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India And Israel Bond With Technology, Innovation


May 5, 2010
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India And Israel Bond With Technology, Innovation

Monday, 24 February 2014, 10:34 IST

"The possibilities for cooperation are limitless."

Since full diplomatic relations between Israel and India were established in 1992, the two countries have moved significantly closer, largely on the basis of growing sales by Israel's defence industry to India. India is the largest customer of Israeli military equipment and Israel is the second largest military partner of India after Russia.

But technology collaborations in newer, diverse sectors such as water, solar, agriculture and biotech are quickening the strategic dialogue and interactions that have moved from relative obscurity to the centre of India's foreign policy agenda. Officials from both sides say Israeli-Indian cooperation is now poised for dramatic boosts.

In the past, the connections between Israel and India were made by American companies. They come to Israel to buy some technology and then move the production to India. Now there is a realization on both sides that they should come together directly and not through third party.

India and Israel have set up a $40 million fund to leverage innovation for economic collaboration through jointly developed technologies or joint collaborations. The fund would help Israeli companies participate in large Indian government-led ventures, foster collaboration of Israeli and Indian companies in R&D projects and seek to adapt products developed in Israel for the Indian market.

Also spurring the two democracies are a growing consensus on security, emerging threats and expanding agenda of shared regional interests.

"Israel and India are both facing similar challenges regarding prevention of terror threats, the defence of national borders, and internal security. The operational capacity of Israeli technologies meets India's needs," said Brig. Gen. (IAF, Res.) Shmaya Avieli, director of SIBAT, the International Defense Cooperation Division of the Israel Ministry of Defense (IMOD).

Earlier this month, 21 Israeli defence companies presented their cutting-edge solutions at the Defence Expo-2014 in New Delhi.

"Israel considers India as a partner and ally in the Global War on Terrorism. The prevention of terror in India contributes to the stability of both countries, and this partnership is important for the ongoing defence of the two democracies," said Avieli.

Both countries will work jointly to sharpen their expertise in the application of ground surveillance radar systems. Hyderabad-based Electronics Corporation of India and Israeli conglomerate Elbit Systems signed a letter of intent at the Defexpo.

India And Israel Bond With Technology, Innovation - Page 2

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