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India - an aspiring hegemon

If India has aggressive designs, mark my words.. weak south asian countries like BD, Nepal, Bhutan, Sri-Lanka etc would have been part of the Indian domain...and trust me it would be a cake walk...

Your attribution to why the Chinese are being invited into South Asia is completely miscued...

The Chinese have money (investment) and they are efficient at executing projects in a timely manner..your prowess in trade is for everyone to see...
We give the Chinese credit where due...

But please do not act like saviors of South Asia because you are not...
In fact more countries are vary of Chinese hegemonic plans and arm twisting over territorial matters than anything remotely even close coming from India...

You are free to join the herd on this forum, but dont take what you perceive/read on this forum to be reality...

If you have a point...now would be the time to make it....

Please don't overrate your military, you can't even beat pakistan and your minorities are wanting independence to break away from the Indian union and you are talking about conquering more countries. Despite Indian military advances it still remains a very backward military with corruption, poorly trained and too much ego.
That ego and overconfidence was what got you into trouble in 1962.
We have nothing to prove, we fought and defeated India without any question and showed our superiority. That's why India never gets attention in Chinese media despite your media being obsessed with us. We don't rate you in any area and to be frank, we don't rate you as a country and civilisation.
India's reputation took a MAJOR hit in the eyes of China after 1962, as India fell meekly like a backward country. We left India behind long ago mate.
For India to get our respect back, you guys will have to surpass us and be worthy of our attention.
But things like your sanitation problems, rape problems and illiterate problems don't help your reputation.
India will break up. Just ask the Sikhs, Muslims and Tamils. That's like 500 million people wanting independence. Good luck trying to force 500 million people together for the rest of this century.
One little incident (like the Delhi rape case) and watch the riots start. Remember 1984 Sikh riots? Yup, thought so.
India is internally weak, always have been and always will be.

Hahahahaha Chinese Hentai fantasies? :P

Sikhs? Sikhs are nearly 20% of Indian Army when they're only 2% of the whole population. Sikhs don't want independence :/ Ask any Sikh member on this forum? @karan21 @Paan Singh to name a few. In fact Sikhs are more patriotic than any other community.

Muslims want independence? Who told you this?

Tamils? loooool! Please mate! You've got them confused with Sri Lankan Tamils!

Before that Khitans, Manchus, Mongols, Xeibeis, Tibetans, Uighur Muslims are more likely to get independence?

As China gets rich and gets more democratic and Communist Party realeses its' iron grip on rest of the provinces whole country is set to fall :/ hahaha Heyy! I just talk like you :D
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I beg to differ...

China is far from being a global power in its current state...
Yes China is a behemoth and a very tough military opponent...but in order for it to be a South Asian power, it needs to have enough "pull" to secure resources coming from the Strait of Hormuz to the Mallaca Strait which it does not currently have control over...Unlike the US, China does have an "achilles heel"

Secondly, the Himalayas will always be a huge barrier to a direct Chinese intervention into India....
India is definitely lags behind China on land, but it is no pushover and we are dug in for defence....and the Chinese are well aware of that..

Besides...China has much to lose and a lot to cover socially before it can push for a war with the only other country in Asia that matches it in numbers and diplomacy...In many ways (socially speaking) China and India have similar problems to overcome..

India has no hegemonic designs....Of course one has to note the interntions of the author..
Making India the boogeyman has always been a tactful way for our enemies to garner public sentiment and embolden their armed forces...
If India really wanted to, it could take over South Asia (Not including Pakistan) in a fortnight....militarily speaking..

With its border along India and Pakistan, China would be regarded as an South Asian power. Its true that it has no power projection in Indian Ocean. But its influence via land mass is quite strong. Himalaya is a big barrier. But not big enough to prevent any border crashes. As a result, India is putting some resources there.

Neither Indians nor Chinese are push overs across the India/China border. But instead of talking about war or hegemonic designs, these two nations should discuss exchanges, trade and friendship.

Finally, I still have not get any responses and why would an Indian post a Paksitani article that make India out an hegemon and be proud of it. Is this guy a false flag?

India will break up. Just ask the Sikhs, Muslims and Tamils. That's like 500 million people wanting independence. Good luck trying to force 500 million people together for the rest of this century.
One little incident (like the Delhi rape case) and watch the riots start. Remember 1984 Sikh riots? Yup, thought so.
India is internally weak, always have been and always will be.

India has a thousands of years old civilization that is keeping it together. Don't hold your breath for India to break up. Surely there are social problems. But India is not going to break up because of these social incidents.
Please don't overrate your military, you can't even beat pakistan and your minorities are wanting independence to break away from the Indian union and you are talking about conquering more countries. Despite Indian military advances it still remains a very backward military with corruption, poorly trained and too much ego.
That ego and overconfidence was what got you into trouble in 1962.
We have nothing to prove, we fought and defeated India without any question and showed our superiority. That's why India never gets attention in Chinese media despite your media being obsessed with us. We don't rate you in any area and to be frank, we don't rate you as a country and civilisation.
India's reputation took a MAJOR hit in the eyes of China after 1962, as India fell meekly like a backward country. We left India behind long ago mate.
For India to get our respect back, you guys will have to surpass us and be worthy of our attention.
But things like your sanitation problems, rape problems and illiterate problems don't help your reputation.

Wow...someone lecturing Indians about ego eh? For some odd reason, you have this notion that Indians are looking for Chinese approval and respect....LOL!!

May I remind you that the Chinese were never worth mentioning militarily since they got a new asshole torn into them by a little island called Japan...

Maybe you should come talk mighty when you can settle a score with a country 1% of your size and resources before you try to bump heads with a country like India in its current state....
We Indians sympathize with you...

...If China feels no threat from us, thats even better. An overconfident opponent is perfect for the taking...

Luckily, your CPC masters know their nations capabilities better than you...your chest thumping is but laughable..

PS: We are the undisputed power in South Asia...Militarily and economically...and have beaten Pakistan soundly in 2 wars, had you read your history books....so come talk to me when you can eradicate some of those "nuggets" from your own shameful history not so long ago..
With its border along India and Pakistan, China would be regarded as an South Asian power. Its true that it has no power projection in Indian Ocean. But its influence via land mass is quite strong. Himalaya is a big barrier. But not big enough to prevent any border crashes. As a result, India is putting some resources there.

Sure if speaking geographically and not historically, China could be considered South Asia with the inclusion of Tibet...

However I do think that a push through land will not be easy for China with Logistics and limitations of mobile arty and mechanized formations accross the Himalayas not in Chinas favor....Unlike the Pak-India scenario, air battles will dominate any India-China skirmish (note I use the word skirmish because I do not believe that war between India and China will be limited to a bilateral front or prolonged because both countries are too important on the world stage) which again, will not favor China because of the attacks from higher elevations in Tibet...
And the choke point for resources ie. the navy will play a decisive role in any skirmish between the two
Anyways...you are right that India has had to divert a ton of resources to check Chinas rapid infrastructure development in Tibet and bordering India...

Neither Indians nor Chinese are push overs across the India/China border. But instead of talking about war or hegemonic designs, these two nations should discuss exchanges, trade and friendship.

Absolutely....In fact you will be surprised that the common Indian has little to do with the political rivalry between the two nations...I would take the Chinese on this forum and their belligerence with a grain of salt...person to person interaction between the two cultures is healthy and so is our trade which is close to $100Billion already and growing...

Finally, I still have not get any responses and why would an Indian post a Paksitani article that make India out an hegemon and be proud of it. Is this guy a false flag?

My honest opinion....
I feel that Indians are primed in the Idea that Military might dictates the power of a nation....which I think is a result of the current geo-political landscape ie. US waging war on countries unopposed...Chinese rattling their Sabres in SCS....NATO and Europeans dealing with North Africa and Middle East...
I feel an idea of "hegemony" might be looked at as a star on ones lapelle rather than a shameful thing...

Im as surprised as you are since my idea of power starts with the economy and social upliftment.....which India has a long way to cover before tackling any other issues on a global stage (not saying we should be oblivious to whats happening around us or let others run over us, but priorities need to be met before we start popping Cristal if you know what I mean)
India has a thousands of years old civilization that is keeping it together. Don't hold your breath for India to break up. Surely there are social problems. But India is not going to break up because of these social incidents.

It already broke up on religious lines and even Pakistan broke into two on ethnic grounds.
China is mostly one ethnic group nation, this ethno-centrism is even bringing the Taiwanese, Singaporeans closer together.

Please don't overrate your military, you can't even beat pakistan and your minorities are wanting independence to break away from the Indian union and you are talking about conquering more countries. Despite Indian military advances it still remains a very backward military with corruption, poorly trained and too much ego.
That ego and overconfidence was what got you into trouble in 1962.
We have nothing to prove, we fought and defeated India without any question and showed our superiority. That's why India never gets attention in Chinese media despite your media being obsessed with us. We don't rate you in any area and to be frank, we don't rate you as a country and civilisation.
India's reputation took a MAJOR hit in the eyes of China after 1962, as India fell meekly like a backward country. We left India behind long ago mate.
For India to get our respect back, you guys will have to surpass us and be worthy of our attention.
But things like your sanitation problems, rape problems and illiterate problems don't help your reputation.

Agreed, India needs to first overtake Italy and France before trying to compare itself to China in economic terms.
It already broke up on religious lines and even Pakistan broke into two on ethnic grounds.
China is mostly one ethnic group nation, this ethno-centrism is even bringing the Taiwanese, Singaporeans closer together.

Agreed, India needs to first overtake Italy and France before trying to compare itself to China in economic terms.

There is no evidence to support that ethnicity or religion alone can sustain the unity of a nation...
There is a correlation which might indicate that those factors will help, but cannot guarantee it..

We have evidences of both, nations with non-homogenous people being extremely stable and vice versa...

I believe the only thing that is a direct indicator of unity is a sense of nationality....which if you may have missed is at alarmingly high rates in a very diverse environment like India..
Agreed, India needs to first overtake Italy and France before trying to compare itself to China in economic terms.

If you missed the crux of the argument and previous posts...

The Chinese poster here thinks that South Asian countries are inviting China to build ports etc to prevent some sort of figmented Indian hegemonic design...

Our assertion is that it is the Chinese economical prowess that is driving this phenomenon...
The Chinese have a long way before becoming a global power and being a security provider in the Indian backyard....
Sure if speaking geographically and not historically, China could be considered South Asia with the inclusion of Tibet...

However I do think that a push through land will not be easy for China with Logistics and limitations of mobile arty and mechanized formations accross the Himalayas not in Chinas favor....Unlike the Pak-India scenario, air battles will dominate any India-China skirmish (note I use the word skirmish because I do not believe that war between India and China will be limited to a bilateral front or prolonged because both countries are too important on the world stage) which again, will not favor China because of the attacks from higher elevations in Tibet...
And the choke point for resources ie. the navy will play a decisive role in any skirmish between the two
Anyways...you are right that India has had to divert a ton of resources to check Chinas rapid infrastructure development in Tibet and bordering India...

Absolutely....In fact you will be surprised that the common Indian has little to do with the political rivalry between the two nations...I would take the Chinese on this forum and their belligerence with a grain of salt...person to person interaction between the two cultures is healthy and so is our trade which is close to $100Billion already and growing...

My honest opinion....
I feel that Indians are primed in the Idea that Military might dictates the power of a nation....which I think is a result of the current geo-political landscape ie. US waging war on countries unopposed...Chinese rattling their Sabres in SCS....NATO and Europeans dealing with North Africa and Middle East...
I feel an idea of "hegemony" might be looked at as a star on ones lapelle rather than a shameful thing...

Im as surprised as you are since my idea of power starts with the economy and social upliftment.....which India has a long way to cover before tackling any other issues on a global stage (not saying we should be oblivious to whats happening around us or let others run over us, but priorities need to be met before we start popping Cristal if you know what I mean)

Its true that many people believe that military power dictate the power of the nation. But this is not the case any more as economic and social power is more important. With nuclear weapons, its unthinkable to wage war. The US do wage war in other countries but I disagree with this policy. US should extend a hand of friendship to others instead of waging war. US really need to fix its fiscal issues above everything else.
Its true that many people believe that military power dictate the power of the nation. But this is not the case any more as economic and social power is more important. With nuclear weapons, its unthinkable to wage war. The US do wage war in other countries but I disagree with this policy. US should extend a hand of friendship to others instead of waging war. US really need to fix its fiscal issues above everything else.

So true...
If we take examples from the pages of History...the greatest colonial power (Great Britain) got its status from economical poaching rather than straight out military conquests....
That should tell us that the base for any global power projection is a strong and sustained economy...
It should also be noted that the demise of the same colonial power was its military campaign in WW2...
Its true that many people believe that military power dictate the power of the nation. But this is not the case any more as economic and social power is more important. With nuclear weapons, its unthinkable to wage war. The US do wage war in other countries but I disagree with this policy. US should extend a hand of friendship to others instead of waging war. US really need to fix its fiscal issues above everything else.

You see,98% of NK's trade is with China,yet we still don't know how to deal with them.China is the biggest trade partner of SKorean,Japan and Taiwan,yet we still don't have a say on their bussiness.
World Politics is working upon the military power as it always be.
And don't say that's because china is a communist country because we aren't.also we are not a dictatorship country like saudi arabia.
Technically, with the break-up of Pakistan in 1971, India did become the dominant power in South Asia.

Economic rise of China is beginning to challenge that to a certain extant.

But then just as Indian hegemony has benefited China so has Chinese hegemony benefited India with SCS context.
Don't tell me that you are so thick that you can't tell the author is using the term "aspiration" sarcastically. The author is making fun of India.

What would an Indian post an article that make fun of India and some other Indians are supporting him is something I'm still trying to figure out in this forum. Can someone enlighten me on this. This is just so counter logic.
Not surprising if you know the average Indian IQ.
Wow...someone lecturing Indians about ego eh? For some odd reason, you have this notion that Indians are looking for Chinese approval and respect....LOL!!

May I remind you that the Chinese were never worth mentioning militarily since they got a new asshole torn into them by a little island called Japan...

Maybe you should come talk mighty when you can settle a score with a country 1% of your size and resources before you try to bump heads with a country like India in its current state....
We Indians sympathize with you...

...If China feels no threat from us, thats even better. An overconfident opponent is perfect for the taking...

Luckily, your CPC masters know their nations capabilities better than you...your chest thumping is but laughable..

PS: We are the undisputed power in South Asia...Militarily and economically...and have beaten Pakistan soundly in 2 wars, had you read your history books....so come talk to me when you can eradicate some of those "nuggets" from your own shameful history not so long ago..
You can beat your chest all you want but can't erase your own blood and heritage. :bunny: :bunny:

MAHMUD OF GHAZNI (Ghazni is in current Afghanistan)

In year 1000 Mahood Gaznavi passed through India like a whirlwind, destroying, pillaging, and massacring,zealously following the quranic injunctions to kill idolators, whom he had vowed to chastise every year of his life.

His personal historian Alberuni Yamini writes "Mahmud utterly ruined the prosperity of the country and performed there wonderful exploits, by which hidus became like atoms of the dust." He described the attack on the following cities as follows:

• At Thaneshwar.
"The blood of the infidels flowed so copiously at Thanesar that the stream was discolored, not withstanding its purity, and people were unable to drink it. The Sultan returned with plunder which is impossible to count. Praise be to Allah for the honor he bestows on Islam and Muslims."

• At Somnath

"The Muslims paid no regard to the booty till they had satiated themselves with the slaughter of the infidels and worshipers of sun and fire.... The number of infidels killed exceeded 50,000"

• At Mathura

"The infidels...deserted the fort and tried to cross the foaming river...but many of them were slain, taken or drowned... Nearly fifty thousand men were killed."

At Varnasi, Ujjan, Maheshwar,Jwalamukihi, and Dwarka

"Infidels were slaughtered and not one temple survived whole and in tact"

(from Hasan Nizami's Taj-ul-Maasir)

• Kol (Modern Aligarh)
"those of the horizon who were wise and acute were converted to Islam, but those who stood by their ancestoral faith were slain with the sword"
• Kol (Modern Aligarh)

20,000 prisoners were taken and made slaves

'Three bastions were raised as high as heaven with their heads and their carcases became food for the beasts of prey
• Kalinjar
50,000 prisoners were taken as slaves
• Varnasi or Kasi (Benaras) :Kamil-ut-Tawarikh of Ibn Asir records,
"The slaughter of Hindus (at Varanasi) was immense; none were spared except women and children,(who were taken into slavery) and the carnage of men went on until the earth was weary."
• Destroyed Nalanda
• Massacred Buddhist monks
(from Insha-i-Mahry by Ahmed Din Abdullah bin Mahru)

• Delhi : (after Hindus paid the toleration tax (zar-i zimmiya) and poll-tax(jizya) they were foolish enough to build their temples.So...)
"...Under divine guidance I (Sultan) destroyed these temples and I killed the leaders of these infedility and others I subjected to stripes and chastisement "
• Delhi: -a punishment in detail-(From Tarikh-i-Firuz Shahi)

"A report was brought to the Sultan than there was in Delhi an old Brahman who persisted in publicly performing the worship of idols in his house and that people of the city, both Muslims and Hindus used to resort to his house to worship the idol. The Brahman had constructed a wooden tablet which was covered within and without with paintings of demons and other objects. An order was accordingly given to the Brahman and was brought before Sultan.The true faith was declared to the Brahman and the right course pointed out. but he refused to accept it.

A pile was risen on which the Kaffir with his hands and legs tied was thrown into and the wooden tablet on the top. The pile was lit at two places his head and his feet. The fire first reached him in the feet and drew from him a cry and then fire completley enveloped him. Behold Sultan for his strict adherence to law and rectitude."

• Gohana (Haryana):

"Some Hindus had erected a new idol-temple in the village of Kohana and the idolaters used to assemble there and perform their idolatrous rites. These people were seized and brought before me.

I ordered that the perverse conduct of these leaders of this wickedness be punished by publicly abd that they should be put to death before the gate of the palace."
JajnagarExpedition objectives as stated by Sultan)(Source:Ainn-ul-Mulk)
o massacring the unbelievers

on demolishing their temples

• Orissa:'Sirat-i-Firoz Shahi' records his expedition with the following words:

"nearly 100,000 men of Jajnagar had taken refuge with their women, children, kinsmen and relations The swordsmen of Islam turned the island into a basin of blood by the massacre of the unbelievers.

Women with babies and pregnant ladies were haltered, manacled, fettered and enchained, and pressed as slaves into service in the house of every soldier."

• Rohilkhand:Badauni reports in his 'Muntakhab-ut-Tawarikh'

"In two days after leaving Delhi, he arrived in the midst of the territory of Katihar and put to death every male, even those of eight years of age, and bound the women"


• Kambayat:Abdulla Wassaf writes in his Tazjiyat-ul-Amsar wa Tajriyat

he killed the adult male Hindu inhabitants for the glory of Islam, set flowing rivers of blood, sent the women of the country with all their gold, silver, and jewels, to his own home, and made about twenty thousand maidens his private sex-slaves as the great God in quran has prermitted the reward of enemy woman for the victorious jihadis.

Chitoor: More than 20,000 Hindu women including Rani Padmini self-immolated themselves to escape sex-slavery in the hands of Muslim rulers.

• Muslim priests Qazi adviced Khilji on how to conduct his non-Muslim subjects. Here is such a recorded advice:
Hindus are like the mud; if silver is demanded from them, they must with the greatest humility offer gold. If a Mohammadan desire to spit into a Hindu's mouth, the Hindu should open it wide for the purpose. God created the Hindus to be slaves of the Mohammadans. The Prophet hath ordained that, if the Hindus do not accept Islam, they should be imprisoned, tortured, finally put to death, and their property confiscated.

• His invasion of Hindustan: His Tuzk-i-Taimuri records:
"In a short space of time all the people in the fort were put to the sword, and in the course of one hour the heads of 10,000 infidels were cut off. The sword of Islam was washed in the blood of the infidels, and all the goods and effects, the treasure and the grain which for many a long year had been stored in the fort became the spoil of my soldiers.
They set fire to the houses and reduced them to ashes, and they razed the buildings and the fort to the ground.... All these infidel Hindus were slain, their women and children ,and their property and goods became the spoil of the victors "

..".I proclaimed throughout the camp that every man who had infidel prisoners should put them to death, and whoever neglected to do so should himself be executed and his property given to the informer. When this order became known to the ghazis of Islam, they drew their swords and put their prisoners to death.

One hundred thousand infidels, impious idolators, were on that day slain. Maulana Nasiruddin Umar, a counselor and man of learning, who, in all his life, had never killed a sparrow, now, in execution of my order, slew with his sword fifteen idolatrous Hindus, who were his captives."
Fatte of Hindu women captured alive by Muslims was worse than death. Even as their fathers, husbands and children lay killed they had to dance and sing before Muslims and would then be given in slavery to the Muslim kings, generals, soldiers and of course Maulvis. Here is a gleeful Muslim recording of this inhuman barbaric events:

"First of all daughters of Hindu kings captured during the course of the year come and sing and dance. Thereafter they are bestowed upon Amirs and important foreigners. After this daughters of other Hindus dance and sing...Sultan then distributes s them to brothers, sons of high officials ,generals and his relatives."
[Source:Ibn Battuta (A.A.Rizvi in Tughlaq Kalin Bharath)]

So Hindu women preferred death to dishonour. Most of the time the Muslim invaders found only charred remains of women when they entered the Hindu cities. For example, when Allaud-din Khilji attacked Rajputs from behind (before which Rajouts had >magnanimoulsy spared his life showing mercy to the undeserved), butchered them and entered Chitoor Rani Padmini and more than 20,000 maidens had self-immolated. To this day Hindus remember the great queen with pride.

Massacre of Hindus in the South India

Muslims pillaged Vijayanagar for six months and killed every Hindu man , woman and children including pregnanat women. Vijaya Nagar recorded by European travellers as the most beautiful city in the world is today a haunted, destroyed deserted ground unfit to live. To this day the ruins show the amount of barbarism that went into its destruction and even the ruins are testimony to the Hindu genius of architecture.

Whenever the number of slain reached 20,000 he (Sultan Ahemed Shah I Wali) halted for three days and celebrated the killings of infidels (in such a large numbers).

o Chidambaram

Malik dug up the foundations with the greatest care and the heads of Brahmins and idolaters danced from their necks and fell to the ground and their feet and blood flowed in ********.

o Sri Rangam

Finding no valuable information at the Sri Rangam temple (about the hidden bronze statutes) ill tempered Ulugh Khan killed 12,000 Brahmins in a day.


Source: Babur Nama( written byMoghul Emperor Babar himself)
Place:Chanderi (Madhya Pradesh)
In AH 934 (CE 1528) I attacked Chanderi and by the grace of Allah captured it in a few hours...We got the infidels slaughtered and the place which had been daru'l - harb for years was made into a daru'l-islam.
Since the establishment of Moghul rule ...officers and religious leaders spread Islam vigorously destroying Hindu faith. We cleared of the ***** of Hinduism from Faizabad and Avadh.

AKBAR (1542-1605)
Is remembered as the most tolerant. Only one major massacre is recorded in his rule, when he ordered that about 30000 captured Rajput Hindus be slain on Feb 24, 1568 after the battle of Cittid.

JAHANGIR (1605-1658)

Source: Tuzuk-i-Jahangiri
Though in the beginning of his rule Jahangir followed the humanistic rule of his father Akbar the great -the policy of sulehkul even issued a proclamation against the forcible conversion of Hindus to Islam, he revoked Akbar's orders that those who have been forcibly converted from Islam could return to Hinduism.

He severely punished Kaukab, Sharif and Abdul Latif for showing inclination to Hinduism. He also prohibited the free inter-marriage customs between Hindus and Muslims in Kashmir. Hindus marrying Muslim girls and those who had already married were given a choice between Islam and death. Many were killed.

Jahangir's torture of Guru Arjun Dev ji: Guru was imprisoned at Lahore fort. He was chained to a post in an open place exposed to the sun from morning to evening in the summer months of May to June. Below his feet a heap of sand was put which burnt like a furnace. Boiling water was poured on his naked body at intervals. His body was covered with blisters all over. In this agony Guru used to utter.

Tera Kiya Metha lage, naam padarath Nanak mange(whatever you ordain appears sweet. I supplicate for the gift of name)

The Guru was ordercd to be executed. In addition a fine of Rupees two lakhs was imposed on him. Some historians say that, as a measure of clemency at the intervention of Mian Mir, this fine was imposed in lieu of the sentence of death. The Sikhs offered to pay the fine themselves but the Guru forbade them to do so. He replied to the Emperor,

"Whatever money I have is for the poor, the friendless and the stranger. If thou ask for money thou mayest take what I have; but if thou ask for it by way of fine, I shall not give thee even a Kaurz (penny)." The Guru accepted death by torture

SHAH JAHAN (1658-1707)

In 1632 Shah jahan ordered that all Hindu temples recently erected or in the course of construction should be razed to the ground. In Benares alone seventy six temples were destroyed. Christian churches at Agra and Lahore were demolished. In a manner befitting the Prophet he had ten thousand inhabitants executed by being "blown up with powder, drowned in water or burnt by fire".

Four thousand were taken captive to Agra where they were tortured to try to convert them to Islam. Only a few apostacised, the remainder were trampled to death by elephants, except for the younger women who went to harems.
Shahjahan put enormous eonomic pressure on Hindus particularly peasents to become Muslims. The criminals too were forced to become Muslims.

Source: Badshah Nama, Qazinivi & Badshah Nama , Lahori
When Shuja was appointed as governor of Kabul he carried on a ruthless war in the Hindu territory beyond Indus...The sword of Islam yielded a rich crop of converts....Most of the women (to save their honour) burnt themselves to death. Those captured were distributed among Muslim Mansabdars.

Source: Manucci, Storia do Mogor vol-II p.451 & Travels of Frey Sebastian Manrique
Under Shahjahan peasents were compelled to sell their women and children to meet their revenue requirements....

The peasants were carried off to various Markets and fairs to be sold with their poor unhappy wives carrying their small children crying and lamenting. According to Qaznivi Shahjagan had decreed they should be sold to Muslim lords.
You see,98% of NK's trade is with China,yet we still don't know how to deal with them.China is the biggest trade partner of SKorean,Japan and Taiwan,yet we still don't have a say on their bussiness.
World Politics is working upon the military power as it always be.
And don't say that's because china is a communist country because we aren't.also we are not a dictatorship country like saudi arabia.

China is their biggest trading partner. But by how much? These countries still export a lot to the US. And China still exports a lot to the US. So China does not have the necessary economic power to dominate Asia.

A true regional economic domination is US on Canada and Mexico. US account for over 75% of foreign trade of these two countries. Once China account for over 75% of trade with Japan, S Korea and Taiwan, than we can talk about real trade domination.

Not surprising if you know the average Indian IQ.

If India as a nation has a low IQ, than its because its gov does not provide sufficient elementary education. A lot of our intelligence come from how much we absorb and retain our elementary education.
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