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India and China moving towards closer relations

It was Nehru who started the Sino-Indian War with his Forward Policy.

If that is what you call "friendly", then please keep it to yourself.
Yes, after 1962 we have learnt a lot in making friends and we are doing well with Russia,Japan,Vietnam and lot more asian country..
Really typical.

Even the hint of China and India being slightly more friendly than before brings all the Indian trolls out.

Even in the 2nd post they were already talking about attacking China and cutting off pieces of our country.
Another repetitive Chini Zombie statement.

That statement was made in 1999, where have you been since then ? under a rock?

Wake up this is 2012. :wave:

It is the significance of the statement and the time of making this statement that matters. Let me remind yo Sir that when Indian PM Vajpayee wrote letters to the heads of key countries of the world to explain the reason of conducting nuclear tests, he cited China as the reason India became a nuclear power. It was subsequent to that when the other Indian leaders also started calling China as India's number one enemy. Which means that India's nuclear arsenal is primarily enacted against China.

What a friend to have, whose nuclear preparations are solely aimed against the friend. Enemies are better than such friends - at least one knows that these are the enemies.
It is the significance of the statement and the time of making this statement that matters. Let me remind yo Sir that when Indian PM Vajpayee wrote letters to the heads of key countries of the world to explain the reason of conducting nuclear tests, he cited China as the reason India became a nuclear power. It was subsequent to that when the other Indian leaders also started calling China as India's number one enemy. Which means that India's nuclear arsenal is primarily enacted against China.

What a friend to have, whose nuclear preparations are solely aimed against the friend. Enemies are better than such friends - at least one knows that these are the enemies.

Dint you see the threads here on PDF, in fact if I remember right you had also posted on them, our neculear weapons dont work.
It will be a great mistake for India to make any closer relationship with China because China is the target of Anglo American hawks and anyone allies with China will share the Anglo American onslaught. May be today China's rise appears spectacular, but this rise is cometary and China will soon meet its demise. Now, naive Chinese, as usual may believe their richness is permanent but the problem is that the poor education system in China has never taught the Chinese the historical inevitability or the courses in history which could not be avoided. I don't know whether Chinese know their own history very well, particularly how they were treated towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, as their autocratic governments teach the history which helps its to sustain its autocracy and for that they could distort facts, self glorify when they in reality fail, everything.

If Chinese still believe that US will never attack them because of trade or something like that, then they should look at how good trade was between Germany and Russia just before Germany launched the Operation Barbarossa in 1941 or how good trade was between Japan and USA prior to the break out of bloody war between them. In fact, its actually trade and close bilateral relationship which brings two parties closer to get involved in war with each other.
We should never move towards closer relationship with China….We must take back P0k and Tibet occupied by that country….if not today may be in future..once leaders like Modi lead the country…but we should always keep that point open in our strategic planning. Today, China may sound stronger but it will not be the case forever….we have to take the revenge and settle the accounts!

still have 1962 nostalgia ??:rofl:..I hope your 1962 fever is over..now we're 2012 :lol:
Yes, after 1962 we have learnt a lot in making friends and we are doing well with Russia,Japan,Vietnam and lot more asian country..

Don't flatter yourself..you're not the only one who know how to make friends after 1962 :lol: Nixon came to China to do what? thanks to our Pakistanis friends, how about Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka...

It is the significance of the statement and the time of making this statement that matters. Let me remind yo Sir that when Indian PM Vajpayee wrote letters to the heads of key countries of the world to explain the reason of conducting nuclear tests, he cited China as the reason India became a nuclear power. It was subsequent to that when the other Indian leaders also started calling China as India's number one enemy. Which means that India's nuclear arsenal is primarily enacted against China.

What a friend to have, whose nuclear preparations are solely aimed against the friend. Enemies are better than such friends - at least one knows that these are the enemies.

Wolve in sheep clothes
It will be a great mistake for India to make any closer relationship with China because China is the target of Anglo American hawks and anyone allies with China will share the Anglo American onslaught. May be today China's rise appears spectacular, but this rise is cometary and China will soon meet its demise. Now, naive Chinese, as usual may believe their richness is permanent but the problem is that the poor education system in China has never taught the Chinese the historical inevitability or the courses in history which could not be avoided. I don't know whether Chinese know their own history very well, particularly how they were treated towards the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th, as their autocratic governments teach the history which helps its to sustain its autocracy and for that they could distort facts, self glorify when they in reality fail, everything.

If Chinese still believe that US will never attack them because of trade or something like that, then they should look at how good trade was between Germany and Russia just before Germany launched the Operation Barbarossa in 1941 or how good trade was between Japan and USA prior to the break out of bloody war between them. In fact, its actually trade and close bilateral relationship which brings two parties closer to get involved in war with each other.

Close relaition is two way street, no one will twist your arms. As for anglo American hawks we know how to deal with them..have you ever heard G2? We're knifes throwling on surface but we secretly plot to share the cake of this world. :lol:

We have invitented economicial strategical dialogue mecanism, strategical military consultation mecanism to avoid any mis-understanding, we have high level secret unofficial visite such Kissinger and Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski and so others to have secret communication and consultation...and as how Chinese-American secretly met to arrange Nixxon to China. When Japan priminister and Indira Gandhi knew...they were infuriated and feel betrayed...such world most powerfull democratic country secretly negociate deal with Communist China.

So go and make your bollywood dream on China-US war or nukes exchange...here some youtube to educate you on China-US relation

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back to the topic, don't take land dispute and a small case happened 50 years ago into everything
Close relaition is two way street, no one will twist your arms. As for anglo American hawks we know how to deal with them..have you ever heard G2? We're knifes throwling on surface but we secretly plot to share the cake of this world. :lol:

We have invitented economicial strategical dialogue mecanism, strategical military consultation mecanism to avoid any mis-understanding, we have high level secret unofficial visite such Kissinger and Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski and so others to have secret communication and consultation...and as how Chinese-American secretly met to arrange Nixxon to China. When Japan priminister and Indira Gandhi knew...they were infuriated and feel betrayed...such world most powerfull democratic country secretly negociate deal with Communist China.

So go and make your bollywood dream on China-US war or nukes exchange...here some youtube to educate you on China-US relation

Ahhhh i commend you not so secrecy behind the scene secrecy........:D:rofl:
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I am happy that Indian and Chinese diplomats are making an effort. For India's growth, good ties with China is important... it is also very important for China, however at this point of time I believe India can benefit more. Also, I have met a few Chinese people and in real life they are not that really bothered about what Indian's do and what Pakistani's do. In fact in University life I saw Indian and Chinese (foreign not home grown) to hang out more together as compared to Pakistani's. I have no clue why. I believe a strong tie between India and China would be a game changer. My apologies to all the Chinese friends in case some of kiddish and un provoked behavior of my fellow Indians have upset you.

PS: My dream is peace in South Asia and like Euro one day Asia becoming United States of Asia :) (I know a bit wishful, but meh!)
Ahhhh i commend you not so secrecy behind the scene secrecy........:D:rofl:

There is no secret of passed secrecy...even what Nixon secretly comment about Indira Ganshi has been revealed, here the passage from your "Time of India"

WASHINGTON: The United States may be cooing and billing over India now, but just 35 years ago, its President and National Security Advisor corrosively called then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi a ***** and a witch, felt Indians were sanctimonious and hypocritical bastards, and wished India would be struck by a famine and lose badly in a war.

Newly declassified documents released on Monday by the State Department reveal a fascinating picture of the dynamics and bad chemistry that characterized Washington's ties with India under a president who ignored inputs from his own diplomats, dismissed sentimetns of the U.S media and Congress, and saw everything through Cold War lenses.

Indira was a ***** to Nixon - Times Of India
Close relaition is two way street, no one will twist your arms. As for anglo American hawks we know how to deal with them..have you ever heard G2? We're knifes throwling on surface but we secretly plot to share the cake of this world. :lol:

We have invitented economicial strategical dialogue mecanism, strategical military consultation mecanism to avoid any mis-understanding, we have high level secret unofficial visite such Kissinger and Dr. Zbigniew Brzezinski and so others to have secret communication and consultation...and as how Chinese-American secretly met to arrange Nixxon to China. When Japan priminister and Indira Gandhi knew...they were infuriated and feel betrayed...such world most powerfull democratic country secretly negociate deal with Communist China.

So go and make your bollywood dream on China-US war or nukes exchange...here some youtube to educate you on China-US relation

Exactly that is the delusion I was talking about.

Chinese think US won't attack them because they provide the Anglo Americans markets and cheap manufacturing units to produce goods and also buffer to balance Russian power etc. But these are not inevitable for sustenance of Anglo American global autocracy. As long as people living in other parts of the world, there will be markets and cheap manufacturing units and Russians can again turn into their allies just like in the WWII. Now, the question is why Anglo Americans and also the Europeans will turn hostile towards Chinese and attack China. It is the same reason for which Anglo Saxons, French and Russians invaded Quin dynasty China which resulted in two Opium Wars. Did you read this part of history? Are you aware of the causes, courses and consequences of the Opium Wars? I hope you are.

The G2 concept of Kissinger and Brzezinski you are talking about is the same delusion which prompted the Chinese to join the colonial Alliance against Berlin-Tokyo anti-colonizing movement. Now the Allied colonizers of course say that Berlin-Tokyo was just another colonizing force since they faced military challenges from them and since it was only military which could end colonialism. To cut an iron, you need a piece of iron. The point is Chinese joined the Allied forces with the hope that they would be treated fairly, equally if they get victory. They did get victory, but the Chinese soon found how delusional they were as soon after the end of WW II, they received nuclear threats to their existence from Douglas MacArthur and also from their beloved Russian comrades. The Chinese got the test of reality though it was not the first time they did but as usual they chose to remain delusional perhaps because they had no other option throughout the Cold War. Yes, they developed so called nuclear deterrence and other stuff but it actually shows how desperate they had to be for their survival.

The scenario is like China is pissed off because it cannot get equal treatment from Anglo Americans who don't give a **** to equality or equal demands for which they will continue to treat Chinese as if Chinese are inferior or just slaves. Yes, they admit Chinese do have skills, Chinese are hardworking, well, slaves are also hardworking and skilled laborers. Hardworking and skill or merit don't make you masters, you may be rich because you earned the hardworking money but you can still be slave because you have to serve the interests of others who don't treat you as equal partner. You can't decide on your own and your decision is subject to change as it becomes contingent on the approval of some other guy, it does not mean you have to be poor or deprived of satisfactory material wealth. It only means you will only be deprived of your self respect or your own wills.

Even if we forget all these historical lessons, still, Anglo Americans may create excuses to attack China because they may start believing that attacking China would be good for them. Their belief may be misplaced but they won't give a damn to that. Thats more than enough for them to attack anyone. If you know psychology you know what violent impulse means. If I am a violent guy and I want to slit someone's throat, I would look for any single opportunity to do that and for that I will create excuses like I just didn't like the way he looked at me or he just appeared to be threat to me, so on and so forth. If I don't attack him, that would also be for some reason like I fear to get caught or like he may retaliate with equal force or like I still don't have the opportunity I am looking for. Anglo Americans like the same way may attack you any day, any time if they think the moment is appropriate and they will make excuses for that, its not difficult for them. In the wild, some animals are violent and its not essential for them to attack you out of hunger or feeling of insecurity, they may simply attack you for no valid reason.
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Damn, there is just no rational way to discuss this matter here.
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