As for Tibet, it is an old civilization and recognition will certainly give a great boost o tourism, as many will come and visit the Diaspora in India and marvel at how they have been able to retain their individuality in a foreign land.

It's only business and no PRChinese can object to that.
Hmm...Well. I also got surprised when I saw Russia in the list of opposing states but given how Mexico, Brazil, Switzerland made an U turn from supporting India to going to opposite group....Russians can't be underestimated. Dawn is well read and very credible. I can't ignore this.......
Russia won't ever do that.. Russia is India's biggest defence partner & Russia had & will have so many deals to make nuclear reactor in India.. India is a major source of income for them
But unfortunately we've proven we can enjoyed a "cake walk" on the expense of our dear Indian friends :pleasantry:

PS: i especially appreciated the friendly mentality that our Indian army boys have shown:
"Surrender with a big SMILE on their face" priceless:china:
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