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India - An ‘artificial state’

Hindus are allotted separate electorates to vote by, but their political importance is virtually nil.
The intense religious conservatism and politically charged environment in Pakistani Punjab offers limited freedoms for Hindus.
and if u realy can read and plss don argument ..because it is not matter of argument , it is shame for all of them who r against to humanity.
Islam Watch - "Hindus In Pakistan " by Outlook
Cheraman Juma Masjid Kodungallur, Thrissur district, Kerala. Believed to be the first mosque in India, is situated in Methala Village of Kodungalloor taluk in the state of Kerala. Built around 629 AD, the mosque is unique in its appearance as it is based on a mixture of Arab and traditional Kerala art and architecture......

:wave: Outside world did know about Islam in 629 AD. During that time, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was busy establishing a Muslim foot-hold in Medina city (Yasrib). First Muslim Arab trader landed in Kerala could be during the rule of Emir Muwayya.
Outside world did know about Islam in 629 AD. During that time, the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was busy establishing a Muslim foot-hold in Medina city (Yasrib). First Muslim Arab trader landed in Kerala could be during the rule of Emir Muwayya.

May be you are wrong mate.. India’s first contact with Islam and Christianity was in Kerala, where for centuries before the rise of Islam Arab and Jewish traders would visit local ports to trade. Its through this Arab and Jewish merchants St Thomas, one of the Twelve Apostles of Jesus, reached Kerala during AD52 and spread Christianity before it reached to Europe.

Legend has it that a group of Muhammad’s companions visited Kerala on their way back from a pilgrimage to Adam’s Peak in Ceylon, where Adam is said to have lived. Just then, it is said, Cheruman Perumal, the Chera ruler of the principality of Kodungallur in coastal Kerala, witnessed a miraculous happening, the sudden splitting of the moon. The visiting Arab traders explained to the king that the miracle was a sign that a prophet had been sent by God to Arabia. It is believed that soon after, Cheruman Perumal travelled to Arabia and visited the Prophet in person accepted Islam at the hand of Prophet.
We have the world's second oldest Juma mosque after the Prophet's Mosque in Madinah where the Juma prayers have held for the last 1377 years, since the days of Prophet Mohammed.
Just check this link below:)
There was no such thing as India before the British invaded South Asia.

The British saw the Indus River flowing through Punjab and Sindh and came up with the word "British India" for their empire, they even came up with the word for the religion that most of you Indians folow...Hinduism.

Proves how little you know about the history of the subcontinent.
British first came to Calicut, then to Calcutta, and much later to Delhi/Lahore.
India was not derived by British. It has been in use in Greek since Herodotus (4th century BC). The term appears in Old English in the 9th century, and again in Modern English since the 17th century.

The name Hinduism is derived from "Hindu" which inturn is derived from the word "Hind" taken from the Indo-Persian texts. All these words sound more Sanskrit rather than Old English. You need to brush up you G.K, dude.
No matter what you call it, India is here to stay and right next to you. So deal with it.
“My thesis is this: India must boldly assert its claim on Islamic civilization in the subcontinent. That’s the key to end our communal woes. This doesn’t mean that India must become Islamic, or that Indian Muslims must be somehow Hinduised. The idea, instead, is to campaign relentlessly for India’s Islamic civilisational authenticity…..If any single country represents subcontinental Islam, it’s India. Not Pakistan. India’s Mughals, India’s Qutb Minar, Gol Gumaz, and Taj Mahal. India’s Tipu Sultan, Shah Jahan, Akbar, and, why not, Aurangzeb. India’s Urdu. India’s Ghalib and Khusro. India’s Delhi, Lucknow, Mysore, Hyderabad, Malabar, and Agra.”

^^ I agree 100%. I don't see why some people here are trying to argue that.... because we know for a fact India's greatest kings were Muslim. The Taj Mahal is what India is recognized by... all my foreign friends ask "Did you ever see the Taj Mahal" as the first question.

But it doesn't make a difference... India has 140 million Muslims and they're our brothers and sisters. Most of our government isn't BS where if you're Muslim we don't let you establish a party by providing some retarded reason r something else. We have MP's that are Muslim, Dr. Abdul Kalam was muslim; for those Indians who love to put down Pakistan and China: News...
He has breathed life into ballistic missiles like the Agni and Prithvi, which put China and Pakistan well under India's missile range.
<-- that above wasn't done by us "SMART" Hindus ^^

Indian Muslims are Indian! I hate all you that treat them without respect :angry:.

Because you know... India's not YOURS or MINE. It's a place for every religion. That's why we're INDIA, not the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. Every religion has the right on our land and for those who discriminate against them, SHAME ON YOU, stop calling yourself Indian because India's NOT for fights.

Jai Hind!
No matter what you call it, India is here to stay and right next to you. So deal with it.

So you are gonna determine what is to stay and what not....!!! And with the help of that gun...??? Store enough bullets because that day is not very far when india will undergo a civil war... and it is a friendly suggestion to you... :whistle:
As usual, for the author history starts after 712 AD. You can easily guess the text books he picked up the stuff from...

As expected he used the terms zionist, hindu, and fascist very eloquently. But fails to realise they are not India and do not determine what India is.
Your rant says quite the opposite - that you're very ignorant of history of Indian cub-continent. Muslims ruled Hindustan for more than 900 years and remained a minority. All the Mughal kings after Akbar were sons of Hindu Queen Jodha Bai.

As for your rant about two Muslim presidents - tell me how many Hindus are in Pakistan - I bet less than half percent - while Muslims make more than 18% of countries population. Every Muslim MP has to be selected by some Hindu political party in India - while in Pakistan - Hindus, like Christians have RESERVED SEATS in Sindh province (where most of Hindu population reside) - and they don't have to beg any Muslim political party.

Got the picture dude!!

Please check the numbers about the situation just after partition. So they fall below half percent from atleast 5%(adjusted for bangladesh numbers), is there any excuse for that?

India is not only an artificial state, rather an illegitimate mini empire, where the Negroid, Austric and Mongoloid people (who are considered low caste shudras and sometimes even untouchables) are subjugated and enslaved by the hindu self-proclaimed upper castes, and particularly Brahmins till now. Muslims are hijacked by the bigger number of hindus as they always live with fear and the feeling of insecurity. Those hindus who do not accept it, are either brainwashed or Kautilyas (dirty diplomatic people). Now this is the fact so far as the ground realities are concerned.

All topics are inseparably related to one another. It is called relevancy. Therefore one topic may appear relevant while discussing another topic. Unfortunately some people are so prejudiced that they deliberately do not want understand this matter. They may have some vested interests. You can find such specimens right below.

Ahh... God I feel so proud of my country when it evokes such envy from ppl like this.

This post made up for the lack of the word 'Kautilya' in the lead article.:rofl:
And vested interests? who seem to hold them? look closely...
I mean the arrows are in the wrong direction.

So you are gonna determine what is to stay and what not....!!! And with the help of that gun...??? Store enough bullets because that day is not very far when india will undergo a civil war... and it is a friendly suggestion to you... :whistle:

No dude... just make people understand 'Unity is strength' and celebrate your commonness. You don't need bullets.

SO much for the rhetoric...

As for the facts...
I totally agree that India could not have been one single entity had the british not come. Each raja would have formed his own country.
India would have become a 6th continent with the most number of countries than any other.
On the optimistic side, there is a possibility of some unification, given that there were quasi-secular movements like Sufi and common history. The best case, it would have lead to a state similar to the present.

But who cares, whatever happened happened. Not many seem to have a problem with that. And a significant portion of this many are not even Indians.
Also what do you mean by 'artificial'? The british rule is as much a part of history as the mughal rule or any other part. Why do you want to call it artificial?
So you are gonna determine what is to stay and what not....!!! And with the help of that gun...??? Store enough bullets because that day is not very far when india will undergo a civil war... and it is a friendly suggestion to you... :whistle:

wake up to check where civil war is happening.
As usual, for the author history starts after 712 AD. You can easily guess the text books he picked up the stuff from...
I agree those books are not written by Dr. Bernard Lewis or Daniel Pipes.

As expected he used the terms zionist, hindu, and fascist very eloquently. But fails to realise they are not India and do not determine what India is.
Both BJP and Zionist philosophy is based on racism - and both have been bed-fellows since Indra Gandhi established RAW.

Please check the numbers about the situation just after partition. So they fall below half percent from atleast 5%(adjusted for bangladesh numbers), is there any excuse for that?
What "situation" you have in mind?? Religious riots? According to to UN statistics - there have been an average of one communal riots in India for the last 60 years. Got any such great figures from Pakistan?
I agree those books are not written by Dr. Bernard Lewis or Daniel Pipes.

Both BJP and Zionist philosophy is based on racism - and both have been bed-fellows since Indra Gandhi established RAW.

What "situation" you have in mind?? Religious riots? According to to UN statistics - there have been an average of one communal riots in India for the last 60 years. Got any such great figures from Pakistan?

First no comparison with India and Pak.
There social and political stature is different.
India is secular and Pak is Islamic.
and country that is not secular is open invitation to fundamentalist.
I am suprised with Taliban in Pak or orthodox jews in Isrial.
Religions are different but all fundamentalist are same.
There is no cure for "self-denial" - at least not yet.

India is a Hindu fanatic state.

Pakistan is NOT an Islamic State. It's not governed by Shari'ah but western colonial laws.

Israel is not Jewish state. It's a Zionist fascist entity.

No religion is more based on racism than Hinduism and Judaism.
There is no cure for "self-denial" - at least not yet.

India is a Hindu fanatic state.

Pakistan is NOT an Islamic State. It's not governed by Shari'ah but western colonial laws.

Israel is not Jewish state. It's a Zionist fascist entity.

No religion is more based on racism than Hinduism and Judaism.

Is it not "Islamic Republic of Pakistan".
If it is not governed by Shariah laws it some parts are.

what breeds these fanatics with gun who run across country and leaves army no choose but for deal with them:yahoo:?
Is it not Islamic fundamentalism what is rampant in Pak?
There is no cure for "self-denial" - at least not yet.

That's great. So we have identified the disease. That is the first step towards the cure. I have my doubts that you can be cured though!

India is a Hindu fanatic state.

Pakistan is NOT an Islamic State. It's not governed by Shari'ah but western colonial laws.


Israel is not Jewish state. It's a Zionist fascist entity.

No religion is more based on racism than Hinduism and Judaism.

Judaism is the basis of all Abrahamic religions!

I would feel that the religion that talks of condemning 85&#37; of the world, the so called kaafirs to hell is racist! No?
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